Li An quickly sent Wu Peipei's information to him.

An Yan immediately flipped through it and found a plum blossom birthmark on Wu Peipei's knee.

He handed the picture on his phone to Lingxi to show her.

Lingxi thought An Yan was playing tricks at first, but when she saw the plum blossom mark on the knee of the corpse, she trembled all over.

She looked at the woman carefully and found that she looked 80% similar to her.

At this moment, she was finally able to confirm that this woman was probably her biological mother.

Lingxi clearly saw that her mother was stabbed dozens of times and there were several holes on her body.

The emotions hidden in her heart burst out all of a sudden, and her tears flowed down, and her face was wet with tears.

She said angrily:"Who, who killed my mother?"

Lingxi's face was full of anger, and the cold murderous aura of a killer was constantly released.

If she had the skills now, she would not doubt that she wanted to kill An Yan.���

An Yan shrugged and said,"Do you agree or not? If you don't agree, I will kill you now, and you will report to King Yama with anger." Lingxi shook her head and said,"Don't think about it. The Hidden Sect has a poison. The antidote must be taken every month, otherwise the poison will cause death."

An Yan smiled and said,"Then you can rest assured about this. I happen to have an antidote for the poison in your body."

Lingxi looked at him in disbelief.

She said,"This, how is this possible? The poison of the Hidden Sect has been passed down for hundreds of years and has long been lost. Where did you get the antidote?"

An Yan said,"Of course I know. Your poison is the Chuanchang Powder of the Tang Sect. Not only do I have an antidote, I can also make the original medicine."

When An Yan examined their bodies last night, he had already discovered that they had this poison in their bodies.

This poison is actually only of medium level in the Tang Sect's poison system.

It is used by some evil cults to control people's hearts.

He just happened to have such a drug in his system.

An Yan took out a black pill from his pocket and asked her to smell it.

He said,"Smell it and see if it's the medicine."

Lingxi frowned and smelled it.

It was indeed the pill with a strong smell of bezoar. It was exactly the same as the medicine in An Yan's hand.

An Yan said,"Open your mouth."

Lingxi knew that the other party asked her to taste it.

Anyway, she had been caught.

Even if he asked her to take poison, she would have to accept it.

So Lingxi opened her mouth and swallowed it.

Soon, she felt a familiar warm current in her stomach.

She knew that the medicine was indeed real.

An Yan said,"Now you believe that I have this ability, right?"

Lingxi asked doubtfully,"Who are you? Aren't you an ordinary rich second generation?"

She thought of everything that happened from last night to today.

This person not only has the strength of a master, but also knows how to make Tang Sect's poison and antidote, and he is still so young.

With his ability, he is also a brilliant genius in the entire Northern Frontier Province, but the intelligence of the Hidden Sect actually said that he is just an ordinary rich second generation?

An Yan smiled and said,"It's true that I'm a rich second-generation. Can't rich second-generations learn more? Today's rich second-generations are very hardworking, and they are proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Lingxi saw the nonsense he said, and she didn't believe him talking nonsense here.

When she thought that the young man in front of her actually had information about her biological mother's enemy, she knew that she couldn't compromise.

Although the Hidden Sect has cultivated her over the years, she has no choice when it comes to her mother's blood feud. So Lingxi said,"Okay, just tell me everything, and I will work for you in the future." The promise was straightforward. An Yan took out a pill and gave it to her.

"Take this pill. I will tell you everything after you take it."

Lingxi frowned and said,"What kind of poison is this?"

"An upgraded version of the poison from Hidden Sect. If there is no antidote, you will feel a hundred times more painful than the original one."

Lingxi's eyes widened, and she couldn't help swallowing.

The poison from Hidden Sect was already so terrible, but she didn't expect that there would be an upgraded version.

What kind of monster is this An Yan?

Will she really not die if she eats it?

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

She has to eat it even if she dies.

Besides, she is already in his hands.

If he really wants to die, he doesn't need so many tricks.

So Lingxi opened her mouth and ate it directly, but

An Yan saw at a glance that an assassin has many tricks.

She just made a fake swallowing action, and the real medicine should still be in her mouth.

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