Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 296: Sword embryo

Everything is suitable on the ninth day of July.

Among the Tianjianmen Mountain Gate, from below the head, all direct disciples, fighting sword repairs gathered at the top of Dragon Head Peak, because today is the day when the Tianjian Gate opens for sword making.

The sect of other people's family can only make one sword at a time every time they open the furnace to make swords.

And the Heavenly Sword Gate, one hundred handles at a time.

It's not that Zhang Yang wants to show off, but that he feels the pressure urgently, so he speeds up the progress of farming.

At this moment, a huge iron pond with a diameter of 50 meters is located on the Dragon Head Peak. In the iron pond, fifty thousand catties of van iron, five thousand catties of van copper, and five hundred catties of van silver are piled up in it.

This is the material for refining a hundred mortal swords, very willful.

It is estimated that any pyrotechnician disciple will shake his head when he comes, where is the sword, this is obviously to make the soup of mutton.

But Zhang Yang is confident.

After a lot of thoughts, he pointed out of thin air and yelled, "Fire!"

At a height of several hundred meters, 30 huge fireballs quickly emerged, each with a diameter of 10 meters.

But these fireballs did not fall, but hovered in a weird state centered on publicity.

This is not a magical technique, but it is promoted by the fourth mana structure. Of course, the heart and soul power required for this is very huge.

However, Zhang Yang is now spiritually cultivating and has his own soul domain. The most feared thing is soul consumption.

Ten seconds later, after these 30 huge fireballs finally circulated in a stable trajectory in the sky, Zhang Yang shouted!

"Heaven and earth are furnaces!"

Fireballs fell quickly and into the iron pond. In a blink of an eye, the temperature in the iron pond exceeded 2000 degrees.

The flames are fierce and terrifying, but it is still not enough to melt the van iron, van copper and van silver.

In the distance, Li Hanqiu saw this place and shook his head slightly, because as of this moment, Zhang Yang has done nothing beyond the scope of the fire spell of the Taoist Jin Dan. With this ability, he dared to open the furnace and refine the sword. 100 handles?

However, as soon as Li Hanqiu thought of this, he saw Zhang Yang take out something and threw it directly into the iron pond.

"Fairy handsome blood? Really a lot of money, but is it worth it?"

Li Hanqiu looked at the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who were fascinated, and said to his heart, it's not worth it!

But beside the iron pond in front, because 1000 units of the demon-master's blood had been put into that iron pond, the mortal iron, mortal copper, and mortal silver that had never melted at all began to melt.

Because the demon blood reaches the sun!

The Human race always has a wrong view, that is, the human essence and blood are the most rigid to yang. In a sense, it is true.

But compared with the monster clan, it's just like a little witch.

Because Yaozu is the darling of heaven and earth, the whole body automatically communicates with the spirit of heaven and earth, otherwise, why should the cultivator kill the monster, take its blood to refine alchemy, take its meat and eat it, and take its bone refinement?

Not to mention tiger's horns and deer antlers which have even more wonderful effects.

And the demon commander Huang Gu that Zhang Yang killed last time was a fangs tiger with a bloodline of prehistoric blood, and his blood was even stronger and yang!

Zhang Yang tried to take a drop of blood and burn through a piece of common iron easily.

Now that he opened the furnace to refine the sword, and the sky sun fire in his hand was not strong enough, it would be easy to add a little tiger fairy blood.

In a twinkling of an eye, a pool of deep blue iron juice appeared in the iron pond, there were still wisps of silver thread in the iron juice, and a layer of blood-colored flame floated above the iron juice.

It is the blood of that tiger demon.

Zhang Yang looked back at this time and wanted to ask Li Hanqiu whether he was qualified in this step, but he was not seen, probably because he felt that the cheaters were shameful.

Zhang Yang didn't care too much. After killing the Tiger Demon before, he had a total of 5,000 units of blood, but he didn't have a problem with the effort.

But at this time, he thought for a while, took out five kilograms of profound gold nuggets, and quickly threw them down the iron pond.

This mysterious gold is amazing. Zhang Yang originally planned to use it to cast swords for himself, but he has a thousand catties in his hand, so taking out five kilograms is not a problem.

But it can definitely increase the sharpness of this hundred-handed sword.

At this moment, the profound gold entered the iron pond, and the remaining tiger demon's blood was boiling, and a fierce tiger with fangs was vaguely roaring.

A few seconds later, Xuan Finance turned into a golden thread, very mysterious.

"Well, that's it!"

Zhang Yang was very satisfied, and there was another group of abyssal magic fire in his right hand. This magic fire did not have any temperature, just like a dead thing.

But when he put this group of abyssal demon fire into the iron pond, a more mysterious scene appeared.

With the magic fire as the center, the hot iron was instantly frozen, and the black frost spread out like window grilles, forming a piece of weird and beautiful patterns.

Then Zhang Yang didn't do anything, because the sword refining was over here, and they needed to wait here for three days and three nights. The specific results depend on God's will.

For three days, the iron pond kept jingling and jingle, and there was a clear and sweet sound. This was the iron pond shrinking, and it was the iron juice shrinking under the action of the abyssal magic fire.

Zhang Yang didn't know the specific principle, nor did Li Hanqiu. He had only seen the process of refining sword weapons by pyrotechnicians using this method.

At the end of the three days, there were a total of 3,128 crisp sounds in the iron pond.

Looking at it now, the originally frozen iron juice in the iron pond has shrunk into large and small pieces of crystals.

The large ones are several meters, the small ones are several centimeters, and the more well-proportioned ones are tens of centimeters.

Zhang Yang immediately directed his disciples to move these crystals out, yes, this is the sword embryo.

"There are pure sky blue colors, all products, put them aside."

"There are cyan and sky blue variegated colors, which are under the ordinary products, and you can put them aside."

"There are pure yellow ones, Xuan Pin, put them here."

"There are azure blue and pure yellow variegated colors, which are under the Profound Grade, put them here."

After a busy period, the result came out, with twenty-nine sword embryos under Fanpin.

Fanpin sword embryo has seventeen handles.

The twelve handles of the sword embryo under Xuanpin.

Xuanpin sword embryo with three handles.

Another unfinished sword embryo 1,234 handles.

Great harvest!

Li Hanqiu also came to Seeing such a harvest, he only said, "From now on, all the fireworks and Taoists in the world may look for you desperately. Cutting off people's wealth is like killing a parent. "

Zhang Yang laughed, and then ordered the disciples to move all the sword embryos to the Swordman Valley, and then everyone will go to the Swordman Valley to practice swordsmanship.

This is a process of selecting sword embryos, and at the same time they will be selected by the sword embryos. Whether there is any harvest depends on chance.

Then all the direct disciples, as well as the fighting sword repair, went crazy.

Running to practice sword day and night,

After all, this will be the first ordinary sword they have obtained, and every sword weapon is different. If you can harvest a sword that matches your own, it is tantamount to increasing your strength by 10%.

Zhang Yang is very satisfied with all of this. He has decided to engrave the triple armor removal technique on every sword weapon. When the time comes, his disciples will send out Wan Jian, which is spectacular when you think about it.

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