Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 123: Son of Ghost Mother

Following the footprints of those human races, the more you look at Renn and the others, the more pleasant you will be, because more and more human footprints have appeared on the frost released by Wang Mumu, which shows that at least one human race monster team was a few days ago Passed here.

After searching for more than ten miles in one breath, Wang Mumu didn't need to release the frost to rub the print this time, because they had already seen a few figures running wildly in front, as if they were being chased by something behind.

"Duan Kuan, Zhou Datou, you go first, Song Dahui, Liang Ji, you take ten people to copy from the left, Mumu, you follow me behind."

Ren swiftly gave instructions, and a group of people quickly pressed on. At this time, the few figures who were running wildly also found them, and immediately turned around and ran towards them, running, waving their arms and shouting something.

But Renn and the others didn't care, as long as they were not afraid of meeting Mrs. Ghost, as long as they were not afraid of the strength of their exploration team.

"Run, run!"

When the two sides approached quickly, Duan Kuan and Zhou Datou heard the crazy shouts of the few people, but the strange thing was that there was really nothing behind them, only the horrified expression on their faces proved that they were indeed being chased by something. Killed.

"Stop, what happened?"

Duan Kuan drew a long knife, and Zhou Datou stood behind him with a shield. Both of them had experienced battles and rich experience, so they were very calm.

"Run, run!"

The few people were still running, shouting as they ran, and they came at Duan Kuan and Zhou Datou.

"I make you stand still."

Duan Kuan roared again, but the few people were still running, as if they couldn't hear them.

"Do it!"

Duan Kuan yelled, and a flash of sword light flashed out, which would directly lead to a different place for the first two people. When the sword light flashed again, the bodies of those two people were cut into dozens of segments.

This is not Duan Kuan's brutality, but he knew it was wrong as soon as he hit the knife, because the two men didn't even have a drop of blood in their bodies.

"Big head, retreat!"

Roaring wildly, the long knife in Duan Kuan's hand instantly burst into a scorching sun, and the bright light of the knife soared into the sky. In just a few breaths, he slashed out hundreds of knives, strangling the bodies of the two people into pieces. Thousands of fragments were lost.

Then Duan Kuan pulled away and retreated a dozen meters.

On the other side, Zhou Datou had decisively nailed the last two men to the ground with two consecutive stainless steel javelins.


Duan Kuan pulled Zhou Da's head and turned his head and ran, while giving Renn a retreat gesture.

Although he didn't know why, Ryan didn't hesitate to order Song Dahui and Liang Ji to retreat, while he and Wang Mumu stayed in place to meet Duan Kuan.

Then, within a few seconds, the corpse that was chopped into thousands of fragments by Duan Kuan in one breath began to squirm slowly, returning to its original state in a moment.

And the two people who were nailed to the ground with the javelin by Zhou Datou also pulled their heads out of the javelin in an unbelievable way, and the big wound slowly healed.

"what's the situation?"

Ren was a little confused, because this was the first time I saw him, and everyone else was the same.

"I don't believe in evil!"

Wang Mumu let out a low roar, rushed up with the bull tower shield, and slapped the four weird people into a pile with a shield, and slapped the ground like a rice cake.

Until these four people smashed rice cakes.

But when Wang Mumu picked up the tower shield, the big piece of rice cake came alive again and became four people, still shouting, ‘Run, run! ’Then he entangled Wang Mumu like crazy, as if he was about to squeeze in.

"Go to hell!"

The ice broke out on Wang Mumu's body, and the four weirdos were frozen again. This time he hurriedly drew away and backed away, obviously also having a guilty conscience. This monster could not be killed anyway.

"Use fire!"

Fortunately, Reyn thought about it. Taking advantage of the four monsters being frozen, he quickly piled up firewood around them. After they were lit, there was a burst of ghosts and wolves howling, but since then the four monsters have not been able to heal anymore and were directly burned. Became ashes.

"What the **** is this?"

A group of veterans standing in front of the fire were all looking at each other, and their previous confidence was affected.

"It's the son of Mother Ghost!"

Wang Mumu suddenly said, "I sensed them when they got into my body just now. Of course, I don’t know what they are called. I only know that they also want to turn me into the son of Mother Ghost. Be careful. If a piece of minced meat gets into your body, then you are not saved, or Lord Lord has a way, but I can't save you."

"Ghost mother's son, are you saying that this is some kind of trick by Mrs. Ghost?" Ren asked, Wang Mumu nodded and shook his head, "I don't know much, so let's keep looking."

"Do you want to continue? I'm clinging together, I thought I was no longer afraid of these ghosts when I had a breath of cold, what the **** is the son of the mother of ghosts?"

Song Da Hammer said with horror all over his body, this is too terrifying, too weird, where there is a head-on fight that is comfortable and happy.

"Don’t be long-winded, ghosts, ghost assassins, ghost priests, ghost lady, these are originally mysterious and unpredictable. There are many evil and vicious methods that are normal, but I think that what kind of devil should be the ghost lady to deal with us, so , We must at least investigate the matter clearly, otherwise, after we go back, Lord Lord asks, how do you answer? Wait and get kicked."

Ren reprimanded.

"Hey, Ren, Lord Lord has also told us that when you encounter something that you cannot understand or are incompetent, you must first learn to recognize counsel." Song Dahui protested.

"Bullshit, what is the situation with what the Lord Lord said at the beginning, and what is our current situation? Can it be compared? I am now the leader of the exploration team, so I have the final say and continue to investigate. Start from the direction where the four ghost mothers' sons are running."

Renn decisively ordered, Song Dahui just murmured, watching his three brothers silently, so he didn't say anything.

The four children of the ghost mother ran out to the right. There was a big mountain over there, but the trees were basically chopped down, and a large area of ​​cultivated farmland could be seen.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ren bent down and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground. After a closer inspection, he said, "There must be a coal mine behind this mountain, as the lord said. Look, there are fine pieces on the road. The black scum."

"Everyone is careful. If the four sons of the ghost mother just got out of here, then we are afraid that we will face a fierce battle next. Duan Kuan, lead someone to collect some firewood and place it on our retreat , Mu Mu, you take people to reconnaissance."

Renn was cautious.

Everyone followed the order.

Soon, Duan Broadband collected several piles of firewood and placed them in specific locations.

And Wang Mumu quickly brought people back.

"There is a large building on the other side of the mountain. I don’t know if it’s an orc’s coal mine or iron ore, but the lord must not have time to search for it that day. Besides, I found traces of the son of the ghost mother over there. There are almost a few hundred. Well, there are human races, there are orcs, as well as jackals and bighorn deer, we seem to be no rivals."

Wang Mumu had a rare guilty conscience, and there was no way. The kind of ghost mother's son could not be killed by a knife, and could only be burnt with fire. It would be fine if Lord Lord was here.

Ren hesitated, and the hundreds of children of the ghost mother made him feel very difficult.

"Fire attack, go pick the wood, set up a big trap here, and wait for the sons of the ghost mothers to be attracted by us—"

Before Renn finished the arrangement, he heard a stern scream, and a black flame rose in the sky, constantly making screams.

"It's the ghost priest, oh, it's trying to attract the children of those ghost mothers!"

"Shoot it!"

Ren and the others reacted quickly, but the ghost priest seemed to recognize them as much as they were. He was always floating at an altitude of six to seven hundred meters, constantly screaming, attracting the son of the ghost mother on the other side of the mountain.

"End, end!"

"Light the fire! Let's fight back!"

"Mu Mu and I are wide in the front section on the right side, the sledgehammer is on the left side, and you are the big head! Just stare at the sky. If the ghost priest dares to approach, he will shoot his head. This ghost call is too ugly. !"

"Everyone is careful not to get into the body by the sons of these ghost mothers, try to chop them up and throw them into the fire."

Ren swiftly commanded and dispatched. At this time, it was too late to retreat, and he was not allowed to retreat. This was the first time he led the team out as a leader. If he went back in a desperate manner, how would he see people?

In particular, he still possesses the most powerful Wang Mumu.

At this time, between these words, a large group of ghost mothers' sons had already appeared on the hills. They were howling and shouting. On the surface, they were no different from normal people, except for incomparable panic.

If you didn't take precautions in advance, it would be easy for the sons of these ghost mothers to throw them closer.

In a blink of an eye, the sons of these ghost mothers had already rushed to within a few tens of meters. Wang Mumu took the lead and charged with a shield, and then rushed to a large area. Then, before the sons of ghost mothers pounce on him, a burst of ice broke out. Dozens of stiff, one round, the huge bull tower shield is like playing golf, smashing the frozen sons of the ghost mother directly into the fire.

With this hand operation, Ren could only sigh as he looked at it. Wang Mumu was a bit full of brain responses, but he had a tendency to look for one thing and wouldn’t look back. This was also what he could quickly advance during the war. The reason is that the fighting power of the King of Shield Soldiers is not a joke.

Immediately, Ren and the others felt relieved. They were so worried before that they didn't know how powerful Wang Mumu, who had both extraordinary attributes, was.

Wang Mumu has always been taciturn, he doesn't say it, and others don't know how good he is.

So when Renn also rushed up with the stag tower shield, the battle was stabilized. Others didn’t need to do anything. They only needed to throw wood into the fire and prevent the children of the ghost mother from escaping from the fire. That's it.

In less than five minutes hundreds of children of the ghost mother were all wiped out.

When you look at me and when I look at you, all people can't believe it.

"You can't be careless, just pick firewood and make it together. From now on, everyone is carrying a large bundle of firewood. I have found out why Lord Lord asks us to prepare firewood every time he moves. It turns out that this is really a home trip. What a good thing!"

Renn was very authentic.

This made everyone nodded again and again, including Wang Mumu.

Because if the fire was not prepared in time, believe it or not they have to be here today? Where could it be so easy to kill.

"Hey, is it my own? I'm Mr. Wang Shun, your good neighbor, who, I know you, Wu Yu is my good friend, I collected the ashes for him, I am a friendly army."

At this moment, there was a trembling sound from the hill in front, which seemed to be overwhelmingly frightened, and then a head appeared.

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