Chapter 399 Zhao Feng wants revenge

“Would you mind letting him continue the slaughter? 5

Song Yuqing asked Chu Mochen.

Now Zhao Feng is still slaughtering. He wants to slaughter other people. In fact, it doesn’t matter to Song Yuqing, but what if he kills their Chu family?

“Although he stepped into the magic way, he did not lose his mind and knew what to do and what not to do.

Chu Mochen said calmly to Song Yuqing.

Zhao Feng should be very clear about what to do and what not to do. Even if he is crazy now, he will never dare to attack your people.

Of course, those who took refuge in Chu on the surface were actually those who wanted to be sheltered by Chu Mochen. Chu Mochen did not classify them as Chu people.

Even if they were killed, Chu Mochen didn’t care.

Those people are basically half-hearted, and keeping them is also a hidden danger. If they die, “400” is better.

“I guess it won’t be long before they call me for help.

Chu Mozuo said.

As long as Zhao Feng continues to kill, those people will definitely ask for Chu Mochen’s protection.

“So, can we blackmail them again?” Liu Xueli’s eyes lit up.

“The one who knows me is Xue Li.”

Chu Mochen’s words made Liu Xueli very happy, and even raised her head.

“Doing this will make them even more distant from us.” Song Yuqing said helplessly.

After those people joined them, they have already offered a lot of things. If they continue to do so, they will probably rebel sooner or later.

“Don’t worry, they don’t dare to betray, as long as I have the strength, they won’t dare to betray.

Chu Mochen is not worried that those people will betray in the future.

Even if they really betrayed, could they be Chu Mochen’s opponents? Of course, Chu Mochen wouldn’t care about the guys who could be wiped out with just a wave of his hand.

“That guy Xuan Zhenzi will continue to be by Zhao Feng’s side. 99

Now that the people around Zhao Feng are basically dead, only one Xuan Zhenzi is still alive.

I don’t know if Xuan Zhenzi will be suspected by Zhao Feng after he goes, but it probably won’t. After all, Xuan Zhenzi didn’t even betray Zhao Feng on the surface.

The chess piece Xuan Zhenzi is still very important now, and he still needs to stay by Zhao Feng’s side.

Chu Mochen contacted Xuan Zhenzi directly and gave him this order. Of course, Xuan Zhenzi did not dare to disobey Chu Mochen’s order.

So Xuan Zhenzi, who had escaped before, turned around and found Zhao Feng again.

Before, “I didn’t escape, but now I’m here again.” Zhao Feng’s tone was a little indifferent, making Xuan Zhenzi’s expression very embarrassing.

“If I didn’t go before, I’m afraid I’ll die. I hope you don’t blame me. Now I have no way to go except following you. 33

Xuan Zhenzi said to Zhao Feng with a sincere expression.

After staring at Xuan Zhenzi for a long time, Zhao Feng nodded lightly: “I don’t want this to happen next time.

If the matter of Xuan Zhenzi’s escape is found again next time, Zhao Feng will not be polite.

“Don’t worry, this kind of thing will never happen again. I don’t know what plans you have next?” Xuan Zhenzi asked Zhao Feng.

Although Chu Mochen just ordered him to follow Zhao Feng, but if he can find out some information, it is estimated that Chu Shao will definitely reward him.

Getting Chu Shao’s reward is equivalent to gaining power.

“Current plan.”

Zhao Feng’s expression was a little dark.

“Vengeance, they dare to attack me, how can I not repay them.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were full of chills. This time all the people under his control were dead, although Zhao Feng didn’t care too much about those people.

But with them there, some things can be left to them to do.

In addition, to deal with Chu Mochen, he would not be able to develop his power. If he were to fight alone, he would not be sure to face Chu Mochen.

Unless his strength can reach the level of crushing Chu Mochen.

But now Zhao Feng, even Chu Mochen’s specific strength is not clear, how to crush Chu Mochen, this is simply impossible.

“I don’t know how to respond?

Xuan Zhenzi continued to ask.

“Do you dare to kill directly?” Zhao Feng stared at Xuan Zhenzi.

“As long as you dare to do it, I naturally have the courage to do so.”

Xuan Zhenzi thought that there was no problem in saving his life, not to mention that Chu Mochen also gave him some life-saving things. It is estimated that even if Zhao Feng died, he would not die.

Hearing Xuan Zhenzi’s words, Zhao Feng recognized Xuan Zhenzi a little more.

Then Zhao Feng took Xuan Zhenzi and directly killed those who attacked him.

He also wanted to test Chu Mochen’s attitude. If Chu Mochen knew that he was going to attack him, then he would have to run away and hide.

If Chu Mochen doesn’t ask, then these monks are Zhao Feng’s resource bank, and they can take their lives and their cultivation resources at any time.

The current Chu Mochen really has no time to pay attention to them, Chu Mochen is going to those secret worlds.

In the past, many people in the small world of the secret realm took refuge in Chu Mochen, and even they did not hesitate to reveal the coordinates of their own secret realm world.

They have all become traitors like Xuan Zhenzi.

Of course, Chu Mochen also allowed them to transfer their relatives and friends related to him.

Transfer Qin from the small world of the secret realm.

In this way, there is no loss for them, which is why they are willing to reluctantly sell their own small world.

After harvesting these secret worlds, Chu Mochen’s Qiankun Realm has been promoted again. Today’s Qiankun Realm has been promoted to the level second only to the Immortal Realm.

“I guess if I continue, even if the Immortal Realm doesn’t come, I can still break through in the Universe Realm.

Chu Mochen stood in the world of Qiankun, and the spirit of the fairy was already very rich in the world of Qiankun, but Chu Mochen knew that there was definitely a gap compared to the real world, and the gap was not small.

This gap is small, but the district police are very large.

It took more than ten days for Chu Mochen to move all those secret worlds into Qiankun Realm 5.5. Today’s Qiankun Realm is unimaginably huge.

“Zhao Feng’s revenge is getting bigger and bigger, and now there are more than a dozen gaps in the family that he killed, don’t you care?”

After Chu Mochen came back, Ji Moxue said to Chu Mochen.

If it wasn’t for Chu Mochen saying not to care about Zhao Feng’s affairs, I’m afraid Ji Moxue wouldn’t be able to help himself, this Zhao Feng is getting more and more arrogant now.

“There should be a lot of people who come to me for asylum, right?”

Chu Mochen was still in a hurry.

“Yes, there are indeed many, almost all of them want to ask you to hook your hands to rescue them.”

Ji Moxue said to Chu Mochen.

“It’s really time to suppress his arrogance, it’s not good to be aggressive. 9 A cold light flashed in Chu Mochen’s eyes, Zhao Feng really thought he didn’t care, did he dare to act like this?

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