An Yan took out a box of newly developed poison from his pocket and said,"What a strong woman. Well, since you are so stubborn, I will also follow the usual practice and give it to you."

The assassin said,"Humph, whoever is afraid is a dog, come on if you have the guts."

An Yan said,"Very good, you have guts, you will go first. I will let you try my newly developed poison, the Ten Thousand Ants Grinding Bone Poison." The leader said puzzledly,"Ten Thousand Ants Grinding Bone Poison? What kind of poison is this? How come I have heard of it?"

An Yan smiled and said,"It's not a deadly poison. It's just that after you eat it, there will be tens of thousands of ants crawling all over your body, biting your flesh and bones madly."

The assassin laughed and said,"That's it? A tickling poison, I'm not afraid of anything."

An Yan said,"There's really nothing to be afraid of. It's just that I started scratching when it was too itchy, but no matter how I scratched, the itch didn't go away. I scratched until I saw the bones and it was almost over."

The assassin said,"Humph, you are just being mysterious. I have been wandering around for so many years and have never heard of it. Who are you trying to scare here?��"

An Yan said,"It's okay, you will be able to taste it soon. Beauty, don't worry, I don't plan to use this kind of drug on you. I will only use sticks to punish you. Just watch the effect of the drug and see if you confess."

After hearing what he said, the assassin was dumbfounded on the spot.

Damn! Is there a distinction between men and women in this torture?

Why was he the only one injured?

An Yan didn't care what he said anymore, and directly poured poison into the assassin's mouth.

This kind of poison was also his first time trying it.

From the instructions, it should be more powerful, but someone needs to test it personally.

The assassin didn't react at first after taking the poison. An Yan thought that he should have held back.

But slowly, slowly, his willpower seemed to be unbearable, and his body began to twist like a loach.

He felt very itchy, as if something was really crawling all over his body.

The itchy feeling permeated his whole body.

He wanted to scratch it, but his hands were restrained.

He could only swing his body desperately, trying to relieve the itching.

This was also a kind of poison used by the Tang Sect to torture people.

The poison itself did not hurt the body, but the torture was extremely terrible.

If he was not tied up, he might have scratched his skin to pieces.

This poison should not be used to torture people for more than half an hour, because after half an hour, the person may not be able to resist the torture, and either the body will be covered with blood and die of blood loss, or the tortured person will go crazy.

Generally speaking, it will stop at most 15 minutes, rest for a while, and then torture for another 15 minutes.

Even people with strong willpower can hardly last more than 2 hours.

An Yan was not in a hurry.

He just sat beside him and watched the assassin.

Seeing him swinging wildly there, he looked like he could not understand.

After only five minutes, the assassin began to beg for mercy.

The assassin said,"Boss, let me go and help me detoxify. I will tell you anything you want to ask."

An Yan smiled and said,"Didn't you just say you weren't afraid? Why did you give in after just five minutes?"

The assassin said,"I was wrong, boss. I know I was wrong. Please give me the antidote."

An Yan shrugged and said,"I'm sorry, there is no antidote for this poison. The dose I just gave you has a lifespan of about 15 minutes, and it will naturally stop when the time is up."

The assassin almost wailed,"Ah, it's so itchy, I feel like there are thousands or tens of thousands of bugs biting me, you... , why don't you kill me, kill me."

An Yan smiled and said,"This won't work either, wait until I finish asking the questions I should ask. If you answer honestly, I can give you euthanasia. Otherwise, I will come to you several times a day in the future."

The assassin continued to beg,"Ahhh, I'm in so much pain, just kill me. Ahhhh. Help me."

The leader next to him was dumbfounded.

Her subordinate usually had a strong will.

When he was subjected to various torture tests inside the door, he was the most endurable moment.

He collapsed in just five minutes?

Is this poison really so strong?

An Yan didn't care about his howling, because this medicine really has no antidote, but it has a time limit, which is adjusted according to the dosage.

The leader next to him was also horrified.

This subordinate didn't seem to have any scars on the surface, but he had sweated dozens of pounds all over his body, and the expression on his face was completely like a person who wanted to live but couldn't, and wanted to die but couldn't.

After sixteen minutes, the effect of the drug on the assassin had worn off.

During this period, he fainted several times due to dehydration or itching and pain, but each time he woke up in pain from the itching.

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