Chapter 40 All his shots are original, he can carry the banner of Jiuzhou Film and Television! (Please give flowers and votes))

12:00 PM

《Liu Qifa, the director of the”Undocumented Crime” crew, wrote a long blog.

It was also this blog that completely clarified all the discussions and doubts that night!

It also presented a flesh-and-blood Lu Chen to all the audience!

This blog……Almost everyone was silent.

At the same time, everyone was shocked!

The title of the Weibo post is a simple yet powerful sentence.

“Apologize to the person who deserves our admiration!”

In the Weibo post, Liu Qi explained several facts in an extremely sincere tone!

First, regarding the issue of the cut of the footage that was widely questioned by everyone.

Liu Qi said

“It’s very helpless. As a director, sometimes I don’t have absolute decision-making power.”

“During the time when the footage was cut, I spent every day in agony.”

“Fortunately…….There is never a lack of pairs of eyes that can discover beauty in this world!”

“at last……He’s back! And he’s back in a way that pleases all of us!”

“Here, I sincerely apologize to Lu Chen. I also hope that such a thing will never happen to me or other directors again!”

“Everything will be fine, right?”

In the current Kyushu entertainment industry, it is rare to see a director apologize to an actor so sincerely……..He is still a little-known actor. But what is unusual is that netizens did not react much to this…….

From the beginning to the end, they all believed that Lu Chen deserved such an apology!…….What should be done!

In addition, Liu Qi also clarified another issue for the audience.

It was this clarification that really made everyone realize the strength of Lu Chen’s acting skills and the terrifying strength!

“After the film was released, I read many comments from netizens.”

“Some people say that the plot design of Li Toyota’s part is very exquisite and the actor’s action design is also very distinctive.”

“They fully affirmed the script writing ability of this part of the plot and the director’s ability to control the rhythm……”

“But actually, what I want to tell you is…….You are all wrong……”

“There is nothing particularly outstanding about this part of the script. Moreover, the original script simply defines the behavior of the characters.”

“The lines and performances you all talk about were not created by me and the screenwriter at all.”

“The name of the person who created these……Lu Chen. The name of the person performing these……Also called Lu Chen!”

“‘Ripped jacket, slashed face, upside down smoking, reverse smoking design, and violent fingerprint removal design…..”

“All of these were improvised by Lu Chen in a thirteen-minute long shot!”

“Therefore, Li Toyota’s part of the plot was completely original to Lu Chen!”

“This is not only shocking to everyone. To be honest, when shooting……It also shocked all the cast and crew members of the crew!”

The extremely detailed explanation and clarification finally made the audience understand everything behind it.

All those speculations were overturned at this moment!

It turned out that all of this was conceived, involved and performed by Lu Chen alone!

A genius actor!

At this moment, it became their unanimous evaluation of Lu Chen!

And the third point mentioned by Liu Qi also made everyone completely stop discussing a very controversial issue before.

About the bottle of liquid that Lu Chen used to eliminate fingerprints after killing someone in the cafe.

Liu Qi told everyone that it……It was indeed a bottle of real sulfuric acid!

The crew had not prepared such a thing in advance.

But on the set, when performing this scene, Lu Chen actually took out the bottle of sulfuric acid from his pocket.

The crew only reacted and tried to stop him after he had wiped off all the fingerprints on his left hand…….

So, Liu Qi said.

He had never seen such a dedicated actor in all these years!

He was very happy to see an actor who was willing to risk his life and become like Lu Chen……..He had never seen such a thing before!

He had seen actors who were so immersed in their roles that they could not get out of them. But he had never seen an actor who was so immersed in his roles that he even put his own life aside…….I haven’t seen it either!

Most of the content of the blog is about to end here.

Below the long paragraph of text, Liu Qi posted three photos.

They are a close-up photo of Li Fengtian, a photo of the original script of Li Fengtian’s segment, and……A close-up of Lu Chen’s left hand after being corroded by sulfuric acid.

These three pictures explained everything very clearly!

These three pictures also overturned all doubts about Lu Chen!

At the end of the blog, Liu Qi said this

“today……It is not only an apology to Lu Chen, but also an appeal to the entire film and television industry!”

“Don’t you really want to use actors like this?”

“Do you really want an actor like this to be completely hidden away?”

“I really hope that I can see this familiar face more often in future movies and TV series.”

“I also hope that in the next ten years, he can truly carry the banner of the Kyushu film and television industry!”

“Believe me……He has the ability!”

An exclamation mark full of infinite power, let everything settle at this moment.

Netizens stopped discussing excessively.

When everything was clear, they had only one thought in their minds.

It was also what Liu Qi said in that Weibo.

In the next ten years, it seems that there is really someone who can carry the flag in the film and television industry in Jiuzhou!

They……I am very pleased.

At the same time, I am also looking forward to it!……

At 12:30 pm,


The drunk Cao Baoping put his hands on Lu Chen’s shoulders.

He took out an envelope and handed it to Lu Chen.

“There are 20,000 in it, which is the red envelope for you this time!”

“The five hundred thousand yuan salary will be transferred to your card tomorrow!”

“Director Cao……Is that a bit much? A role of a few minutes……”

Liu Qi took a sip of wine and waved his hand.

“Your few minutes are worth much more than the price!”

“The production crew is not very well-funded at the moment, so we can only give you this much.”

“But you believe me, later……What is owed to you will definitely be compensated to you!”

“hope…….I hope the next cooperation will be as pleasant as this one!”

Cao Baoping extended his hand to Lu Chen with a look of emotion.

And Lu Chen also extended his hand with a smile.

A long-established director and a rising star.

In this dark night, they held hands for a very short time.

《”The Burning Sun” seems to have come to an end in this second. But this moment is a new legend in the film and television industry of Kyushu!……

Only then……Start!

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