Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 90: Feng Yuwan, The Patriarch Of The Feng Family! A Jealous Hero! (Seeking Subscription)

Yang Chen did not refuse and agreed to go.

After all, he is a big villain.

To kill the son of destiny, this is his essential work.

What's more, this time, one of the heroines belonging to the son of destiny is his mother-in-law.



He really has no reason to refuse.

After agreeing to his master, Yang Chen didn't leave immediately, but stayed in Shengzifeng for a while.

Playing with Yang Chi, Yang Can, and Yang Zhuo during the day.

Enhance the relationship between father and son, father and daughter.

In the evening, I play with a few adults.

But the happy time is always short.

Half a month later.

Under their eyes full of resentment, Yang Chen left Xuantian Sect.

In the flying spirit boat.

Yang Chen was lying on the jade chair.

Behind him, Xu Qingxuan gave a massage.

From time to time, peel a grape for him and put it in his mouth.

Although she was doing the work of a maid, Xu Qingxuan's beautiful cheeks were full of pride.

Become the maid of His Highness the Son.

You can follow and serve wherever you go.

By the way, absorb some dragon energy from His Royal Highness Son to enhance the Cultivation Base.

And those ladies.

But they all stayed in Xuantian Sect.

This trip, only she followed.

Hey, the opportunities are endless.

"His Royal Highness, is Qingxuan's strength still good?"

Xu Qingxuan's voice was charming and pleasant "Nine Six Seven".

The red lips pressed against Yang Chen's ear, exhaling like blue.

But Yang Chen just hummed.

Eyes still closed.

These days, he has consumed a lot.

Just want to rest now.

ten days later.

The flying spirit boat came to the snow-falling mountains more than 100,000 miles north of Xuantian Sect.

The Luoxue Mountains can be said to be at the northernmost end of the Beiling Domain.

The entire mountain range stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

There are countless peaks.

However, the top of every mountain peak is basically covered with snow.

The ancient city of ice and snow is located on the snow field between several snow mountains.

It snows for half of the year in the Luoxue Mountains, hence the name Luoxue.

In this area, because the climate is relatively cold, there are not many mortals.

However, because of the cold, the Spiritual Qi in the world here has its own icy coldness, which is very suitable for cultivator cultivation of ice attribute Spiritual Roots.

Moreover, among the snowfall mountains that stretch for tens of thousands of miles, there are many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures of ice attribute.

Therefore, the ancient city of ice and snow located in the Luoxue Mountains has become a sacred place for cultivators with ice attributes in the Northern Lingyu.

The flying spirit boat landed over the ice and snow ancient city.

The banner of Xuantian Sect fluttered in the wind.

Soon, several cultivators came through the air.

Seeing Yang Chen standing on the deck, one of the Chinese nuns hurriedly cupped her hands and said:

"Inner Sect Elders Song Hui, meet His Royal Highness Son!"

Saying that, Song Hui said to several cultivators around:

"Every fellow daoist, this is my Holy Son of Xuantian Sect!"

"Sect Leader sent his holy son this time, which shows how much he values ​​the Feng family!"

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness Son!"

"I have waited to meet His Royal Highness Son!"

Several cultivators saluted one after another.

Excited on the face.

After all, their Feng family urgently needed Xuantian Sect's support in the fight for the position of city lord.

The meaning of Xuantian Shengzi coming in person is completely different from that of Inner Sect Elders.

The arrival of a holy son has already strongly demonstrated the attitude of Master Xuantian Sect towards the Feng family.

"All seniors are polite!"

Yang Chen stood on the deck of the flying spirit boat, smiling warmly and courteously.

The breeze blows, and the temperament is like a fairy.

Several Feng Family Elders had splendor in their eyes.

This Holy Son of Xuantian is indeed quite extraordinary as rumored.

"It is truly an honor for my Feng family to have His Highness the Holy Son come to the ancient city of ice and snow!"

"His Royal Highness, please, my family has been waiting for a long time!"

"Okay, senior please!"

Yang Chen stepped off the flying spirit boat.

Xu Qingxuan and a group of Xuantian Sect cultivators followed behind.

This time, it is to support the owner of the Feng family to become the owner of the ice and snow ancient city.

Not only because Feng Yuwan, the head of the Feng family, is a good friend of the head of Xuantian Sect.

It is also directly related to the interests of Xuantian Sect.

Therefore, Xuantian Sect sent more than ten Elders to follow Yang Chen.

In Fengjia Great Hall.

A beautiful woman with a slightly plump figure and a dignified temperament, dressed in a moon palace dress, saw Yang Chen approaching, and on her beautiful face, she was first astonished and then burst into a smile that could make Baihua look pale.

"This must be the Holy Son of Xuantian!"

"His Royal Highness is worthy of being the leader of our younger generation in Beilingyu!"

"It really is extraordinary!"

The beautiful woman in palace attire is none other than Feng Yuwan, the head of the Feng family.

Practice Thousand Years, a Cultivation Base has reached the God Transformation Realm realm.

But when he saw Yang Chen, he praised him from the bottom of his heart.

Because Yang Chen didn't deliberately cover up Realm.

And with her God Transformation Realm's Cultivation Base, it can be seen that Yang Chen's Cultivation Base has reached the Nascent Soul Eighth Stage.

This Cultivation Base has already left the junior Xiu far behind.

After all, most of the saints and saints of today's top powers are still in the Gold Core Realm.

Those who can reach the Gold Core late stage are the best among them.

"Junior Yang Chen, met Feng senior!"

"Master often mentioned Feng senior to me, saying that you are best friends, and the friendship is extraordinary!"

"Master wanted to come here in person this time, but she just came out of customs and needed to strengthen the Cultivation Base, so she sent Junior here!"

Yang Chen bowed slightly, showing respect and humility.

He is not proud of himself as the son of Xuantian Sect, and the Feng family asks for Xuantian Sect.

Pretty words don't cost money and said a pass.

The admiration in Feng Yuwan's beautiful eyes increased a little.

He has a handsome appearance and a gentle temperament.

Zhan Lingshuang, that domineering woman, would actually train such an Excellent disciple.

Rare, rare.

In Fengjia Great Hall.

At this time, many people were standing.

They are all the elders and core children of the Feng family.

At this time.

A Feng Family Elder stepped forward and bowed:

"Patriarch, the banquet is ready, why don't His Royal Highness Shengzi and all the Xuantian Sect starters sit together!"

"Let's eat and talk!"


Feng Yuwan tapped Zhenshou lightly, and then said to Yang Chen:

"Holy Son, the delicacies in our Ice and Snow Ancient City are quite unique, why don't you join us and have a taste!?"


Yang Chen nodded in agreement.

Behind the Great Hall, dozens of dishes are placed on each jade table.

Some dishes even radiate the radiance of Yingying Baoguang.

As a family with a Divine Transformation cultivator, it is naturally impossible for the Feng family to treat mundane food as a so-called delicacy.

The main food material on the jade table.

They are full of elixir, Demonic Beasts, which are native to the Snowfall Mountains.

Yang Chen looked at a white jade-like soup dish.

The Elder of the Feng family on the side immediately introduced:

"Your Highness, the name of this soup is Snow Jade Soup, and it is made from Thousand Year's cold chalcedony in the Snowfall Mountains!"

"This leg of lamb is taken from the retreat of a Gold Core goat. The meat is extremely tender!"

"This fried mushroom dish is from the Thousand Year snow mushrooms in the Snowfall Mountains!"

Yang Chen nodded.

It can be seen that the Feng family attaches great importance to their arrival.

Each of these ingredients is top-notch, and even Nascent Soul cultivator can hardly eat it regularly..0

The banquet went well.

At this time.

A tall woman in a white snow robe walked over.


The tall slender woman's voice is elegant, like an orchid in an empty valley.

Hearing this, Feng Yuwan immediately introduced to Yang Chen:

"Holy Son, this is my adopted daughter. Although she is not my own, I have always regarded her as my own!"

"Qian Ning told me on weekdays that she admired the Holy Son very much, and now she is finally lucky enough to meet the real person!"

"Holy Son, why don't you let Qian Ning accompany you for a while, and I'll go say hello to a few Elders!"

Yang Chen nodded.

When he came, he also learned more about the specific situation of the Hakka family in the ancient ice and snow city.

Especially the Feng family.

The head of the Feng family, Feng Yuwan, stepped into the God Transformation Realm five hundred years ago.

I have practiced for Thousand Years, but I have been alone without a companion.

Also no children.

However, he adopted a adopted daughter.

Awakened Ice Phoenix Bloodline, the talent is peerless, as long as you don't die in the future, you can step into the God Transformation Realm world.

Yang Chen glanced at Feng Qianning.

On her body, I felt the Bingfeng Bloodline.

Almost all the core personnel attended the banquet held by the Feng family to welcome him.

However, Yang Chen scanned the audience, and did not sense any awakened Ice Phoenix Bloodlines.

It can be seen that Bingfeng Bloodline, the awakened ones are indeed rare.

"Holy Son, Qian Ning has been admiring your name for a long time, so I don't know if I can offer you a glass of wine!"

As Feng Qianning spoke, she raised the wine glass in her hand.

Yang Chen could see that there was some unnaturalness in her eyes.

Obviously, this was arranged by Feng Yuwan or her family on purpose.

Master said that Feng Yuwan wanted to marry her daughter to Xuantian Sect.

Is this about to start?

However, why did Feng Yuwan use her married daughter to marry her?

As a mother, isn't she also unmarried.

Moreover, compared to her slightly green daughter.

She has more taste.

Jie Jie.

"Miss Qian Ning, you are welcome!"

"But this wine is strong, it's better to drink less!"

Yang Chen raised his glass and touched her lightly.

His attitude was gentle and polite, and his eyes only glanced at her, and there was no trace of misbehavior.

Feng Qianning's expression suddenly relaxed a little.

4.9 The originally stiff face also eased a lot.

【Ding, a new son of destiny, Long Tianyu has been detected!】

[Characteristics: Bearing the real dragon Bloodline, from Zhongzhou outside Beilingyu, a direct descendant of Zhongzhou Chilong family, came to Beilingyu because of family strife 20 years ago, was appreciated by the elder of the Feng family, and is currently a The son-in-law of the Feng family, the nominal husband of Feng Qianning!]

[There are two female protagonists belonging to the son of destiny Long Tianyu, the nominal wife Feng Qianning and mother-in-law Feng Yuwan!]

【Note: Long Tianyu has the same hobbies as the host!】

【Current luck value: 30000 points!】

[Ding, the host came to Feng's house with a high profile, received the highest standard reception from Feng's house, and had a drink and chat with Feng Yuwan and Feng Qianning, Long Tianyu felt jealous, his mood was damaged, and he plundered his son of destiny Long Tian's fortune 500 points, the host gets 500 villain points!]

Listen to the voice of the system in your head.

Yang Chen was shocked immediately.

Long Tianyu?

This name is fine.

Domineering enough.

However, this guy's mood is too easily damaged.

Just talking to his mother-in-law and wife and drinking some wine.

Just get jealous?

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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