Wu Qianqian, who was standing beside him, watched Song Wanting leave before whispering to An Yan

"What do you mean by that? He said,"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Okay, An Yan, there's no one else here, so stop acting."

"The purpose of your coming here today is not to buy any ghost blood jade, you just want to get close to Miss Song"

"Now people want to invite you to dinner, you learn to refuse, you really have a lot of tricks."

An Yan exclaimed, wow, she actually guessed it right, this woman's IQ is really scary

""No, Qianqian, why do you always think so badly of people? How do I know that old man is cheating people?"

An Yan denied it confidently.

Wu Qianqian looked at him and didn't say anything else.

Because she knew that An Yan was just quibbling and not admitting it.

It didn't matter to Wu Qianqian whether An Yangcheng admitted it or not. What was important was that it made her understand An Yan more.

He made her feel a lot of pressure.

Because she always felt that An Yan knew everything and had every plan.

And they were still wondering whether the fake formula incident in Donghai Province was a scheme by An Yan.

If the An family was really interested in the new recipe for the anti-aging ointment, it would be impossible for them to only take out that little money.

It was hard to imagine that a young man who came down from the mountain had defrauded several groups of hundreds of billions.

And as far as they knew, Ye Ye Fan was imprisoned right after he came down the mountain.

He had no chance or time to arrange to trick so many wealthy families.

You know, he offended so many big guys, and they mobilized so many resources, but they didn't find any clues.

Just this kind of connections and power are not something that a person who just came down the mountain can possess.

So the woman's sixth sense told Wu Qianqian that the mastermind behind the scam might be An Yan, and Ye Fan was just his scapegoat.

But all this is speculation.

Now the crucial Ye Fan can't be found, and there is really no evidence.

In fact, it was after that auction that Wu Qianqian completely attached importance to An Yan, and the other party was also blatantly They had boldly deployed the Bingbing Trade chess piece in Nanhai Province.

This matter had to make them worried.

Wu Qianqian clearly felt that An Yan intended to march into Nanhai Province.

In addition, he came to Nanhai Province in person this time.

No one knew the purpose behind it.

It was not difficult for her to imagine that he would be confronted in the future.

Maybe he should have sold the agency rights to the Qi family, so that she would not feel so difficult.

But it is useless to say anything now.

Now that the decision has been made, there is no choice.

The original decision was not wrong.

At least now the strength of the Wu family is stronger than before.

Nanhai Province is now the strongest with the Wu family.

The Qi family’s successive defeats in Donghai Province have made them not fully With sufficient funds to fight against the Wu family, for a time, the Wu family was also rising all the way.

The sisters of the Wu family discussed that they should not make enemies with the An family unless it was necessary, because being targeted by An Yan was an extremely uncomfortable injury.

Let's not talk about other people for now, just look at Qi Yushu and you will know that this person has been abused since he offended An Yan.

When An Yan returned home, Gu Bingbing had already prepared to change into a maid outfit and cooked meals for him to eat when he came back.

The first thing An Yan did after returning home was to stroke the cat.

This glutinous rice cake was soft and full of flesh, and he couldn't help pinching it every time.

After stroking the cat, An Yan put the glutinous rice cake on the ground and prepared its favorite milk juice for it.

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