Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 177: Antler light ride

The squally raging horn, dark clouds.

The rumbling of thunder and drums awakened the dark night.

Zhang Yangzhuo stands on the head of the city, his hair is flying, his eyes are like electricity, as if he is crossing a catastrophe.

But in fact, it is his royal city and his power who are crossing the robbery.

Even if the torrential rain is approaching, everyone, from Zhang Yang to every craftsman, even Zhang Liang, a guy who is afraid of death, has a terrible desire to survive.

That's right, since Zhang Yang slipped back quietly, the entire King City has entered a state of super preparation.

There are now three official roads that have been built in the royal city. The first one leads to the outside of the mountain, but it is not smooth and only reaches 500 miles.

The second official road is a mountain that extends to the south of the royal city. It is forty miles away. From a geographical point of view, this is the southern gate of the sixth-level royal city. It was originally reserved for the outer city when it was designed by Zhaozhou.

The third official road extends to 30 miles west of the Wangcheng, where there is also a big mountain, which is also the West Tianmen of the Wangcheng.

These two peaks and two military buildings will form the iron triangle core defense system of the 6th-level royal city. At this moment, Zhang Yang is personally supervising the construction of these two forts. According to the construction period, it only takes 15 days at most. Can be completed.

And in the central area of ​​the iron triangle defense, there are also soldiers working overnight. They need to flatten all the high hills and low valleys, and then pave the upper rocks. In the end, this area will become 100 miles long from north to south, (part of it extends to the north of the city. .), a huge battlefield 30 miles long from east to west.

This is the main battlefield specially built for the iron lion field heavy cavalry.

In addition, there will be 3000 Big Horned Deer Heavy Lancers as an aid.

That's right, although Zhang Yang went bankrupt, he couldn't stand his wealth from being too rich. He could still take out 5,000 bighorn deer mounts, 5 adult wood monsters, and a lot of weapons and equipment.

The problem now is that the 3000 bighorn deer heavy cavalry are destined to be consumables, (you can directly upgrade them with captain-level sword and shield infantry and captain-level spearmen), if they can all be trained before the demons discover and siege Extraordinary, that would have the most chance of winning.

But Zhang Yang really has no money now, and time is so tight.

Now the demons must have surrounded the redskin monster’s 4th-level royal city. Given the redskin monster’s combat effectiveness and the 4th-level royal city’s defenses, they need at least two months to resolve the battle, and then two months. It will take at least three months to explore the surroundings and finally discover the public city of 6th level, and even encircle the army southward.

After all, the mountain forest location chosen by Zhang Yang is steeper and much more hidden than the mountain forest location chosen by the Redskin Monster.

Zhang Yang was able to forcibly smash a level 6 king city in this mountain forest, relying on all resources, terrifying resources.

"Lord, the minister has a policy."

Zhang Liang ran over in the violent storm. During this time, he really didn’t dare to neglect, and he was so busy. Thanks to his extraordinary level of internal affairs management, he was able to let the three thousand soldiers recruited later. Can be an engineer.

"Speaking, the minister was ridiculous when he was young, and there were many ridiculous things. At that time, the minister had an assistant called Ma Jinzhe. This man was born as a cavalry officer and the best light cavalry. If the lord is worried about the next battle, the minister may have a way to invite him out. work."


A flash of lightning struck the sky, and the big raindrops fell. Zhang Yang did not go to see Zhang Liang, but waved his hand to order all the craftsmen and soldiers to stop work. No matter how urgent things are, there is no reason to work in the rainstorm.

After everyone had withdrawn to the city, Zhang Yang went to see Zhang Liang, who had become a little bit ridiculous.

Well, be a guilty conscience.

In fact, Zhang Yang couldn't think that Zhang Liang could have a way to summon his former courtier.

"How many more can you summon"

"Just—just one, the lord’s apology, the minister’s loyalty to you can reflect the sun and the moon. The minister’s extra summoning ability is really a means reserved for the minister’s half-life cautiously. The lord is afraid that he does not know that the minister has given himself He got a nickname called Zhang Yishou, which means to keep one hand forever." Zhang Liang wailed dryly.

"Then call this horse in, and he will be responsible for training the 3,000 cavalry in the big corner. What will be the effect?" Zhang Yang did not pursue too much, and if he could not consume the king's spirit, he recruited one more historical figure. He still earns , As for whether Zhang Liang, the great-great-grandson, would get the ability to do things because of this, it was impossible.

"The minister is not sure, but please don't worry, this Ma Jin used to be Thunder's lieutenant. The thundering heavy-armored Captain Modao actually has weaknesses. Without the aid of cavalry, he can't catch up even if he defeats the enemy."

"When will Ma Jin arrive"

"Only three days."


Three days later, Zhang Yang really saw Zhang Liang's former minister Ma Jin, but this person could not be counted in the village building order, that is, not in Zhang Yang's pocket, but only Zhang Liang's retainer.

But this time there is no need to worry about it.

Zhang Yang directly summoned the 3000 big horned deer mounts, because Ma Jin said that he had to look at the mounts before he could make a conclusion.

This is the most important key to the cavalry.

Waiting for the 3,000 bighorn deer mounts to appear, without waiting for Ma Jin to make any judgments, Wu Ya, who was training the iron lion, was shocked.

"The lord has kept it from me so hard. Although these mounts are far inferior to the stubborn beasts, they are far better than ordinary mounts."

Wu Ya walked over with a big thorn, and slammed the horse into the side with one shoulder.

"Master, this mount has three advantages and two disadvantages."

"The first advantage is that the charge is fast. The bighorn deer is a monster, and the bloodline can naturally communicate the aura of heaven and earth, so they are better at running than the war horse, and can run twice the speed of the war horse when they charge."

"The second advantage is that it has high endurance and is good at long-distance attacks. It is simply a necessary mount for the light cavalry. As for the reason I just said, the big horned deer is a monster. What is the biggest advantage of the monster? Supplementing forage and drinking water, you can also run a long distance for a whole day. With such a large body, you can run for 3000 miles a day, just like playing."

"The third advantage is that the collision force is extremely high. Because of the big horned deer's body shape, they have a lower center of gravity than the horses and have sharp antlers on their heads. Therefore, when encountering enemy light infantry, they will directly incarnate and reload and charge. The cavalry is not at all empty."

"As for the disadvantages, there are two. First, you must never let the bighorn deer cavalry fight against the monster race. They will immediately turn back."

"Second, the big horned deer consume a lot of energy, because they are monsters. Once they consume the heaven and earth aura in their bodies, if they can’t quickly replenish them, they will quickly age and die. Therefore, although the big horned deer are good at long-distance attacks , But the maximum distance of the daily raid should not exceed one thousand miles. In addition, all kinds of food cannot be cut off. In a fighting state, 300 kilograms of food a day will drag down all logistics."

"To sum up, the minister boldly suggested that the lord hand over this light cavalry to the minister to command. After all, this light cavalry exists to cooperate with the 500 iron lions. The minister only needs three months to build it for the lord. Create an invincible force."

"Absurd, the courtiers and thieves dare to make mistakes!"

Zhang Liang was trembling with anger.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yang shouted in a deep voice, but thought in his heart, he must quickly reap some of his arrogance, or else he won’t be able to hold back these incredible guys, because all of them are king-level talents, and they all created their own era in history. The King of Heroes, can't give them a chance to prick.

"Wu Ya, if you really have this skill, you will be responsible for these 3000 bighorn deer mounts, and you will pick the soldiers, but my request is that after three months, you must join the army, otherwise--"

"The minister is willing to make a military order at the first level!"

Wu Ya is full of confidence, and Zhang Yang certainly agrees. After all, Wu Ya has cultivated such powerful and extraordinary arms as the Iron Lion, so it is only natural to train a light cavalry as well.

At this point, he does not believe in Ma Jin.

After solving the training of the light cavalry, Zhang Yang had to come back to comfort Zhang Liang.

"Let your retainer Ma go in and recruit refugees."

"Lord, Ma Jin is not qualified to go to another world to recruit refugees. He can only wait for him, but our qualifications to go to another world have been exhausted by Wu Lei, Wu Ya and his son."

Zhang Liang gritted his teeth and said, "At the beginning of the King City, there were two qualifications to go to other worlds for trials, but these two martial artists simply wasted this precious opportunity given by God. One only brought back 10,000 refugees and 3,000 recruits. One brought back only 500 strange beasts, and the minister wanted to impeach the Wu family and his sons for corruption of Mexico."

"Enough, what do you think is necessary to go to a trial in another world"

Zhang Yang had a headache, and the Wang Qi was not enough, only one more horse entered. This situation was immediately different.

"Return to the lord, smuggling is impossible. The minister is open and upright and disdains to do this sneaky thing, but if the lord is willing to sacrifice enough treasures, he may be able to obtain a qualification for a trial in another world." Zhang Liang's eyeballs turn.

"What kind of treasure is suitable"

"The minister does not know."

"Then you pick it yourself!"

Zhang Yang was speechless. He swept out a lot of items. He was already bankrupt, and the rest was temporarily useless.

So Zhang Liang rushed up, his eyes staring like a light bulb, emitting a terrible light, and in a short while he picked out three objects.

"I only let you pick one." Zhang Yang frowned slightly, because Zhang Liang picked a complete village building order (the piece of the demons), a handkerchief embroidered with a female ghost, a black short knife, and no sheath. .

"Courier, please be the emperor!"

Who wants Zhang Liang to play the cards without a routine.

Zhang Yang looked at him to see what tricks he was playing.

"Of course, this is not the time to proclaim the emperor, but the minister is willing to assist the master to proclaim the emperor. There is only one condition. Please the master grant me this thing."

Zhang Liang knelt on the ground. He was referring to the village building order. Undoubtedly, when he came into contact with the village building order, he received some kind of information, but the village building order is public and needs to be transferred to him by Zhang Yang. Row.

"Sure enough, Duan Jiusi must have gotten the village building order."

Zhang Yang looked calm, he did it on purpose, just to see what the effect could be, the result was not unexpected.

Standing on the human force field, he certainly didn't mind. Besides, this Liang was still his great-great-great-great-great-grandson.

"What can you provide me? I am not interested in the symmetry of the emperor Zhang Yang asked with great interest. He found that these historical figures are really the kind who do not see the coffin and do not cry. They are very cunning. .

"Within one year, 100,000 refugees and 20,000 recruits. This is the minister's promise, but the lord still needs to provide 500,000 tons of food and grass."

"Sure, but I'm curious, what do you do with that handkerchief"

"Master Xie, there is a female ghost on this handkerchief, which can be summoned and enjoyed--well, if the master is willing, the minister will not dare to take love with a sword." Zhang Liang said with regret.

"Master, take you!"

Zhang Yang laughed angrily. He grabbed the handkerchief, his mind changed, and a ball of fire burned the handkerchief clean.

Women of unknown origin are also harmful.

Open up to the sky, with lingering fears.

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