Video Game Empire

Chapter 646: The big play begins

From scowling to smiling faces: How much dirt is behind a meal?

This is the title of the front page headline of the latest issue of "Daily Daily", and one of the protagonists of this report is Kadoorie who has been in trouble recently. As we all know, the Kadoorie family is now facing a huge crisis, and the ancestral property of the three generations of the family's entrepreneurship may fall into the hands of others.

As a new generation of Kadoorie family heirs, with his father and uncle getting old, the important task of defending the control of CLP and the Grand Hotel Group falls on Kadoorie.

And his opponent this time, whether it is Li Jiacheng or Liu Ruanxiong, is not the same generation! Therefore, it is not surprising that Kadoorie was photographed by a reporter from "Daily Daily" with a frowning expression on his face!

What really surprised the melon eaters was that he was depressed and depressed just a moment ago, but after a short meal, he suddenly became smiling and radiant!

Who has such a superb ability to let Kadoorie put down the sadness in his heart? Under the bold and black headline on the front page of "Daily Daily", among the three candid photos side by side, the last photo clearly gave the answer!

In the photo, a foreigner with gold-rimmed glasses is about to get into the car, and anyone who knows about high-level officials of the Hong Kong and British authorities can naturally recognize the protagonist who is having dinner with Kadoorie in the photo. , it is the current Chief Secretary of Hong Kong - Howard!

In the political structure of the Hong Kong colonial government, the Chief Secretary is the chief deputy of the Governor of Hong Kong. As the Chief Executive of the British Hong Kong Government, he is responsible for leading all civil servants in Hong Kong and implementing various orders issued by the Governor of Hong Kong!

Before 1976, the post of Hong Kong's second-in-command was called the Colonial Secretary. After changing his name to Chief Secretary in 1976, Howard is the fifth person to sit on this high position below one person in Hong Kong and above five million people!

Since taking office, the Honourable Chief Secretary has been the vanguard of the British Hong Kong government in accelerating the so-called democratization process in Hong Kong! As the chief executive of the Hong Kong government, he is also an ex-officio member of the Hong Kong Executive Council and Legislative Council.

Although the Legislative Council of Hong Kong has long been a rubber stamp, it is, after all, the highest legislative body in Hong Kong. Hodder deliberately threw out a draft of the so-called "Hong Kong Bill of Rights" at a meeting of the Legislative Council not long ago.

He claimed that the five million citizens of Hong Kong have the right to demand that their democracy and freedom not be violated! At first glance, the Chief Secretary looks less like a bureaucrat and more like a personal-power fighter.

In fact, his purpose is nothing more than to disguise himself and the British Hong Kong authorities as the spokesperson of democracy and democracy, so as to whitewash the image of the colonists of the suzerainty country of Hong Kong!

It's a pity that it makes people feel very ridiculous. On the one hand, the Honourable Secretary for Home Affairs tried to push other members to pass the so-called "Hong Kong Bill of Rights" proposed by him, but on the other hand, he very arrogantly rejected many members of the Legislative Council. The Hong Kong Freedom of Information Act, which he proposed accompanying this bill.

You must know that the public opinion supervision of the news media is an important cornerstone of Western democratic society! That's why two reporters from the Washington Post were able to remove Nixon from the US presidency.

And Fleet Street in the UK is famous throughout Europe, not to mention criticizing Downing Street, and even criticizing Buckingham Palace is a common thing!

But all this is invalid in Hong Kong, because Hodder is very clear that if the "Freedom of Information Act" is really passed in Hong Kong, then the Hong Kong and British authorities must be the first to suffer.

After the local media in Hong Kong have legal protection, they can interpret the work of the authorities more unscrupulously and nit-picky! This is extremely unfavorable to him, the Secretary for Home Affairs and the British Hong Kong government!

From this point of view, the hypocrisy of the Englishman can be said to be exposed! Therefore, after the Freedom of Information Act was blocked by the strong opposition of His Excellency the Chief Secretary, the opinion of Hodder in the Hong Kong media began to deteriorate. Because this ghost has hindered the right of all journalists and editors in Hong Kong to get the gold medal of death-free!

Therefore, after finally catching Hodder's braids this time, the reporters and editors of "Daily Daily" naturally chose to blackmail the Chief Secretary without hesitation!

In fact, even if the "Daily Daily" does not deliberately guide, after seeing the three photos on the front page, the people who eat melons will subconsciously make up all kinds of pictures of power and money collusion!

It can only be said that the paparazzi who took pictures of the "Daily Daily" candidly, their ability to capture the camera is really excellent. No matter what Kadoorie talked about during dinner with Hod, the two photos of him with huge changes in his before and after expressions captured by "Daily Daily" are enough to convince most readers that the two have a shady deal!

Although this kind of moral trial in public opinion cannot send Hodder to prison. But unless he can perfectly cleanse himself with strong evidence, it is bound to deal a serious blow to Hodder's credibility in Hong Kong.

And the end of the headline of the "Daily Daily" article is even more violent, directly and publicly reporting Chief Secretary Howard on suspicion of bribery and money-power transactions. The article also questioned whether the ICAC would dare to fight a few big ghost tigers in addition to shooting flies like Chinese civil servants?

This suddenly aroused the emotions of the melon eaters. If Hodder was really pulled down by "Daily Daily", then this would be the Hong Kong version of "Watergate Incident"!

And if Hod suffers from this storm, he will still be able to stand still! So, will this second high-ranking official in Hong Kong launch violent revenge against "Daily Daily" and even the Asian Entertainment Group and Oriental Group behind it!

You must know that Li, the God of Wealth, had just attacked the Governor of Hong Kong and the British government not long Now his newspapers have begun to attack the Chief Secretary again. Could it be that Li, the God of Wealth, really wants to fight with the Hong Kong government?

This is destined to be a real battle between dragons and tigers!

Although most of the melon-eating citizens expressed their incomprehension about why Li Xuan suddenly got into trouble with the Hong Kong government, this did not prevent the emotions of the whole Hong Kong society from being stirred up at once!

It wasn't long before the protesters in front of the Hong Kong Governor's Office dissipated, but now this group of enthusiastic citizens and students gathered again spontaneously, shouting various slogans demanding the punishment of the corrupt official Hod, and directly occupied the gate of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. !

"Why do I feel the recent atmosphere in Hong Kong, why is it so weird all of a sudden? The British seem to have suddenly become a street rat that everyone is yelling at?" The crowd of demonstrators who were negotiating with the police patted for a while, and then asked another, more mature man beside him.

"Haha, you just found out, the news sensitivity is so low, how can you get ahead in the field of reporters!" The veteran man glanced at the young man and said with a teasing.

"You think I like this kind of windy and rainy work. Not to mention the hard work, the salary is still low! When I have a few years of experience in the newspaper office, I will switch to shooting wedding photography!" Not a good employee who does his job and loves his job.

"Haha, you think the salary is low? That's because you are not skilled enough! Do you know how much the three photos in "Daily Daily" a few days ago were worth?" said the old man with a look of disdain.

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