Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 170: The fourth-level city dared to come out

Zhang Yang went three times outside the area of ​​300 to 500 miles outside his lair, and did not return until the fifth day.

On the way back, he hoped to see the soldiers trained and trained by the Wu family and his sons to patrol and guard him. There was even a hidden whistle that could spot him, but in the end there was nothing.

Until he walked through the reckless jungle, a huge gate appeared in front of him. Ten months later, the main body of the 6th-level royal city was already completed, including some regional facilities, which were put into use early, such as the royal city. The grain storage system was completed in the first month, ensuring that most of the grain supplies can be safely transferred before the rainy season.

"Chen Wu Lei!"

"Chen Wu Ya!"

"See the lord."

When Zhang Yang arrived at the gate of the city, the Wu family and his son hurried over after hearing the news, feeling that they did not arrange guard patrols outside at all. Are they too confident or more confident in this royal city?

"Please, you two have worked hard." Zhang Yang still smiled. What he is more interested in now is what this costly 6th-level royal city looks like?

"Master, you haven't returned in October. There are many important things that require your consent."

Wu Lei said at this moment.


"Yes, the lord, the minister has completed the recruiting task four months ago, successfully recruited 10,000 refugees, and 3,000 recruits returned. Now they are all resettled in Xicheng. In the past four months, the minister has been responsible for managing the refugees and training new recruits. There are three thousand captain-level soldiers with high morale and can be used at once. However, captain-level soldiers are not very useful on the battlefield. The minister intends to train 300 of them into rock-solid steps. Please allow the lord to grant them."

As soon as Wu Lei's voice fell, a piece of information was randomly mapped out.

"Whether to train 500 captain-level infantry into 500 special units, this process will take one year and will be trained by Wu Lei himself. During this training period, the consumption of food and grass will be increased tenfold, and Wu Lei will not be able to handle any other tasks. ,Whether to continue?"

"Note: Special arms cannot be recruited directly, and can only be trained by historical names and captain-level soldiers."

"Note: Since all the construction of the 6th-level royal city has not been completed, there is only one training sequence for special arms."


Zhang Yang certainly would not refuse.

At this time, Wu Ya stepped forward and said: "Lord, in the past October, the minister has been on guard day and night, and no peepers have been found, and the main part of the city has been completed. Due to the large number of walls and the small number of soldiers, the minister gave up on field patrols. Instead, focus on city wall patrols."

"However, the city walls of the 6th-level royal city are huge and wide, and there are many places to defend. The minister believes that it is difficult for non-50,000 soldiers to fully garrison and alternate. This is a serious matter. The minister dare not call the shots and can only ask the lord to judge."

"In addition, the minister wants to rebuild the iron lion, but he lacks a powerful mount. I heard that there are strange beasts with the name Suan, who is good at running, and can charge on the ground, even if the enemy is like a sea. Wear it, so the minister wants to go personally to buy 300 heads, which will be returned in two months, please allow the Lord’s permission."

Sure enough, it was a side task again.

"Secondary task, to buy 300 sacred beast mounts, it will consume 100 mana, five precious treasures, two golden hope fragments, and 100,000 energy. Do you agree?"


Of course Zhang Yang wouldn't refuse. He just didn't know whether his net worth could be paid. The result was not a problem at all. The large amount of materials for cultivating immortality obtained from the Golden Core Demon Cultivation were all considered precious.

"Wait a minute, Wu Ya, can you buy more 狻猊奇兽?"

Zhang Yang suddenly moved in his heart and asked, Wu Lei's side quests were limited before, and there was no way to recruit more, so now it is always possible to buy.

"Return to the lord, I am not sure, but I am willing to give it a try." Wu Ya didn't say anything.

"Very well, there are 20 rare treasures here. You can bring them all. You can buy them back. I don't want to force them. You have full control."

Publicity, generous and authentic.

"So, it may take six months for the official to return. For the defense of the royal city, the lord had better pick a general to take charge." Wu Ya stepped back and disappeared after a few steps.

And Wu Lei was also ordered to train 300 heavy steps.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry at this time, and he began to carefully inspect the 6th-level royal city that was nearly 80% completed.

This is not a horizontal and vertical, square and square conventional city, because it is restricted by the terrain, and because of the so-called dragon vein relationship, Zhaozhou will not eradicate the mountains on a large scale. He will only build on the mountain for the so-called dragon vein. , So this city really looks like a ridge on the side, with different heights.

The city gate where Zhang Yang is now is facing the southwest direction, because this was originally the entrance to a valley, and it is also a relatively wide place nearby.

Therefore, the city gates and walls here are exceptionally tall, majestic and magnificent, and they are very dominating the world.

While taking into account the majestic majesty, the defenses on this city wall are layered on top of each other. Not only is there a polygonal city wall built on the mountain on each side, but also a second-story city wall is designed behind the city wall, which is about 50% higher than the city gate. Meters, 500 meters in a straight line, this shooting space is deadly.

Zhang Yang can imagine what a desperate blow to the invading enemy when it is full of archers and various long-range weapons.

Entering the city gate, the street is not smooth, but the curve is upwards, going round and round, the small city is connected to the big city, the big city is connected to the small city, and the ten kilometers of soul field can be released to get a full view.

Then he can only say that the old man of Zhaozhou is really a talent, because from a few thousand meters above the sky, all the walls of this 6th-level imperial city are connected with the inner walls and the boundaries of the walls in each area. It is clearly a coiled giant. Dragon.

And this scale is too big.

A total of 12 peaks, 5 valleys, and 6 canyons are included. It spans 30 kilometers from east to west and 40 kilometers from north to south.

But the scope is not a problem at all, but there are still six peaks, one valley, and two canyons that are still unused. The old man is staking a horse.

However, it doesn't seem right to say that such a large area cannot be defended.

Because the wall of this royal city is not in the form of a large-scale package, but only guards the key points, only guards the key points, and uses the topography to form a natural barrier.

Okay, Zhang Yang is already dizzy, he has no way to look at it as a whole, he can only count the total number of cities.

There are three relatively large inner cities, all of which are located on the mountain peaks. At present, only the outline of the city wall has been built.

Then there are 12 mid-sized inner cities. The reason why there are so many mid-sized inner cities is not to draw circles, but to expand the streets. Each section of the walls of these 12 medium-sized inner cities is a street. Low, twists and turns, stupefied to turn a poor mountain and bad water, steep and rugged mountains into a livable city.

Very livable, very livable.

Zhang Yang has even seen residential areas. Each house is different in size and location, but it is definitely an independent landscape. Either there is a bridge in front of the door, or there is a mountain outside the window, or you can overlook half of the city. It's a residence, clearly a work of art.

Perfectly integrated with the environment, nature, and the whole city, there is an invisible aura permeating.

The residential area is so convenient and elegant. The storage area is thick and safe. Take the granary as an example. It was built directly in the original valley, based on both sides of the valley, purely built with bluestone, fireproof and waterproof. , Anti-insect, anti-theft.

The huge square formed above the granary turned into a huge training field three kilometers long and two kilometers wide and a more spacious military school field.

Next to it is the barracks.

But there are more than one military camps. Obviously for defensive purposes, there are 12 military camps in the royal city, all of which are at the center of the city's defense.

As for the other subtleties, Zhang Yang couldn't see it anymore. He admitted that he was shocked by such a royal city. This shock did not come from how large it was. The cities on earth were much larger than this.

This shock also does not come from those whimsical ideas.

It comes from the fusion with the environment, the fusion with the topography, and then the wonderful aura formed.

Zhang Yang is already a cultivator during the Qi training period, so he feels extremely keen.

"If I practice here, I will save at least half of my time, but it is estimated that the old man Zhaozhou will be anxious with me. The establishment of this royal city is for continuous and open cultivation of talents. With talents, everything will be possible. If it is used to cultivate immortals, it will put the cart before the horse."

Zhang Yang did not bother the old man in Zhaozhou either. The subsequent construction of this royal city will take two months. This is the minimum standard that can be recognized by the village building order.

However, it will take ten, twenty, or even more than a hundred years to complete the concrete improvement, because a royal city cannot be a lonely royal city, surrounding counties, prefectures, counties, or even villages and towns. Spread out like a spider web.

In the next two months, Zhang Yang did not practice, so he led the soldiers to patrol day and night. Now he has no regal spirit, and he can't summon famous historical generals. He can only work harder himself.

Fortunately, no one really bothers. The suspected Redskin Monster Gou must also be doing things in a certain Maybe it is also in the construction of Wangcheng, that is, I don't know what level of Wangcheng.

But it's definitely not level 6.

Of course, even if the Redskin Monster can build a Level 4 King City, it will be a huge advantage in less than two years since the beginning of the game. The poor demons are equal to being stabbed twice directly in the hinterland.

One day two months later, Zhang Yang was patrolling. Suddenly he moved in his heart and looked up to the north, as if vaguely saw something.

At the same time, Jiancun Ling was reading for him again.

"On the fourth day of July in the second summer of the disaster class, I was in between the city tour, looking at the north, and seeing a faint dragon spirit rising from three thousand miles away, it was quite atmospheric, I smiled and said: "District 4th-level city , Dare to deceive me?'."

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