Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 146: Heavenly Kingdom

Now Zhao Xianyu has three treasures.

Thick skin, divination, high voice.

Thick skin refers to his high level, enough blood, and he can't kill him no matter how he fights.

The high voice refers to his 30th-level oracle, and everyone within fifty thousand kilometers can hear it.

Finally, divination, level 30 divination, was a mess, and directly helped Zhang Yang to kill a cultivator during the foundation building period.

In the same way, items are enlightened, identified, and translated, which is very easy to use.

It is like the Qingyun Imperial Swordsmanship obtained by Zhang Yang before. If it is changed to use the fantasy village building order + golden scales to identify it, it is impossible to make a full set, only the fragments.

So at this moment, facing the lame Robin who was more difficult to deal with, Zhang Yang immediately dispatched Zhao Sanbao, oh, one of Zhao Xianyu's three treasures.

This is really a fortune teller, all demons and ghosts appear.

"My lord, this divination is a bit weird. I need at least 50 units of divinity to get it done."

Zhao Xianyu's voice is rare and cautious, "It's not the lame Robin who wants to plot against you, do you want me to abolish him immediately?"

"No, that lame Robin dare to make such a condition with me, he must have some holdings, or fortune telling first, I want to know what his real trump card is?"

"Yes, I know, but sir, you have to relax. We have used 70 units of the 500 units of divinity now, and we can't even lose the divinity of going home."

Zhao Xianyu began to divination. This time it took an extremely long time. It took a full half an hour before an extraordinary talisman with colorful light appeared. At the same time, Zhao Xianyu was extremely weak. the sound of.

"My lord, you must be careful. That's why the coffin is an artifact. It seems that Robin is right. His great-grandfather is indeed an indigenous **** in this world. This is an artifact that can still work. ."


Zhang Yang was also taken aback. There was no reason, no reason, and Robin's great-grandfather, this **** obviously possessed a magical tool, why bother to cheat Lao Tzu? It’s not good to be a **** yourself!

"What other information?"

"No, my lord, I tried my best. I can only say that the lame Robin shouldn't be able to control this artifact, or there is something weird about this artifact. Hell, your lord, you must be careful. Now, that piece of talisman paper can keep you safe."

Zhang Yang hesitated and grabbed the extremely special piece of rune paper, but this time, the rune paper has not changed. Using the mountain **** order to see, this attribute is so strong.

"Mountain runes (legendary, explanation, the chance of making them is extremely rare)."

"Number of uses: once."

"Effect of use: Universal magic rune, carry it with you, and you can take the initiative to exempt you from death penalty."

"How to use: what you think, wherever your runes come."


I mow the grass, is Zhao Xianyu already so awesome?

Zhang Yang was extremely shocked, but he was stunned in the next second, because Zhao Xianyu's mountain **** level had fallen to 37.

"Salted fish, what's the matter, how did you drop?"

"My lord, didn't you let me divination the coffin? That thing was a divine weapon. It was sealed before. It was all sorts of traps inside. It is good for me to drop level 3. But now you can open it. There is a problem."

"You mean, I don't need to use this mountain rune?"

"Uh, I'm not sure, my lord, for safety's sake, you should take it with you."

"Shut up, I'm asking you, how many of these runes can you tell?"

"I can’t fortune even one of them. Just now, this one is pure luck. As you know, it is a divine tool. The seal backlash on it is actually integrated into this rune, so unless you can find me again An artifact for me to divination, otherwise, there will be only one in the sky."

Zhang Yang was speechless. In the end, he gritted his teeth and put the mountain rune next to him. Only then did he carefully open the transparent coffin of the soul. In any case, he had to get his soul back.

In the next second, Zhang Yang was living like years, and then the lid of the coffin opened, and he felt that there was a huge suction and instantly sucked him in.

But the bad thing is that the mountain rune is not activated-then Zhao Xianyu, who should kill a thousand swords, will not get him a fake, right?

Zhang Yang just yelled, and found that he was already standing on the top of the cloud, um, mountain rune, well, he didn't even have a body.

"Pure soul state?"

He quickly reacted, and then he immediately sensed that his soul was fully recovered, his A+ grade was extraordinary, without any damage, and he even recovered a lost memory, that is, he came to possess the little shoemaker and was crippled. The segment that Bin gave to the plot.

"So am I in this artifact? Wait, it's not right here."

Here is a peculiar space, with sky and atmosphere, and thunder and lightning, but it seems to be incomplete, broken by something.

After publicizing the changes in his mind, he found that he could wander in this huge space at will, whatever his thoughts came, he could do whatever he wanted.

"I'm here, isn't this the relic of the kingdom of God of the lame Robin great-grandfather?"

Finally, Zhang Yang realized this, and then he began to deliberately move towards the direction of lightning and thunder, passing thunderstorms and dark clouds, he finally saw a high mountain, well, a giant like a mountain, just sitting On the throne of heaven and earth, with a huge sword stuck in his chest, he couldn't catch his eyes.

The mighty power is like prison, but it doesn't feel much to show up.

"Congratulations, the 5th-level kingdom of God (broken) was discovered and cannot be picked up."

"The corpse of the 22nd-level thunder and lightning **** is found.

"Discover a false **** position, don't pick it up."

"The God Spirit Village Building Order (incomplete) is found, it can be picked up, is it used to fuse the Mountain God Order to upgrade?"


The sudden information mapping surprised Zhang Yang, but he was not busy picking up the fusion, but looking around along the **** seat, what a tragic battlefield.

I saw that there were no less than tens of thousands of corpses floating around the **** seat, below the corpses-huh?

Isn't this Storm City?

That's right, it's Storm City. He can even see a little bit of fire in Storm City, and he can see the two rivers around Storm City. Subconsciously, he will reveal the soul field--

The next second, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, his eyes full of surprise!


His soul returned to his body, no, all his power was back again. At this moment, he is the real him, not in the body of the little shoemaker.

Touching his chest, the mountain rune was still there, but it was not activated.

With a long sigh of relief, Zhang Yang felt that many of his doubts were suddenly clear.

For example, why the abyss ghost tribe and the paper man sect are staring at Storm City.

For example, why the lame Robin is so confident to make a deal with him.

All the reasons are here, that is Storm City, the kingdom of the **** of thunder and lightning!

Between the heaven and the underground virtual reality of the kingdom of God, the coffin is not a divine tool at all, but the entrance to the kingdom of God.

And because this kingdom of God was connected to Storm City, it couldn't be picked up or merged at all, so the lame Robin didn't worry about Zhang Yang's meeting with Cai and killing others.

What he can take away from this kingdom of God is only a 3rd-level **** to build a village, which is still incomplete.

And because of this special kingdom of God, the lame Robin is the most suitable master of Storm City, and the most suitable **** to be the catcher. If Zhang Yang wants to leave no flaws, pat his **** and leave.

Of course, there is a better choice, and that is to keep Zhao Xianyu.

"Salted fish, call the lame Robin again, and you too. It seems that we really need to face this native."

A few minutes later, the lame Robin and Zhao Xianyu returned to the basement chamber.

"I have been to the Kingdom of God, and I have to say that your great-grandfather is really a talent."

Zhang Yang went straight to the point.

"My lord, you are absurd. The life of my great-grandfather can actually be regarded as a kingdom of God, and a kingdom of God when he fails. Did you know that in order to create this unique kingdom of heaven and earth, virtual reality, he spent a lot of time Full of 1200 units of divinity."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for him to die as a false **** at level 22. If he can break through level 40 and become a true god, those otherworldly demons will not succeed so easily, and to be fair, he is the best in our world. So being invaded, my great-grandfather has to bear the greatest responsibility. It is his death that leaves our world without any secrets!"

"And now, the alien demon who came because of my great-grandfather cannot temporarily capture Storm City because of the special kingdom left by my great-grandfather. This is really a great irony. However, my lord, what I have to say is that if you And my lord is willing to stay, relying on this heaven and underground kingdom, it is absolutely impossible for those alien demons to capture Storm City."

The lame Robin was very sincere and authentic.

At this moment, Zhang Yang sensed his sincerity. Yes, the matter is at this point. There really is no need to hide any further tricks. Moreover, the Kingdom of God is already under the control of Zhang Yang. As long as he wants, he can immediately transfer the Kingdom of God. Integrate with Storm City to create a super invincible fortress that runs through virtual and reality.

With Zhao Xianyu's 37-level mountain **** and more than half a million mad believers, this is a sure win.

Therefore, there is no need for Lame Robin to lie.

Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at Zhao Xianyu, "Give you a chance, a chance to be independent, not to be my subordinate, and a chance to be my vassal. You can stay and I will help you win the next battle. , Will also help you to perfectly integrate Storm City and the Kingdom of God. As long as you guard, as long as you don’t make mistakes and take the initiative to attack, the enemy will never defeat you."

"My lord, my loyalty to you can be learned from the sun and the moon, my lord!"

Zhao Xianyu was so scared that he knelt down with a thump, his psychological shadow was too great.

Zhang Yang didn't help him, but just watched calmly. For a long time, Zhao Xianyu got up on his own and smirked, "My lord, is this true?"

"Of course, my village does not lack you as a mountain god, but this city lacks a savior! Although I am an alien demon, since more than 500,000 people in Storm City have given me what I need, I I don’t mind helping them without affecting my interests."

"But, my lord, you can also hand over all of this to the lame Robin!"

Zhao Xianyu asked.

"First, I still don't believe him; second, the transfer of faith will lose faith, which is not good for the next war; third, if I want to come to Storm City in the future, he will kill me directly, and you, will you refuse?"

"No, definitely not! Uh, my lord, you must believe in my loyalty!" Zhao Xianyu shouted, almost crying.

"That's the decision." Zhang Yang said lightly.

"But sir, are you really willing to abandon me? I'm a 37-level mountain god, if you take me back--" Zhao Xianyu still couldn't believe this good thing of falling pie in the sky.

"Don't be stupid, a **** without faith is a decoration. Did you forget how your 37-level mountain **** came from? Unless you can pack all the more than half a million mad believers in Storm City back, otherwise, After you and I go back, it is Huang Liang Yimeng, and you are still a level 5 mountain god.

Zhang Yang's words finally pierced Zhao Xianyu's last hope. Indeed, this is the cruelest reality.

So he didn't say anything. Even if the world is dangerous, as a god, who would refuse to have more than 500,000 mad believers, and the temptation to send a super **** kingdom at the beginning?

Such an achievement can only be achieved by working hard for tens of thousands of years in that small village in the fantasy world!

"Do you have an opinion?" Zhang Yang turned to look at the lame Robin.

"I don't have any opinion. Even if I have ambitions, I still want to save my hometown and my world. If my lord is willing to stay, I am willing to dedicate my soul to coexist and die with Storm City and my lord~www.mtlnovel .com~ The lame Robin said very simply.

"Very well, let's decide it like this, Zhao Xianyu, I will leave you with 200 units of divinity and control of this kingdom of God. All you need to do is to hold on here. In fact, you don’t care about those. Enemy, you can be honest, every day with one oracle, one fortune telling, and you will surely win. In the kingdom of God, you can still get about 300 units of divinity, plus the throne of the **** of thunder and lightning. God’s body, such a good deck of cards, if you still lose, then don’t live."

"In short, you are responsible for theocratic matters, and Robin is responsible for the kingly matters. You can make him crown a king. Don’t always think about squeezing the faith of believers. Fanatics are good for a god, but in the long run, honest believers. The most appropriate thing is to let them cultivate, produce, and manage. A prosperous human world is the most solid foundation for your kingdom. Maybe one day you can save this world, even if it is already barren. "

Zhang Yang patted Zhao Xianyu on the shoulder and shook hands with the lame Robin. In this trial, he basically did not show up. Except for the lame Robin, even the other alien invaders did not know his existence. And this is the best cover.

As long as Storm City is still there, this secret will never be unlocked, or Storm City will be destroyed one day in the future, but at that time, Zhang Yang had already completed the mission of building a mysterious village. By then, it was not known who was going after it. Who to kill?

Therefore, it is possible to trade a 5th-level mountain **** in exchange for 230 units of divinity, a complete fairy soul, a 5th-level storage orb, plus a broken fairy village building order, a mountain **** order, and a broken **** building He was already content with the village decrees and the practice techniques.


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