Ye Fan vaguely felt that An Yan was setting a trap for him to fall into.

He thought he was a hunter, but he ended up being someone else's prey.

This feeling was really terrible.

Ye Fan was in big trouble.

The atmosphere at the auction was very subtle.

He wished someone could come out and bid.

Because there was still hundreds of millions of yuan left from the estimated highest price.

As long as there was a big ghost, he could get out.

But I don't know if it was because of An Yan or because of the thunderbolt just now.

After Ye Fan called out 650 million, no one bid.

Ye Fan was so confused, right? No way?

Would he have to be the receiver again this time?

Oh my God, this time it's 650 million, and this time he's going to lose more than 500 million.

It's estimated that if Mr. Luo knew about it, he would die suddenly in a minute.

In fact, the reason why most people didn't bid was that they were confused by An Yan's weird behavior.

Seeing him and Ling Ruoxue being affectionate, everyone hesitated and didn't dare to bid.

You have to know that An Yan is the biggest boss at the scene.

If a big boss doesn't dare to bid, how can these little brothers dare to bid?

As An Yan said, only those who gamble can win or lose, and those who don't gamble at least won't lose. If the rough stone of 650 million yuan is exposed again, it will be the rhythm of bankruptcy for them.

An Yan began to urge again,"Auctioneer, are you new here? Didn't you see that no one bid? Hurry up, you see that our Mr. Ye's big knife is already thirsty."

The auctioneer looked around and found that no one really bid, so she began to count,

650 million, the first time;

650 million, the second time;

650 million, the third time.

Okay, deal. Congratulations to Mr. Ye Fan for winning this rough stone.

The auctioneer's gavel sounded, and

Ye Fan's mood also fell to the bottom.

He didn't expect An Yan to bid like this, which disrupted his plan at once.

Ye Fan originally just wanted to stop at 700 million or 800 million, so that An Yan would suffer more losses and he wouldn't have to worry about being tricked by him.

Who would have thought that An Yan would stop bidding after one bid, not giving him a chance to fight back.

And because of his attitude, no one else around dared to bid.

It's not that there is no company with the strength to take over this plate, but the problem is that a big boss like An Yan is crying poor, what qualifications do they have to take this rough stone?

Everyone was scared to death by the last thunder, and no one bid anymore.

The waiter in the venue once again skillfully brought the cash register to Luo Yiran.

Luo Yiran couldn't help but look at Ye Fan again, because Ye Fan's attitude just now was too weird.

He wanted to ask him if there would be another thunder this time?

Ye Fan didn't know how to respond to his eyes at all, he just smiled helplessly.

Luo Yiran couldn't read anything from his expression, he could only swipe the card silently.

As soon as the waiter left,

Luo Yiran came up and asked,"How is it, it won't be thunder again, right?"

Ye Fan nodded silently, and

Luo Yiran felt a burst of pain in his chest.

Who knows how much he will lose this time.

He said,"Since you knew that the price was going to explode, why did you still shout?"

Ye Fan said helplessly,"Hey, I didn't know it turned out like this. An Yan said he was going to bid 1.3 billion this time, and I don't know why he stopped after bidding once."

Luo Yiran frowned and said,"Are you sure he said he was going to bid 1.3 billion?"

Ye Fan nodded affirmatively and told him everything he had just heard.

Ye Fan cried out,"I was originally going to bid 700 million or 800 million and then stop. I really didn't know it would be like this, and An Yan also led everyone around him, and in the end no one was bidding. Luo Lao, I'm really sorry, it's my fault. After I sign the contract with the Gu family, I will return the money to you. Now I owe you a favor."

Luo Yiran sighed and said,"Oh, forget it, you saved my life. Even if it's a reward for you, can Mr. Ye really see the quality of this jade?"

Ye Fan could only explain it to Luo Yiran this time, because now his distrust of himself may have reached a new height.

He pointed at the raw stone and said,"Only the small piece on the top and the small piece below this stone is an imperial green jade, and most of the rest is white."

Luo Yiran was shocked by his ability.

He had seen many talented people in his life, but he had never heard of someone with such ability.

The waiter at the venue invited Ye Fan to cut the stone again.

He seemed to want Luo Yiran to prove his strength, so Ye Fan walked quickly to the cutting table, drew lines according to the places he had just mentioned, and asked the cutting master to cut according to those places.

Luo Yiran saw all this from a distance, and he was surprised to find that the situation was indeed as Ye Fan said.

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