Many people suddenly realized why this piece of blood jade was the treasure of the night.

It seemed that this was not only a piece of fine jade, but also a piece of jade with profound magical power, a magical instrument.

This kind of treasure that could ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons was extremely attractive to these wealthy people.

They were all rich people, and who didn't have a few dirty and ugly deeds on their hands?

Having such a treasure on you would naturally buy peace of mind.

These people were not short of money. After hearing what An Yan said, they all wanted to take this piece of jade for themselves.

Wealthy families such as the Wu sisters, Song Wanting and Qi Yushu were no exception.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but sigh at the young master's erudition and talent. He even knew such an obscure jade like the back of his hand.

The Wu sisters and Song Wanting couldn't help but look up to him.

"Good vision, Mr. An really has a keen eye."

This was said by an old man sitting behind Song Wanting.

He is the treasure appraiser of the Song family, and most people also call him Old Qi.

One of the bigger businesses under the Song family is antique trading.

There are more or less treasure appraisers in the antique trading business, and this Old Qi is one of the best.

Old Qi also has a high prestige in the antique circle of Nanhai Province.

He has never failed to appraise any treasure and is highly respected by his peers.

What he said just now represents his approval of An Yan's statement, which suddenly made other people have more expectations for this blood jade.

But An Yan looked at him and sneered, because the blood jade was just a scam. The scam was orchestrated by Qi Lao, the treasure appraiser of the Song family.

Qi Lao had used a very clever method to create this special jade.

He colluded with others and used his position in the Song family to cheat the Song family of their money.

This kind of small supporting role is destined to gain the favor of the big boss.

Even if Ye Chen was trapped by An Yan, he could not escape the fate of being fed to the dogs.

Now Qi Lao is still unaware of the danger of the young man in front of him.

He still looks smug, thinking that a pretentious rich second generation has come to help him.

For An Yan to be able to tell the origin of this blood jade, he is... Of course, all the wealthy people look at it with a higher eye.

After all, it is something that has been approved by the big guys, so what reason do they have to bid a higher price?

There are indeed many good things auctioned at this kind of private auction, and even some taboo things are sold here.

Therefore, many things auctioned here must not be exposed, and they are collected as collections after they are bought.

An Yan himself has no interest in these antiques, so he only bought two small ornaments for the women in his family.

Although these women are not short of money, they have more than 100 million in their pockets, credit cards with overdraft limits of nearly 1 billion, and billions of assets.

But no matter what they do , No matter how powerful, no matter how strong, they are all women.

If women coax them, it's not bad. Maybe they can unlock more actions.

The atmosphere of the auction today is quite high.

The finale of the blood jade is coming soon.

Many people on the scene are eager to try.

There is a trace of greed in the eyes of Mr. Qi.

He already knows that he can definitely make a fortune this time.

Not long after, the staff on the stage took out the blood jade.

It was placed in a glass cover and locked with a password lock. The security is quite good.

This glass jade is not big, half the size of a palm.

It is a kind of raw jade that has not been carved. The market price is probably less than 2 million.

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