Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 128: Easy to kill, hard to punish

When Zhang Yang finished speaking, he keenly discovered that there was finally a slight change under the big man's body like a rock.

So he smiled with satisfaction, that's right, an opponent who is suspected of having a priesthood is simply the best source of incense for faith in the mountain god!

If the soul of this guy can be captured, the harvest meeting is no less than dozens or even hundreds of ordinary believers.

But again, this kind of thing will be extremely difficult.

It's easy to kill, but it's difficult to collect the heart. What's more, this is to collect a devout believer with firm belief, excellent self-discipline, and strong will.

Quietly stepped back, Zhang Yang entered the cowhide tent, but he still kept alert, holding a spear in one hand, slowly picking up the well-maintained crossbow, and then leaving again on alert, and then placed the crossbow ten meters away. outer.

During the whole process, he was ready to attack the big man at any time. This was a bottom line. He was weak now and couldn't put himself in danger.

But at the same time, he couldn't make the big man feel completely desperate. It would be no fun to commit suicide directly.

In short, this is very subtle, a war of will.

Next, the big man remained motionless, as if he was really desperate, and let Zhang Yang move away the items in his tent like a mouse.

But Zhang Yang himself knew that the big man was waiting for the opportunity.

This is a guy whose bones are harder than steel, and he can survive the terrifying plague.

Under the temptation of publicity, he can even disdain to make false claims and not even give a chance to bargain.

So this guy is either really a noble soul or a religious fanatic!

The Dahan’s possessions are still very rich, including--

One steel gear crossbow and 25 steel crossbow arrows.

A big sword in the gap.

A short sword.

Half-broken shield side.

A pair of chains.

One spear head.

A mace with a pattern.

Horse meat is about 30 kilograms.

Five catties of black bread.

One water bladder.

Nine gold coins, 27 silver coins, and 76 copper coins.

One seal.

A pair of banners.

A flaming scythe for ignition.

A bunch of woman's hair wrapped in a handkerchief.

Finally there is a crumpled letter.

It is very rich, Zhang Yang feels that he can construct a romantic and sad story for this big man with proposition composition at any time, and it is still a three-thousand-word chapter.

But for the time being, he does not intend to use these items to anger the big guy.

"Then come to a wild game to survive!" Zhang Yang was fighting spirited.

In fact, he has no other way, the desolate field, the strange map, the injured body, he has to pray that he will not encounter the ferocious beast.

Next, Zhang Yang first moved all the supplies 30 meters away from the big man, and tried hard to eat a little horse meat jerky. Finally, he sat down and tried to wind the steel gear crossbow.

And almost at the same time, the big man suddenly got up, and rolled out of public sight after two consecutive rolls.

When Zhang Yang stood up from the ground again, the big man had actually rolled out fifty or sixty meters, crawling forward with his hands and feet together, and his speed was quite fast.

Obviously, this big man's understanding of his surroundings is beyond publicity anyway.

"Hehe, as expected, this guy has already had a detailed plan."

Zhang Yang was not surprised, nor did he catch up. The big Han Kong who had lost one leg had a strong combat power, but in this environment he was still not an opponent of Zhang Yang with a wooden spear, even if his body was weak.

The big man quickly climbed out two hundred meters away, leaning on a big rock, panting violently, and swiftly throwing grass around, weaving the weeds into a rope with a rock tied at one end.

Look! This guy has quickly found a way to fight against the flamboyant spear, and the big stone can be used to avoid the threat of the crossbow bolt.

Zhang Yang laughed silently, because he didn't have much energy to laugh out loud.

"Very well, the main quest has officially begun. If you want to conquer a world, start with conquering a devout fanatic."

Zhang Yang sat down again, ate some dried meat to regain his strength, and then continued to wind the steel gear crossbow.

And two hundred meters away from the opposite side, the big man was madly smashing grass, stones, and everything!

He didn't want to die, let alone die without dignity, especially dying at the hands of a **** heresy, which he couldn't tolerate.

So he is willing to accept this extraordinary battle, in this desolate wild, who can survive whom?

Yeah, it's ridiculous. Both of them died soon and were about to die. They should have cooperated very well. They belonged to the weakest food chain in this wilderness.

But now a war is about to start.

The war of two people.

Zhang Yang is also preparing. Now he occupies the most starting resources, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, poor execution.

The big man has no resources and is capable of execution.

Zhang Yang has a mountain god, which can exempt the plague from infection.

The big man is strong and strong, and the plague can't help it for a while.

Zhang Yang has a chance to kill the big man, but for the trial of the mountain god, he must get the faith and soul loyalty of the big man, so he cannot easily kill the big man can't wait to eat Zhang Yang's meat, but he didn't have the chance ability.

Then you can only get through it, and see who gets through it!

"My lord, within three days, there will be rain in this place, and the amount will be sufficient."

The mountain god, the salted fish, can only shout 666 at this time, "Your eyes are so accurate! I sensed a strong incense of faith in him. As long as he can become my believer, I have the confidence to open the situation in this strange world. ."

Zhang Yang ignored the mountain god, this salted fish was weaker than him, and could provide this piece of information.

Since there will be heavy rain in the next three days, he knows what to do.

First, choose a high ground and avoid low-lying.

Look at that big man, he chose a high ground too, yes! This is the most difficult opponent to encounter.

"Digging the ground, digging the ditches! Well, I'm working together, that guy is doing that too!"

Zhang Yang really didn't believe it. That big man could not exist like an ascetic monk.

Dig, collect, build walls with mud and weeds.

Repair weapons and make simple traps.

Also, cutting down trees, cutting, and making wooden rafts, this is to defend against possible beasts.

The big guy was doing similar things, and he started eating bugs, eating earthworms, and digging mouse holes.

It's crazy!

For a moment, the publicity almost shook, because the big man was too strange, and it was obvious that as long as he put down his faith and turned to the mountain god, everyone would be happy.

But in the end, Zhang Yang resisted.

Because this is the trial of the mountain god, the salted fish of the mountain **** is the protagonist.

So it must be done from this perspective.

"Zhuxin! I'm so special that I will take similar trials in the future, I will be a fool!"


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