"I'm not Dong Chengcheng?"

"In the end what happened?"

"And I didn't return to the Bald Ridge Fortress. This is unscientific."

Next to a clear mountain stream, Zhang Yang looked at the reflection in the water, very surprised, because it was clearly himself.

It’s just that he’s a bit embarrassed now, he doesn’t know the status of the other village builders bound, but he—the tactical backpack is gone, all the weapons are gone, even the body armor is gone, only the body armor is left. Close-fitting clothing.

Of course this is not important. The important thing is, if he can no longer play Dong Cheng, how can he complete the task of Qianlong contending for hegemony and how to complete the task of building a village in the game?

"Game building order?"

Zhang Yang muttered silently in his heart, and then did not respond. He was dumbfounded, what the hell?

He hurriedly launched an internal inspection and looked into the depths of his soul. There were originally four stars there, representing four village building orders, but now-only three are left!

One less game to build a village!

"I, what happened?"

Zhang Yang was in desperation, but at this moment, the line of information came late from his eyes.

"Because this world has a great relationship with you, and it triggers a one in 100,000 chance that your fantasy village building mission and the game dynasty village building mission are in the same world, so activate a new mission-Return of the King."

"You can choose to abandon this mission and continue to choose the Qianlong Contending for Hegemony mission without any punishment."

"You can also choose to accept this mission, to receive the wealth, materials, fame, and enemies that you have left behind in this world, and powerful enough to suffocate you."

"Friendly reminder 1, this task is not mandatory. When you choose to refuse, your last connection with the world will be severed, and you will be a stranger. Life and death depend on your destiny! But the rewards you received before will not be deducted. "

"Friendly reminder 2, this world is undergoing an unimaginable terrorist invasion. Your enemies are countless. This is destined to be a bloody, cruel and desperate road. If you make a choice, you may gain something not what you want, but a thousand Holes, hopeless place."


That's it!

Zhang Yang suddenly realized, and then he didn't hesitate for even a second, of course he chose a brand new mission-Return of the King.

This is certainly because of his dissatisfaction and attachment to this world, but another more important reason is that no matter what he chooses, the enemy will not become fewer and weaker.

In that case, should I still consider how to choose?

Really thought that he chose Qianlong Contending for hegemony mission, the enemy will be a little gentler to him? Go dreaming.

"I choose the return of the king."

"Mission change-the first mode of the game village building task, Qianlong Contending for hegemony is changed to the second mode, Return of the King."

"Due to the task change, your fantasy village building order and game village building order will be merged, and the specific functions will remain the same."

"You are in contact with the source of this world that belongs to you—"

"Because of the reciting of your deeds by the natives of the world, your kingly aura is +5, and you are currently a kingly aura +12.

"Because the proportion of the indigenous people of this world who carry the original blood is 45%, your royal qi is +3, and now it is royal qi +15."

"Because of the kindness of the Wood Demon camp in this world, your kingly qi is +1, and currently kingly qi is +16."

"The indigenous people of this world will begin to chant your deeds spontaneously, but you will also become the enemy of everyone, including your kin (can be surrendered)."

"Because the unknown forces used tricks to obtain the Wood Demon Tower you left behind, part of your information has been deciphered, and the unknown forces may come to chase you based on this information."

"Task rewards, within 30 years, you can get a complete Xian Xia village building order after completing the Return of the King mission. Note: The incomplete Xian Xia village building order will never activate the Xian Xia village building task, and it will not be combined and repaired. Only the complete fairy-xia village building order can be activated. This task is the only way to obtain a complete fairy-xia village building order."

"Task progress: 0/1000."

"Mission incidental: You can check the changes in the Qianlong Contest list and the map of all parties' forces at any time."


"You get the wealth that belongs to your family and your tribe's family: -893010 energy."

"You get the wealth left by your village ethnicity: golden hope fragments x 5, white hope fragments x 29, gray hope fragments x 87."

"You get the wealth left by your village civilization: "The Complete Book of the Great Chu", "The Map of the Great Chu Territory"."


After reading this information, Zhang Yang was really a little embarrassed. It turned out that this was the way to get the key to the world of Xianxia.

That is to say, the village must last for more than 2000 years with the highest difficulty in the fantasy village building task, and then the second mode, the return of the king, will be obtained in the game village building task.

Undoubtedly, in the earth civilization, except for themselves, the other village builders did not even touch the side of the key, and they lost in the first link.

Then he opened the order to build a village, and now he is most interested not in the list of wealth and Qianlong competition, but the two books.

Out of intuition, he felt that these two books were very difficult.

Sure enough, these two books could not be taken out at all, nor could they be read, but appeared in a strange way.

"On the ninth day of May in the summer of the first year of the disaster, I passed by Taiyan Mountain and met a mountain stream. It was crystal clear, if I realized something."

"If you realize it, you shit!"

Zhang Yang was really helpless. Fortunately, this information gave his current specific location and opened up the maps of the major forces under the Qianlong Contest.

This map is alive, just like a holographic map. All Qianlongs are like a group of big ants, wriggling on this huge map, occasionally you eat me, and occasionally I eat you, it is chaotic.

Fortunately, this map is very detailed, the scale is estimated to be one to 10 kilometers, and the mountains and rivers above are three-dimensional, trees and vegetation are very three-dimensional, and white clouds drift by, and it is raining in some places~www.ltnovel.com~ in some places it is snowing , It’s windy in some places, lifelike, it looks like an old game in the past.

Zhang Yang quickly found the so-called Taiyan Mountain, and then he frowned.

Because his position is too bad.

He knows the Great Wall of the Tianliang where Wei and the mirage demon are confronted. The two sides are divided into two based on this.

But now he is located almost 5,000 kilometers away from the Tianliang Mountain Great Wall, and farther away from the suspected Balduling Fortress he wants to go, almost 6,000 kilometers away.

In other words, Zhang Yang is now surrounded by mirages in all directions, and whether he wants to fight or escape, he can't escape a word of war.

In this case, he was not surprised, the complete Xian Xia village building order is not so easy to take. If there is no hellish difficulty, doesn't it seem that Xian Xia village building order is all Chinese cabbage?

And this is the equivalent of a **** start to others, not necessarily publicity.

"Then, rub it with a few wooden spears first."

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