"There's actually a mouse hiding here. This old guy is really sinister!"

Lei Mo was extremely surprised, with six pairs of eyes wide open. He didn't notice anyone in the dark just now.

This shows that this old guy is ridiculously powerful!

Qin Yuan didn't care about these. When he looked at the old man, at that moment, the imperial power spread, sweeping across the sky and earth!


Sensing the terrifying aura emanating from Qin Yuan, the old man's expression gradually became serious from the indifferent expression at the beginning.

But an extremely strong smile appeared on his face.

"I want your body!"

The old man's eyes contained endless greed.

He saw endless possibilities in Qin Yuan.


At the same time, the old man's body also emanated a breath like a stormy wave!

This breath was no less powerful than the breath that Qin Yuan burst out.

"Boy, the nine layers of the Thunder Realm are not easy to break through. The eighth layer is your dead end!"

"I have met many geniuses before. They also have extremely outstanding talents like you, but when they come here, their fate cannot escape the fate of being possessed by me. And you are the same today. Your fate is no different from theirs!"

"So... prepare to welcome your own death!"

The old man stood high in the sky, surrounded by lightning, worshiped by the avenue, and a smile of the winner appeared on his face.

"I have heard this kind of words more than once or twice!"

Qin Yuan looked at him calmly.

"Haha, then you just wait!"

The old man smiled slightly, and a terrifying shadow appeared behind him. The shadow was thousands of feet high, and his eyes were extremely cold.

"I hope you can still remain so calm when you are crushed by me later."


The thunder shook the sky, and the violent lightning gathered in the hands of the old man. In an instant, it turned into huge thunder balls.

"Boy, let me serve you some appetizers first!"

The old man played with the thunder balls in his hand and threw them into the sky one by one without hesitation.


These thunder balls were like meteors.

At a glance, there were countless of them!

And each thunder ball carried an extremely terrifying aura, and each thunder ball could make an ordinary emperor's soul scatter!

Seeing this, Qin Yuan had a blank expression and slowly stretched out a finger!


Boom boom--! !

In an instant, the space shook, and the sky and the earth shattered!

Several great ways hidden in the body burst out at this moment!


The old man's pupils shook, revealing a look of horror.

Under his gaze, the four great ways of wind, fire, thunder and lightning permeated Qin Yuan's body, like a respectful minister, extremely pious.

Then the next moment, the four great ways gathered together, especially the thunder way, which had the most thunder marks.

The old man also saw it.

What shocked him was the number of Dao Marks of the Thunder Dao.

Too many!!

Why are there so many?

He has practiced for tens of millions of years, and now he has only 70,000 Dao Marks, but how could this kid have 100,000!

This is simply incredible!

What does the emperor rely on?

Isn't it based on who has more Dao Marks than who?

And now Qin Yuan has more Dao Marks than him, whether it is a win or a loss, isn't the result obvious?

And there is something even more amazing, that is, Qin Yuan can actually merge the Great Dao, this kind of thing the old man has only seen in ancient books!

The Great Dao is different, and it is strong when it is divided, and it is useless when it is combined. No one can make all the Great Daos live in harmony.

They can only be suppressed by strong strength.

But now, what did the old man see?

Fusion of the Great Dao!!


The old man screamed and wanted to stop it, but unfortunately, with the blessing of so many great ways, the power of the Great Wilderness Prisoner Finger reached its peak at this moment, and no one could stop it!


All the thunder balls were destroyed at that moment.

The Great Wilderness Prisoner Finger was like a rampaging dragon, attacking the old man.

The breath of death seemed to have emerged...

He died in a shocking sound.

The five people died with him.

The death was outrageous. There were many moves that he didn't use. The old man was very sorry and unwilling...

The soul was sucked away by the Human Emperor Banner, and the old man could never be resurrected!

"Master is too strong!"

On the side, the six pairs of eyes of the Thunder Demon were wide open. He knew that his master was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

Even if the old man had to face it himself, he would need a lot of effort to solve it. What about the master?

Just one move!

He was defeated with just one move.

Compared to the shock of the Thunder Demon, Qin Yuan's expression was very calm, as if he had just done something insignificant.

At this time, his eyes looked at the giant mountain, and with a swish, his figure disappeared from the spot. At the same time, Qin Yuan's voice also appeared in Lei Mo's mind: "Bring all the Thunder Prison Beasts in the Eighth Heaven to the giant mountain, I'll wait for you there!"


Lei Mo came back to his senses and immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he picked up his double-headed giant axe and carried out a brutal capture operation on all the Thunder Prison Beasts in the Eighth Heaven.


Boom boom--!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

Qin Yuan came to the center of the giant mountain, where he saw a spectacular scene.

A hundred-foot-high giant drum stood above the sky, and countless huge thunders continued to fall in the sky.

The sound shook the earth and resounded through the sky.

And every time the giant drum is struck by the thunder, it will make a dong dong dong sound.

The sound spread throughout the Eighth Heaven, making people curious and afraid.

"Innate spiritual treasure, the Heaven-shaking Drum!"

Qin Yuan stood in place, muttering, and said the name of the giant drum.

The most precious thing in the Eighth Heaven is the Heaven-shaking Drum in front of him. It is an innate spiritual treasure that has the power to shake the sky and the world.

Every time the drum is struck, it can affect the laws of a world, and when it is fully exerted, as long as it is within its range.

The momentum caused can directly shock the emperor to death!

Mass injury artifact!

It's just a pity that this thing is now in a damaged state and can't burst out its heyday.

When it is fully exerted, it can only be used to affect the emperor's combat, but even so, it can't affect the potential of this drum.

After all, it is an innate spiritual treasure.

In terms of repair, Qin Yuan can go to Jun Shangyun, after all, the latter is very proficient in refining.

Jun Shangyun can perfectly repair all the damaged imperial weapons, no matter whether they are of the highest grade or any other grade.

Even if they are innate spiritual treasures, so what?

It just takes more time.

Then, Qin Yuan came to the sky. He didn't care about the invasion of thunder and put his palm on the Zhentian Drum.

Dong——! ! !

The Zhentian Drum sounded again. At this moment, the aura was even greater, like a mountain or a vast river, rushing towards Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan had no expression on his face and let these auras hit his body.

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