Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 153: Cutscenes (2)

"In the tenth year after your death, your son Zhang Wenyuan proclaimed the king and built the King City as Yang City to commemorate your great deeds."

"Twenty years after your death, your son Zhang Wenyuan was fatally assassinated and seriously injured by Jianglong. Fortunately, there was a 38-level Wood Demon Tower. Three days later, it recovered as before."

"Thirty years after your death, your son Zhang Wenyuan built a big city called Yuan. In the same year, your grandson Zhang Shuo and his relatives rebelled. Zhang Wenyuan was beheaded and another prince was established."

"Fifty years after your death, your son Zhang Wenyuan was once again assassinated by Jiang Long. This time the enemy was quite insidious. Even the 28th level Wood Demon Tower can only sustain his life."

"In the fifty-fourth year after your death, your adopted son Zhang Wenyuan died of illness, and your great-grandson Zhang Qian succeeded him. He changed the king's capital to Yuancheng. In the same year, he sent 100,000 troops to conquer his dissatisfaction and avenge his father."

"In the spring of the fifty-fifth year after your death, Wang and Zhang Qian's army was like a broken bamboo. Unexpectedly, there was a Jianglong conspiracy design that caused Zhang Qian's army to suffer from the enemy. In the autumn and September, Wang Zhanggan was mysteriously crossed by the river and the dragon. In the midst of the curse, serious injuries, the military's heart, fortunately, the king-level talent, Wu Yuan's grandson, general Wu Lei was ordered to turn the tide, and in the winter and October the snow rushed forward and won."

"For the fifty-seventh year after your death, Wang and Zhang Qian were cursed to death, and the young man advocated to take his place, assisted by General Wu Lei."

"Sixty years after your death, General Wu Lei abolished the young, and succeeded to the throne as King of Stone, but because General Wu Lei is the grandson of Wu Yuan, he is still under your original noble system, so your village The mission can still continue."

"In the 80th year after your death, General Wu Lei passed away, and his son Wu Ya succeeded to the throne. He is a king-level talent, well-informed in governance, foreign teachers are not convinced, and the domestic health is promoted."

"In the ninetieth year after your death, based on the repeated incidents between Jiang and Dragons, Wu Ya, the second stone king, decided to expedition thousands of miles away."

"In the 100th year after your death, Wu Ya led an army of 500,000 to win consecutive battles, traveling thousands of miles, without any opponent, and the kingdom's territory expanded fifteen times in just ten years."

"The one hundred and tenth year after your death, the stone king Wu Ya ascended the throne as emperor, and his country was named Wu."

"One hundred and fifteen years after your death, Taizong Wu Ya died of illness, and his son Gaozong Wu Mei succeeded to the throne."

"In the one hundred and eighteenth year after your death, Wu Mei, the Emperor of Wu, was so happy, extravagant and prosperous, he specialised in petting mysterious women. He ordered the construction of a palace and the felling of a hundred-year-old tree. He angered the wood demon and rebelled."

"One hundred and twenty-eight years after your death, Jianglong was born, and it expanded in just five years. After three wars and three defeats in the Wu army, Wu's territory was reduced by one third and collapse was imminent."

"One hundred and thirtieth years after your death, there was a foreigner, Qin Ge, who killed the mysterious demon girl in the deep palace, and beheaded the first level of Wudi Wu Mei. Thousands of forbidden troops could not intercept it. When she left, she laughed three times. The voice said, idiot, owe me favor once."

"In the 131st year after your death, Emperor Wu Jiong succeeded to the throne, but in the same year he was controlled by Wang Mumu's great-grandson and power minister Wang Zhi."

"One hundred and thirty-two years after your death, the power minister Wang Zhi abolished Emperor Wu and welcomed back your great-great-grandson. Zhang Liang, who was only nine years old, became the emperor and established the Great Zhang Dynasty."

"The one hundred and thirty-seventh year after your death, your great-great-grandson Zhang Liang used a trick to kill the power official Wang Zhi and officially took power."

"In the 169th year after your death, your great-great-great-grandson Zhang Liang took the defensive and tried to develop. After 30 years of hard work, the dynasty was rejuvenated and the population exceeded 10 million. There are 18 big cities, 37 middle cities, and 92 small cities. ."

"In the 170th year after your death, your great-great-great-grandson Zhang Liang sent Lei'en's fifth Sun Leiming as general marshal, led an army of 200,000, conquered the enemy's country and reclaimed his homeland."

"Two hundred years after your death, your great-great-great-grandson Zhang Liang died of illness, and the population of the Da Zhang Dynasty exceeded 20 million, with a territory of 5,000 li and invincible within 10,000 li."

"Three hundred years after your death, because of your great-great-grandson Zhang Liang’s sixty years of governance, in the next 100 years, despite the disturbances in the Da Zhang Dynasty, even if Jiang Long tried to subvert, it still could not resist such a terrible The behemoth survived safely, with a population of over 30 million."

"Your fantasy village building task is completed, and you will receive basic rewards. Since 300 years, the rewards will increase by 1% for every additional ten years of the village you originally built."

"In the 400th year after your death, the population of the Da Zhang Dynasty exceeded 40 million, with 57 big cities, 145 middle cities, and 3,792 small cities."

"In the 409th year after your death, the Dazhang dynasty was destroyed and the community was lost in the territory of thousands of miles. When that is the case, there will be 1,000 hidden dragons in the 30 years, and more than half of the dragons who participated in the competition are To cross the river."

"For the 439th year after your death, thanks to the 38-level wood monster tower you left behind, thanks to the promise you made to the ground wood monster, and thanks to your past four hundred years. The proportion of the outstanding/elite/noble/king-level population born by the ethnic group. In these troubled times, heroes will emerge in large numbers. More than 3,000 extraordinary heroes are fighting and killing on this ten thousand li territory. Even if they are over the river, they can’t get too much. Advantage."

"In the 440th year after your death, the extraordinary hero Duan Jiusi (the descendant of Duan Kuan) obtained the Tower of the Supreme Treasure Wood Demon and swore to uphold the contract you signed with the Wood Demon Clan of the Earth. Loyalty, raise troops in Chuzhou, sweep the world, drive out demons, and build the Great Chu Dynasty together in the world."

"Five hundred years after your death, the great Chu dynasty flourished, rested and revived, the country was prosperous, and the people were strong. Chu Taizu Duan Jiusi ordered people to systematically organize texts, legends, classics, and historical annals, compile them into books, and form civilization."

"The 700th and fiftieth year after your death, the Great Chu Dynasty was destroyed and the Dayun Dynasty was established, but because they belonged to the civilization system you originally created, the blood of the monarch was also passed down from the beginning, and it was not polluted by the dragon of the other world. So you The task of building a village is still effective and continuing."

"One thousand and two hundred years after your death, the Dayun Dynasty was destroyed, and the Great Wei Dynasty was established. Wei Taizu's iron cavalry was born and swept away. The territory was 30,000 miles from north to south and 50,000 miles from east to west. ."

"One thousand eight hundred years after your death, in the east of 30,000 miles, there were demons from other worlds who came to the world and reproduced in the East China Sea with the aquarium, giving birth to a new race called a mirage. The mirage reproduced extremely fast, was strong, and invaded everywhere. The Great Wei Dynasty, after hundreds of years of war, lost one third of its territory and was forced to move westward for 10,000 li. At the same time, relying on the Tianliang Mountains to build the Tianliang Great Wall and confront the mirage demon."

"In the 2200th year after your death, the great Wei prince was deceived by the mysterious demon. Instead of giving birth to a son, he succeeded to the throne as the great Wei emperor. Three years later, this son killed all the great Wei imperial family nine thousand and fourteen. Seventeen people, the Great Wei Dynasty was destroyed, and the civilization and village inheritance you passed down was cut off."

"The task of building a village is over, please wait patiently for the reward to be generated."

"Reward generation. Because you have over-completed the fantasy village building task, you will receive the following rewards."

"A: You get 10 million tons of food."

"B: You get 100,000 tons of pig iron."

"C: You get 10,000 tons of salt."

"D: You get one hundred thousand weaves."

"E: You have obtained armor weapons that can arm 3,000 people, all of which are at the captain level."

"F: You get 5000 bighorn deer mounts."

"G: You have got 5 earthly wood monsters."

"J: You get the initial recruitment quota for the game to build a village: 5000 (maximum)."

"K: You can extract ten monarchs/generals/civilians/strategists/old men from the development history of your village."

"L: Wang Qi +5 (Because you have returned to the place where you first struggled, so you have an advantage over other Qianlong. Note: This reward will only appear on the village chief who has a mysterious village building mission that lasts more than 2000 years. )."

"M: You have obtained a special talisman, Hurricane Swordsman. With this talisman, you can directly recruit."

"All the above rewards have been issued to the village building order. The cutscenes are over and you will return to your world. One month later, you need to start the game village building task again. You can choose to give up, but all your memories about the village building order Will be erased, and all force values ​​will be cleared."


When he came in a hurry, he went back in a hurry. When Zhang Yang was still in a daze, the next second he found that he was sitting on the balcony well, and in front of him was a cold watermelon exuding a cold breath. You could smell that refreshing Aroma.

In the living room, the ending song of the TV series was singing softly. The mother looked intoxicated and didn't know what her son had experienced in these few seconds?

Zhang Yang was stunned for a long time. Suddenly a hungry tiger rushed to eat and grabbed half of the iced and ate it crazily. Nima, I have accumulated resentment for twenty years.

"Yangyang, what are you doing? How come you suddenly look like a dog. Is there anyone who eats watermelon like that? Quality, pay attention to quality!"

My mother's voice came from the living room. Looking back, she has continued to participate in the TV series. Oh, what is the name of this TV series?

It’s been too long and I forgot.

What a great dream.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Yangyang, the express is here, go get it for me."

My mother was yelling again, without looking back, are there any TV shows that look so good, better than your own son?

Zhang Yang murmured in his heart, and he didn't know how to murmur. As a result, his mother seemed to have a wind ear, and she could accurately throw a slipper at the volume of the TV show.

"If you have the ability, you can trick me back into a little girl, and the old lady will admit that you are better than a TV series. Go open the door!"

Zhang Yang grinned, and finally opened the door obediently.

The door opened, not a courier, but a beauty, followed by two strong men.

"Hello, Zhang Yang, welcome back. I am the special liaison officer of the Qingquan City Village Leaders’ Association. My name is Xiaoqi. Is it convenient to communicate with us? Of course, this is not mandatory. You can choose to refuse. Difficult, I suggest you accept it, because we are all our own."

"Uh, hello, Xiao Qi, of course I am fine."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand familiarly. He didn't resist the national team, because he still had N many questions to ask, especially the game world he was going to next was his original fantasy village building world.

It's a daddy!


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