Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 111: The devil soul is immortal

At this moment,

When Zhang Yang's soul was in desperation, his body was still intact, sitting in the wood demon tower with an indifferent expression, as if nothing had happened, undoubtedly, this body was like a walking dead at this moment.


Struggle, struggle again.

Struggling in despair, struggling in an ocean of pain.

There is no way out, no future.

But Zhang Yang was still able to persist, and continued to persist.

The tenacity of the soul and the wildness of the soul continue to give him more strength. Although there is no hope of winning, he can at least remain undefeated.

"Stupid human food, are you worthy to meddle in the extraordinary?"

Suddenly, the entire soul world turned into a sea of ​​lava.

Amidst the magma, a giant monster was standing like the sky and the earth. It roared and shouted at Zhang Yang. It was the magic horned lizard. Why was it still alive?

It is this trace of doubt that instantly makes Zhang Yang's spirit fall, like the last straw that crushes a camel.

"Stupid human crap, you can only serve as my dinner."

The huge magic horned lizard roared and destroyed the world of flame magma in an instant. Zhang Yang felt that all his memories, all his souls, and all the genetic secrets were being fused and decrypted by the magic horned lizard.

He can do nothing, or the only advantage is that he can also simultaneously understand the memory of the magic horned lizard and the secret of the genetic soul. This is a two-way process.

He even knew immediately why the demon horned lizard hadn't died yet, because the demon genes in this guy's body were too strong, so before he died, he triggered a soul talent called the immortal soul. This is a big loss for publicity. s reason.

I just don’t know why the village building order was not detected?

It turns out that there are times when you can do nothing.

Zhang Yang really hates it.

But everything is too late.

In this soul wrestling war, Zhang Yang broke the original balance in an instant because of his previous mental loss. The magic horned lizard had a 51% advantage, and he only had a 49% advantage.

So he can only watch passively, unable to resist.

This is the cruelty of the soul battlefield.

"what's the situation?"

A voice came out suddenly, very familiar, very familiar.

Zhao Xuanling?

Why is he still deep in my soul?

Zhang Yang couldn't believe it, but this time he learned the lessons from the previous time and stayed still, only maintaining his 49% control over the soul.

On the other side, it was obvious that the magic horned lizard fought fiercely with the consciousness left by Zhao Xuanling.

Zhao Xuanling's consciousness was very weak overall, but with a corner of the tortoise, his consciousness was like a sword, and immediately severely damaged the magic horned lizard, and then quickly took away the magic horned lizard's share, about ten percent.

This time, the magic horned lizard has learned well, and no longer takes the initiative to attack, but also chose to defend, but at this moment, Zhang Yang is the strongest one in this soul battlefield.

But he was not busy attacking, because he realized that although Zhao Xuanling is his own, his consciousness hidden deep in his soul is a time bomb.

If you don't take this opportunity to get it done in one fell swoop, you won't necessarily have a moth.

So Zhang Yang still remained silent, not attacking and defending, as if it did not exist.

However, this trick is obviously impossible, because the next moment Zhao Xuanling's voice sounded quickly. (Author's Note: Because it is within the soul, the so-called voice is the consciousness of mind, so Zhang Yang can understand the words of the magic horned lizard, you should not shoot)

"Brother Zhang Yang, this incident was an accident. I have absolutely no malice. How about you and I now join forces to destroy this demon?"

Zhang didn't say a word, anyway, he has the advantage now, so you can do whatever you like.

It's a big deal!

As a result, Zhao Xuanling's consciousness stopped speaking, and the demon soul of that magic horned lizard was even more cunning, silent from beginning to end, just constantly building defenses.

This gave Zhang Yang the inspiration, or it was the memory of the magic horned lizard that gave Zhang Yang the greatest help.

In Zhang Yang's own memory, apart from the unfinished watermelon is the biggest obsession, there is actually no secret, oh, the modified mana structure of the fireball spell is just one.

In addition, he is a pure white.

On the other hand, that magic horned lizard has the blood of the demon clan, rich experience, outstanding qualifications, and it has a lot of secrets, even the talent of immortal demon soul.

From this perspective, he has earned it.

"Just use the devil soul to be immortal."

Zhang Yang quickly made a decision.

This method is the magic horned lizard, oh, originally it was not called the magic horned lizard, but the big horned lizard, which seems to be a fellow with the big horned deer.

This guy was bound to the fantasy village building order, and then in a hero trial, it was very difficult to kill a demon boss, and then the process of fusing the demon soul triggered the legendary confirmed eyes, you are the one who loves me The effect, so the phase **** was as high as 97%, and finally the big horned lizard perfectly obtained the demon gene, and advanced to the magic horned lizard.

Naturally, it has mastered the talent of the immortal demon soul.

But now its soul and Zhang Yang's soul are in harmony, coughing cough, and permeating each other, and such an important core memory is also grasped by Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang acted quickly.

The slender soul threads were easily pulled out by him, and then woven and arranged according to a strange pattern, and finally an extremely tiny soul crystal was obtained.

This crystal is the most critical core unit for the immortality of the devil soul.

According to the memory of the magic horned lizard, this guy made a total of 360 units, so he was able to withstand such a terrifying big explosion, hiding his autonomy in the demon soul, until the publicity merged, and then he almost occupied the magpie's nest. Just let this guy overturn the car.

So the difficulty of the entire Demon Soul Indestructible Talent lies in this.

The smaller the Demon Soul Crystal, the better, because it is easier to hide, and the impact resistance is stronger.

The more Zhang Yang understands this time, the happier.

At first he was worried that he would take the road of evil spirits because of this, and then he found that he had been deceived.

The structure of this magic soul crystal fits physics very well.

The soul filament is a thread,

The soul field is a surface composed of countless lines,

And this magic soul crystal is a three-dimensional structure composed of countless faces.

When many, many demon soul crystals are combined together, let me ask, is the soul silk thread's anti-risk ability stronger, or the soul force field's stronger anti-risk ability, or the demon soul crystal's strongest anti-risk ability?

It is estimated that all kindergarten children can give a correct answer.

Mastering this principle makes it easier for Zhang Yang to weave and arrange magic soul crystals.

He originally had this foundation. He used his soul force field to observe and manipulate the structure of the particle level before, so his soul manipulation ability was extremely strong.

At first, the magic soul crystals he woven and arranged were not as good as the magic horned lizards, but after a while, as he mastered the essentials, the magic soul crystals he woven were only two-thirds the size of the magic horned lizards.

In the end, this ratio continued to expand to one-half.

This effect is quite different.

It is equivalent to Zhang Yang using the same soul power to produce twice the magic soul crystal.

Time has no concept in this soul battlefield.

The magic horned lizard is desperately weaving the magic soul crystal, and the same is true for publicity, both sides are desperately expanding their arms and preparing for war.

But Zhao Xuanling's consciousness remained motionless. From this point of view, this consciousness was a bit rigid, unlike Zhao Xuanling himself.

But Zhao Xuanling's consciousness was very dangerous, and he did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

I don't know how long it has passed. Anyway, Zhang Yang desperately knits and arranges, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and more and more magic soul crystals are woven, and smaller and smaller.

Finally, he was ahead of the magic horned lizard by a large margin, and he finally launched a counterattack, but the target was not the magic horned lizard, but Zhao Xuanling's consciousness.

"Hey, my own person!"

The consciousness was still shouting, but the consciousness that pierced out was as sharp as a sword.

But Zhang Yang was completely unafraid. All the soul power he controlled was woven into a magic soul crystal by him, and his defensive ability and anti-attack ability were more than ten times higher than before.

So even if Zhao Xuanling's consciousness attack was quite sharp, he was still strangled, merged, absorbed, including memory in a blink of an eye.

So far did he know what was going on with Zhao Xuanling's consciousness?

This is of course not that Zhao Xuanling is a hidden master, but that this guy chose to worship the ancestor when he was building the village, or the ignorant is also fearless. He regards himself as an ancestor, and the villagers will worship him if he can Staying in the village may reap the benefits, but unfortunately he only stayed for twenty years.

So later, the villagers continued to worship the ancestors, and eventually bit by bit merged into rivers. Zhao Xuanling became the spirit of the ancestor. Well, no, it was the spirit of the ancestor that gradually became a weird spirit like Zhao Xuanling, retaining most of Zhao Xuanling’s Consciousness and behavior patterns, so they will say something about themselves, and will not attack publicity.

But this thing was finally integrated by Zhang Yang, so this strange consciousness has always been hidden in the deepest part of Zhang Yang’s soul. If it was not the magic horned lizard that did something, Zhang Yang would never know, maybe one day, Zhang Yang Will be renamed Zhang Xuanling!

At this time, Zhang Yang's soul power had occupied 59% of the soul force field, which was enough to completely suppress the magic horned lizard.

He immediately launched an attack.

But this time, the magic horned lizard actually only defended, not counterattack, obviously wasting time.

Zhang Yang is not in a hurry, and steadily advances. He is already in control, and he is not afraid that the magic horned lizard will lift the table.

In this way, and I don't know how long it has passed, Zhang Yang finally broke through the magic horned lizard's defenses and completely cannibalized it.

But at this moment, the magic horned lizard suddenly laughed wildly.

"Human stupid donkey, I am dead, and you will die as well. What do you think I am dragging? I am dragging time. The time outside has passed at least one month. If your body does not eat or drink, it may be long ago. It's rotten, hahaha, let's be a wandering ghost!"

The magic horned lizard chose to blew himself up with his core memory in a frantic laugh. It was naturally not powerful, but what it said almost didn't scare Zhang Yang to death.

Fortunately, he is very calm now, slowly withdrawing from the battlefield of souls.

At this moment, he felt immense hunger and thirst, his whole person was stiff, his eyes would not turn.

Is it true that a month has passed he really became a skeleton?

"My lord has woke up, great, hurry up, where is the rice porridge, pour it down!"

Vaguely, Wu Yuan's voice sounded, Zhang Yang was relieved, and said that the magic horned lizard, you bastard, go and be with your fellow deer demon, I have men next to me, how could they let me starve to death ?

But just after this thought, he heard Renn shout in panic,

"Oh, the Wood Demon Tower is rotten, what should I do? Lord Lord has relied on the Wood Demon Tower to sustain his life for the past month. Now the Wood Demon Tower is completely abandoned.

"Sledgehammer, come here, take your hammer and smash down the two front teeth of the adult. You must feed him rice gruel, otherwise he will be dead." This was Wu Yuan's voice.

"What can I do if my front teeth are smashed? It's better to make a hole in the neck and feed it directly." This was Qin Yidao's voice.

Zhang Yang: You bastards!

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