Chapter 37: One sentence “dead” overshadows all the sharpness and acting skills! (Please give me flowers and votes)

Cao Baoping, who was sitting behind the monitor, had a more and more serious look in his eyes.

Especially when Lu Chen said those two words just now, he suddenly exerted some force on the hand holding the intercom.

What was he feeling at this moment?

There were many kinds of……It was also very complicated!

First of all, it was the same feeling that Liu Qi had before.

This time…….It seems that he has found a treasure!

Then, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

At a certain moment, he seemed to have forgotten the name of the man sitting in the interrogation room. He forgot that he was an actor.

He also forgot that he had designed eight storyboards for Liu Sheng.

The only thing left was the straightforward expression in the thick dialect, with a hint of teasing and a hint of indifference.

It was the cold light that annihilated humanity emitted from the eyes filled with indifference and cold-bloodedness!

Acting skills……

For directors who have been in the film and television industry for many years, this has always been a commonplace issue……..He has met countless actors who are recognized for their acting skills.

Their performances are either delicate, superb, grand, or hearty……..

All of these had left a deep impression on him.

But today, everything was overturned by this unknown little actor.

The definition of the word”acting” in his heart also changed quietly.

He even began to hate the word”acting”.

He even……I began to think that my movies should be shot like this in the future.

People with no trace of acting can shoot something full of fireworks!

After taking a sip from the teacup beside him, Cao Baoping wiped the sweat on his hands on his trouser legs.

His eyes continued to stare at the screen.

In the interrogation room, Lu Chen continued to”confess”

“After the woman was fucked to death by Xin Xiaofeng, the old man and the old woman ran in and screamed!”

“Then…….Then they were all killed”

“Who did it?”

“”I” is a simple and direct word.

Like a sharp steel file, it rubbed everyone’s heart fiercely.

The bloody reality was lightly said by Lu Chen.

After showing a half-smile, Lu Chen raised his fingers and tapped lightly on the wooden board in front of him.

The most real perverted side of Liu Sheng’s soul……At this moment, every hair must be revealed!

“What happens next?”

The calm voices of the extras echoed in the interrogation room.

“What happens next?…….We still want to leave, but we can’t leave.”

“I just happened to see that there was something like that on the wall…….”

At this point, Lu Chen paused again, glanced down with his left eye, and then said three words in a somewhat awkward voice:

“Mu Fang Fang…….”

This very down-to-earth expression made the audience feel a chill at the same time.

The calmness and composure when he described the murder weapon he used was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone’s heart……..They finally understood what a killer who was extremely cold-hearted and perverted was!

With just a few words, he could decide a life. He was not bloodthirsty or cruel…….

It’s just that pair of cold-blooded eyes like an ice cellar…….

“Then…….I used that to move my hands”

“Who did it?”

“Me too…….”Alas, in fact, none of them can do it.”

Lu Chen said in a playful voice.

When he said this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes revealed a hint of impatience, which lowered the temperature in the interrogation room by a few degrees.

“Then what…….We arrived at the reservoir.”

“At that time I said, now no matter who helps whom, you must listen to me in the future. You must do what I tell you to do……..”

“Otherwise, my help would be in vain! If you don’t listen, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

“At that time, they were so scared that they were like cowards. When they attacked me, I felt that Gouri’s hand was not soft at all.”

“They must think that Laozi…….They must have killed him.”

“Didn’t you look for them later?”

The extra asked.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly leaned back, and the muscles on both sides of his cheeks twitched suddenly. He smiled in a very sinister and relaxed way, and shook his head slightly, then said two words.

“Not looking”

“Later……I figured it out, too. Don’t you think so?”

“I killed a whole family. It’s better to die. If I die, no one will look for me if the crime is exposed……..”

The monologue was filled with his constantly changing facial expressions.

Those cold, teasing, and joking voices made all the pre-written lines seem pale and powerless at this moment!

The last scene in the camera…….

Lu Chen suddenly leaned forward, raised his eyebrows, and said something to the police officer sitting not far away that made everyone in the audience feel cold.

“you say…….Is that right?”


A crisp sound rang out in the venue.

Cao Baoping stood up from the stool and cast an extremely complicated look at Lu Chen.

His mouth moved slightly, wanting to speak, but he couldn’t say a word.

He turned around and waved his hand. After a long silence, he spoke in a hoarse voice.

“script…….Just change it as you said!”

“I……Please have a drink!”

“I never expected that after two months of filming, I would have to edit the movie right away……..”

“A group of actors spent two full months on this project and contributed many wonderful scenes.”

“You are good, kid……..”

“All their acting skills, all their edge…….”

“All of them were lightly overshadowed by your words”Fuck you”…….”

“What a pity……”

“So sad……”


The interrogation room was quiet again.

Everyone looked at Lu Chen sitting on the interrogation chair with numb expressions.

No one applauded or cheered……..

It’s normal.

I just watched a documentary of a real prisoner being tried. I’m so close to the darkness of human nature……..

Do you have the heart to applaud or praise? ps: I want to add more but I don’t have the chance…….The data is completely unchanged, probably because I wrote it so poorly……..It’s hard to have no readers.

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