Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 141: Divine power draw

"Oracle: Whoever believes in me will meet under Storm City."

When Zhao Xianyu's oracle reached level 25, the first oracle issued was shocking, probably because there was no interference shielding by intruders.

This oracle resounded directly in the hearts of almost all living creatures within thousands of miles, regardless of whether they were enemies or ourselves.

I don't know the situation in the distance. Anyway, within 500 kilometers outside Storm City, there are directly 5000+ faithful and 500+ fanatics.

In Storm City, the direct advanced integrity that was originally still hovering in the pan-trust stage, the direct advanced credibility of honesty.

Simply developed.

The whole city is a believer of a god, and the feeling is even a bit scary.

"My lord, we have declared war with all the invaders, isn't it too high-profile?"

Zhao Xianyu asked with great worry, he really didn't understand why Zhang Yang, who had been out of the realm of life before, was so radical and so high in a blink of an eye, it was not like a person.

"High-profile? Do you think you don't know those enemies if you don't high-profile?"

Zhang Yang sneered, "If you want to gossip, you must go to the bottom, if you can't go, you must be thunderous, go all out, hesitate, hesitate, and you will only kill yourself."

"I don't know how the world is today, but we must win the most believers before the invaders react. The believers are the foundation of the gods. Otherwise, the 100,000 people around Storm City will fight. Must win this war?"

"But, my lord, didn't you say that the secrets of the gods of this world have been cracked by foreign invaders? I'm worried—"

"Worry for a fart, the gods in this world are not weak chickens. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed. There is no flaw. With enough believers and a place to stay, such gods are invincible."

"In short, don't worry about these general matters. How about the candidate of the Holy Wood Paladin I asked you to choose? What is the situation with that Robin with broken leg? I have already been lifted by him once. If it is lifted by him again After the table, Zhao Xianyu, I will immediately make you salty!"

"Yes, sir, the selection of the Holy Wood Paladin is very smooth. According to the conditions you mentioned, I have selected 500 fanatics and 300 faithful disciples in total to prepare to become the Holy Wood Paladin. In addition, I also follow your Ordered to identify 36 priests, and you can meet them in person."

"As for Robin with broken leg, he doesn't see anything wrong now. He just works very hard to maintain Storm City's defenses and block all the supplies. Uh, my lord, I think he can't make any waves anymore, if he If there is still a double heart, he was simply frightened by the tragic sight after the deep cold fog passed."

"Now the entire Storm City is full of my faithful and fanatics. I just need to say that he is guilty and he will be torn to pieces immediately."

Zhao Xianyu reported cautiously, not to mention that he is now a 37-level mountain god, but he is really up and down, anxious, and dare not presumptuous in front of Zhang Yang.

"Yes, you can figure it out by yourself. I won't appear in front of those people. As for the Holy Wood Paladin, you can bestow the magic and magic power on your own so that they can form combat power in the shortest time, because I need a strong Cavalry can patrol and guard the surrounding area of ​​Storm City."

"In addition, you can revive Dammer the Hammer to me and turn him into your fanatic. I will give him the position of the **** of forging, and then call up the blacksmiths and craftsmen of the city. The equipment of the holy wood paladin cannot be Fanpin."

"Oh, besides, I have raised your divine divination technique to level 28 for no reason. From now on, I will divination every 6 hours. Now, show me the attributes of these things. ."

Zhang Yang took out the items previously obtained from the storage orb.

They are the size of two fists, but weigh more than 200 kilograms of dragon scale steel.

Three blue mysterious stones.

A stone tablet full of runes with unknown patterns.

He originally planned to use the golden scale to identify these things when he returned to the fantasy world, but now Zhao Xianyu's divination skills have reached level 28, which just happens to be used.

Soon, Zhao Xianyu replied.

"My lord, the divination of Dragon Scale Steel consumes 1 unit of divinity, and the divination has been completed."

"The divination of the blue stone consumes 1 unit of divinity, and the divination has been completed."

"Only that stone tablet needs 10 units of divinity, is it for divination?"

"Yes, fortune tell me."

Zhang Yang didn't hesitate at all. After a while, three pieces of talisman paper floated from him, two of which were blue talisman paper and one was golden talisman paper.

He took it and opened the two blue talisman papers. There was nothing on them, but they burned by themselves, and then two pieces of information appeared in his mind.

"Thousands of dragon scale steel, blue top grade, produced in the world of immortals, forging magical tools, necessary things for flying swords, toughness +18, sharpness +24, spiritual heart +15, swiftness +18, control +20. "

"Meng Li Stone, blue top grade, produced in the world of Xian Xia, forging magic weapon, flying sword thing, spiritual heart +9, swiftness +9, control +9."

Open the golden rune paper again, and the same message appears.

"Stealing the heavens one-qi good fortune profound art, golden inferior grade, produced in the world of Xianxia, ​​practicing exercises."


"Hey, it's actually a practice technique?"

Zhang Yang was overjoyed in his heart, and then suppressed it. This is not a good time to practice, and the time is too late. There are so many things in Storm City that he can't be distracted.

Qiang Zi suppressed the practice of this exercise, Zhang Yang continued to formulate the big and small strategy through the mountain **** order.

Now that the entire Storm City has become a believer of the Shenmu Mountain God, all the various things, large and small, have also appeared in the form of information mapping.

If you don't care about it, these things will still be handled or ignored by the person who should be in charge.

But now, Zhang Yang is equal to the logistics chief of the entire Storm City. He has to search for information that is useful to him from this dense information, and then integrate it, and Zhao Xianyu will issue an oracle for processing, not to mention that this is quite efficient. .

A few hours later, the entire Storm City completely completed the transfer from secular power to theocratic power, including the Storm City Lord, who became a fanatic of the Shenmu Mountain God.

At this time, Zhang Yang passed Zhao Xianyu and issued a new round of oracles.

"Oracle: To give 18 people such as Tom the fanatic a level 3 hurricane divine spell, level 3 divine power absorption, all promoted to storm priest."

"Oracle: For 18 people such as Daim the Fanatic, they were given a level 3 forging magic, and they were all promoted to forging priests."

"Oracle: To grant the cultivator Dodge and other eighteen people the level 3 blaze divine art, the level 3 divine power absorption, all promoted to the flame priest."

"The oracle: to give 500 people including the holy wood paladin Bobby a 2nd-level divine art, and 2nd-level divine power draw."

"Oracle: The establishment of the Holy Wood Holy Knights, the Holy Wood Holy Knight Juus is the chief of the Knights, and he is promoted to the priest of war. He is given the 5th-level war cry magic and the 5th-level divine power draw."

Five consecutive oracles directly established the new power core of Storm City. Since the oracles resounded directly in the hearts of every believer, this effect is extremely good. No one can fake it, and no one can do things, such as Robin with broken leg.

However, such a large-scale consumption of divinity and madness is indeed scary enough, and this wave directly consumed all the inventory in Zhang Yang and the mountain **** order.

Especially the level 3 divine power draw, this is not a magic technique, but an open authority.

It is the most important core part of Zhang Yang reforming the world's **** code.

In the past, the gods in this world were invaded by outsiders, and it was easy for the gods to not contact the believers, and the believers could not find the gods. This is certainly because they did not value the importance of information communication, but mainly because the gods were too stingy. Too stingy, too centralized.

If the power of faith is regarded as wealth and a **** belief system is regarded as a state power, then the gods are almost equivalent to holding 90% of the country’s wealth and power, and the rest is in the hands of clergy.

It’s okay when it’s okay, but occasionally a miracle will make stupid believers give generously.

However, if an external enemy invades, as long as the enemy cuts off the communication system, the believer will not be able to contact the gods, nor can they receive divine power.

And without weapons and ammunition, no matter how wild faith it is, it can't support fighting.

How to fight the invading demons and monsters by the flesh alone?

So it fell into an endless loop.

The gods are trapped, the believers are killed, and the gods fall.

But now, Zhang Yang has given 555 believers the power to draw divine power in one breath, which is quite terrifying.

In other words, even if these people can't get in touch with Zhao Xianyu in the future, they can still develop believers through the authority drawn from this divine power, and then supplement their divine power from the development process.

Well, it's almost like letting them be warlords by themselves, and it means to be self-sufficient.

Zhang Yang didn't care if Zhao Xianyu would become Emperor Minghuang of Tang, it didn't matter.

As long as he can win the war.

Moreover, the fighting power of priests and paladins who have the authority to draw their own supernatural powers would be very terrifying.

Zhang Yang didn't need to come forward, and he didn't need to build weapons and equipment for those Paladins. It was unnecessary.

This is the power of innovation.

At this time, Robin with broken leg didn't have that qualification even if he wanted to lift the table.

"But these are still not enough, because there is not one enemy. So far has seen three kinds of invaders in the Storm City area, namely, ghosts, paper men and the sect behind them. There is an abyss ghost race about to land."

"For the time being, there is no need to be afraid of ghosts, because according to the currently known information, a ghost can only swallow one soul at a time, so if facing a large army, hundreds of ghosts can be a charge. Kill it."

"The only thing to worry about is the paper man, its owner and the sect behind it, and the abyss ghost tribe."

"So in any case, I can't show my face, I can't expose myself, if necessary—"

"My lord, the new divination result has come out."

Zhao Xianyu suddenly reported, and then a black talisman paper appeared out of thin air.

Zhang Yang took it, and the talisman burned instantly, and in the rising black smoke, a pale smiling face was faintly visible, staring at him.

paper man!

Paper people again!

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