Ye Fan had no other choice but to fight hard, otherwise he would be finished.

Ye Fan used all his strength to try to get rid of all eight people in one go.

Ye Fan quickly went behind the eight people, and then kicked five of them hard at their coccyx.

After all, they were close to the strength of a master, and the damage that broke out at this critical moment was indeed not weak.

Several people did not see clearly when Ye Fan went around behind them.

When they reacted, everyone was kicked by Ye Fan.

The huge force made everyone fly back several meters, and then they spit out blood from their mouths, and then they all fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ye Fan no longer had a trace of internal strength in his body, and he was still panting and sweating profusely.

Ye Fan was glad that he had fought hard, otherwise it would be a joke if this matter was spread out in the future, and he would have to die on the spot.

But Ye Fan was not happy for long.

After a short rest, all eight of them stood up again.

It was true that Ye Fan had just injured them, but it was not fatal. It just made them faint for a short time.

After recovering, they looked at Ye Fan with fierce eyes.

They also saw that Ye Fan was now like a spent force.

One by one, they rushed up and began to hold him down.

At this time, Ye Fan was like a trapped beast.

He had no strength to struggle at all.

After a while, he was held down by these eight people.

At this time, Ye Fan began to be afraid.

This was the first time he felt this kind of powerlessness since he was a child.

He might never have thought in his life that he, a master who was one step away from becoming a master, would be pinned to the ground by a few gangsters.

Ye Fan said in horror:"You...

what are you guys doing? What you are doing is illegal, do you know?" Brother Biao smiled sinisterly and said:"Tsk tsk tsk, don't say such childish words, this is our dedication to your love.

Just enjoy it.

" Ye Fan hurriedly said:"Stop, stop, stop, I know you are entrusted by An Yan.

Call him over, I will have a good chat with him.

" Tiger King said:"You want to talk now? It's too late, you are our food.

Wait a few days, when the boss is free, he will naturally come over to have a good chat with you.

" When Ye Fan wanted to scream.

His mouth was blocked by a pair of smelly socks, and he couldn't shout.

Tears of pain fell from Ye Fan's eyes, and his eyes were filled with endless sadness.

When Ye Fan was in hell.

An Yan was sitting in his private ward, enjoying top-grade red wine and steak, as well as the shoulder massage service of goddess president Gu Bingbing.

Ling Ruoxue and Lin Chuxue had gone home early because they were too tired, so Gu Bingbing was left to work the night shift at the hospital to take care of Anyan.

She was standing behind Anyan now, looking as if she wanted to say something but hesitated.

After hesitating for a while, she knelt down and said,"Anyan, I beg you for one thing.

Do you think we can settle the matter of Ye Fan beating you out of court? As long as you let him go, we will compensate you with a huge sum of money.

Do you think it's okay?" Anyan looked at Gu Bingbing kneeling on the ground.

He seemed satisfied with her attitude.

It seemed that his education of her was still effective.

Anyan shook his head and said,"Do you think this is a problem that can be solved with money? He beat me so hard that I was hospitalized.

Why should I let him go? Didn't you see that he wanted to kill me? He attacked me by playing with my fatal injury.


"Moreover, this person is very strong. The bodyguards my family hired for me are all retired special forces. But none of them can beat him. If I let him go, wouldn't it pose a great threat to my own life safety?"

Gu Bingbing knew that he was telling the truth.

Because Ye Fan now hates Anyan to the core, it is hard to guarantee whether he will seek revenge on Anyan after he comes out.

But Gu Bingbing believes that the reason why Anyan did this is mainly for Ye Fan's formula.

Gu Bingbing said:"He was just fighting for a moment. I think after this profound lesson, he will not act so impulsively again. Besides, isn't your goal Ye Fan's prescription?"

Anyan did not hide it and said directly:"Yes, the prescription is the highlight, so it is even more impossible for me to let him go."

Hey, isn't this a headache for Gu Bingbing?

To be honest, she has no confidence in convincing Anyan.

Gu Bingbing sighed and said:"Ye Fan is unwilling to give it to you, and it is not a solution for you to torture him like this. How about you do me a favor?"

An Yan smiled and said,"Don't worry about that, he will definitely give it to me."

Gu Bingbing said doubtfully,"He hates you to the core now, why do you think he will give it to you? He said he would not give it to you even if he went to jail, do you know that?"

An Yan smiled and said,"Of course I have confidence, how about we make a bet that he will give me the formula in two weeks at most."

Gu Bingbing said doubtfully,"Are you so confident?"

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