Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 286: 9 out of 13

"Master Master, Guanshan Town is a village near the Heitu Plain, and it is also the only way for Yening City to go to Xuantie City. March to September is the busiest time for commercial roads. There are almost two caravans passing by every day, but because these caravans have paid taxes in Yening City or Xuantie City, Guanshan Town is not eligible to charge them road taxes."

"But Yening City is 20,000 miles away from Xuantie City. Before and after passing through our Guanshan Town, there are about 3,000 miles of wilderness. These caravans must have a short rest and necessary in our Guanshan Town. The annual net profit of this part of the income is about 1,500 celestial stones."

"In addition, it is the five hundred acres of fairy rice fields planted in Guanshan Town. Guanshan Town has a special product, which is the snow spring water from the mountain stream. Although this water is not as magical as the spring water, it is also excellent for watering crops. Yes, a thousand years ago, the ancestors of the four great families of Kou, Jiang, Li, and Dong were the outer disciples of the Great Dream Sword Sect. They were ordered to go to Heituyuan to establish villages and towns. Later, they discovered the mountain stream and snow springs in Guanshan Town. "

"For this reason, the four ancestors of the family decided to establish villages and towns here and build 500 acres of fairy rice fields. With fairy rice fields, they can be exchanged for the support of the Great Dream Sword Sect. For a thousand years, our Guanshan town has used 80% of the harvest of the fairy rice fields was exchanged for the protection of the Great Dream Sword Sect, and after life and death, he opened up a business road to Yening City and Xuantie City."

"Our four major families also have businesses on these two trade routes, and the net profit they can provide is about 5,000 celestial stones each year."

"The above is all the income of Guanshan Town, but it also deducts the fairy stone that the Earth Spirit Hub has to maintain every year. After all, this is the acquired Earth Spirit Hub. While continuously absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, it also needs to be added every year. Thousands of celestial stones are invested to maintain operation, and the spirit hub can release about 3.5 times the aura of heaven and earth."

"Also, the courtyard of Guanshan Town will be added to 20 Tianjianmen, 5 street shops, 500 acres of vacant land around the original temple, and 3000 immortal stones in the next three years. As for the mature immortal rice , I hope that the headmaster can forgive you 10% of the mountain town, 10% of the seeds, 10% of the Daqi Dynasty, and 70% of the Tianjianmen."

"And above, Tianjianmen is required to provide basic protection for Guanshan Town, including possible censure from the Great Dream Sword Sect, Daqi Dynasty’s making things difficult, the hostility between Yening City and Xuantie City, and Guanshan Town. The normal operation of the two 3000-mile commercial roads in the north and the south, I wonder if the master has any other opinions?"

After a round of discussions, the heads of the four major families in Guanshan Town once again stood in front of Zhang Yang and got rid of the details of the worship in Guanshan Town.

Their sincerity is still good.

Five hundred acres of fairy rice fields are harvested every two years, 70% of the harvest, plus 1,000 celestial stones per year, not counting those shops, courtyards, open spaces, etc.

"How about the 1,000 fairy stones that the Earth Spirit Hub maintains every year?"

Zhang Yang asked again that he was busy buying the buildings that came with the Xianxia Village Building Order, but the four big families gave him a cry of poverty.

But think about it, the resources needed by a mortal rich and a cultivator are not the same thing.

100 celestial stones are enough for a village to live for ten years.

"Return to Lord Master, the Earth Spirit Hub was originally controlled by the God of Earth. If the villagers want to absorb the Spirit of Heaven and Earth, they also need to turn in the Immortal Stone. Now this Earth Spirit Hub has been gifted to the Heavenly Sword Gate. "

Zhang Yang nodded, the Earth Spirit Hub is the core of a martial art, and the aura generated by the world has been absorbed and practiced by the disciples in the door. Then you can no longer ask Guanshan Town to provide a moving fairy stone, and you can't be too much.

"I have no problem, everything is fine."

But Guanshan Town cannot help him, so what about the purchase of buildings?

"Forbidden building, you don't need to think about the Sword Immortal Hall. One million immortal stones will be bankrupted, unless I turn on the background modifier, but the consequences are very serious."

Zhang Yang shook his head, dispelling this seemingly beautiful idea.

When he was in Heituyuan before, he made a slight modification with the help of Sleepless Night and Heituyuan’s special location. As a result, this modification immediately caused him to be locked and pursued. If Liu Xueli was not saved, Qian Muyun These two celestial masters each showed their magical powers along the way, and finally escaped from the black soil.

So now if he wants to make publicity and revise the backstage, he won't do it to death.

Because when the time comes, it is not only the camp where the village building order is to chase him, but even the real world of Xianxia will pursue and kill him with all his strength.

"Mysterious building dissociation palace, sword soul palace is a must. The former can condense and dissociate illusions, and the latter can be resurrected. As for the four mortal buildings, the valley of broken love, the platform of life and death, the Linghai pavilion, and the building of the sword It is very useful, so in total, there are 25,000 celestial stones, and the current gap is 21,000 celestial stones."

Zhang Yang was a little bit painful, and for a while, he was a little helpless, but at this time, the old man surnamed Kou from the four major families walked over cautiously and said:

"Master head, young man bravely, is the head head willing to sell the corpses of those demon soldiers and demon generals?"

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Return to the master, the body parts of these monster races are valuable to the immortal cultivator, and the Xiaolaoer family happens to have two caravans, and I dare not say that they can give the master the highest price in the market, but It's definitely comparable to the prices offered by Ye Ning City and Xuan Tie City, at least this can save adults' time."

"Well, you can let people see."

Zhang Yang nodded. This is not bad. He could sell the looted trophies directly through the golden balance when he established the village order network, but now he dares to connect to the network, it is equivalent to directly exposing his IP address to the enemy of life and death. , The other party can really hack him to death along the network cable.

Hearing Zhang Yang's agreement, the old man Kou was unexpectedly excited. He thanked him again and again, and then waved his hand, dozens of his children and grandchildren rushed out. The corpses of the demon generals that Zhang Yang killed before, and the demon soldiers did not plunder. , It’s just placed there neatly, only the corpse of the demon commander Huang Gu was looted, and this looting required 100 celestial stones, unlike before, a free light passed and went directly into the storage space. .

Zhang Yang is a layman, so he doesn't care how those people identify and bargain.

He only needs to prepare a few tricks at the last moment to see the situation, if the Nakou family dares to play any tricks.

But to Zhang Yang’s surprise,

The Kou family is really professional, and the entire selection and identification process took a full day, because they also have cutting and collection, secondary processing, and three processing procedures, and they are more than skilled.

"Master, you have been waiting for a long time. This is the list of this acquisition. Please have a look."

Old man Kou came over with a bill in the evening, Zhang Yang didn't look at the details inside, only the general ledger.

"Fifteen thousand celestial stones?"

Zhang Yang was expressionless, but he was shouting in his heart, no way, so much! Damn the village building order, how much has been pitted against him, you must know that he has killed two Jindan stage monsters.

Slightly relieved, after Zhang Yang stared at the old man Kou for a full ten seconds, he finally gave up the idea of ​​using the mind-confuse technique. Forget it, he was very satisfied with the price, and he was very careful.

"Well, two payments at a time?"

"Of course, if the head master needs it, we can also use some other materials, such as van iron, van copper, van silver, and even van gold that every cultivator must use."

The old man Kou was really bold at this moment, a completely businessman.

"Fan Tie, what are the prices of Fan Copper?" Zhang Yang asked again. For these prices, he would go to Ye Ning City or Xuan Tie City to consult in person. Old Man Kou dared to fool him and just waited for Autumn to settle accounts.

"Return to Master Master, one catty of celestial stone for every catty, three celestial stones for one catty of mortar, ten celestial stones for one catty of silver, 30 celestial stones for one catty of gold, and one hundred celestial stones for one catty of black iron, and black bronze Three hundred celestial stones per catty, one thousand celestial stones per catty of black silver, and 3,000 celestial stones per catty of black These are all market prices, which have not fluctuated much for decades."

"Xuanjin is so expensive?"

Zhang Yang was surprised. He immediately thought of the ghost father he and Qian Muyun had jointly killed. That thing was made of a thousand catties of profound gold.

"Tsk tusk, Qian Muyun, this person is really unfathomable, or to be more precise, the value of Devil's Demon is even more unfathomable, otherwise he would not give up half of the profound gold."

"In addition, the value of that ghost is too high. The cost of three million celestial stones will definitely make the chaser last time unwilling. Therefore, I have to be more careful, or I must continue to do it, or I must improve my strength as soon as possible. ."

"Old man, can I lend you some fairy stone turnover as the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Of course Zhang Yang would not sell Xuanjin, nor would it be possible to sell the corpse of Huang Gu, the demon commander. The sale of things of that level is a loss, no matter how much it is worth.

"Well, borrowing? Master, my Kou family is not very good at this, but the Jiang family can borrow up to 10,000 immortal stones. According to the rules, nine out of 13 return."

"Nine out of thirteen? Are you sure!"

Zhang Yang was surprised. The four big families in Guanshan Town were really interesting. When they didn’t talk about business with them, they were all scared to death, and only then did some business with them. They were all overbearing and domineering. This is the true nature of the business. , Or is there another reason?

Seeing Zhang Yang’s doubts, Old Kou’er carefully reminded him: “It’s so that the headmaster knows that although the Jiang family originated in the small town of Guanshan, their main business is in Yening City.”


The Jiang family's backstage is in Yening City. If it's just other things, such as the current crisis in Guanshan Town, the Jiang family's backstage can't manage it.

But within the rules of the industry, that is, the lending business, if Zhang Yang dares to fall back on the account, the Jiang family's backstage must have a way.

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