Villain: At The Beginning, He Cut Out The Heroine's Pupil With A Knife

Chapter 10 Gathering Intelligence, Undercurrents Surge

"Then do you want those pupils?"

That's the Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils, who wouldn't want it?

Youruo didn't answer, but just nodded slightly.

"Then do you know the Desolate Demon Pupils?"

"I know, it's a pupil technique belonging to the demon race, but I don't know more details..."

The Desolate Demon Pupils are the same as the Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils. In the later part of the novel, Qian Baimei, one of Qin Yang's concubines, inherited the Desolate Demon Pupils.

But where is the inheritance before that? No one can answer this.

So, the Abyss was thinking whether he could find it before Qian Baimei got the Demon Pupil inheritance and take it for himself?

Obviously, this idea also fell through. Although she was a demon race, Youruo knew very little about the Desolate Demon Pupils.

Seeing the master silent, Youruo lowered her head and secretly blamed herself. The information the master wanted, whether it was Qian Baimei or the Desolate Demon Pupils, she didn't know anything, and she was really ashamed of the master's cultivation.

"Forget it, if you don't know, then don't worry, I will leave those pupils to you, but you have to make a relatively big contribution, so that I have a reason to reward you with those pupils."


You Ruo was overjoyed.

"Of course, but the contribution you make must be great enough to shut up those elders. You know, those damn old guys seem to have no other purpose except to oppose me."

You Ruo took a step forward and approached Chen Yuan.

"Master, why don't you abolish the Elder Hall? Reform the system of the Shen family so that there will be no elders in the Shen family. The entire power of the Shen family will be in the hands of the master!"

Chen Yuan chuckled and narrowed his eyes.

"It's not the right time yet... The family power held by the elders can still pose a threat to me. Even if we want to reduce the power of the elders, we have to think about it in the long run." Removing the elders is also part of Chen Yuan's plan, because the power of the elders of the Shen family is a bit too great. There are a total of nine elders. If more than five of the nine elders impeach the head of the family, the head of the family will be forced to be abolished and replaced with a new head of the family. Chen Yuan has interests with six of the nine elders. They are on good terms with him and will not embarrass him, let alone impeach him. But there are three elders whose relationship can only be said to be mediocre. It seems that Chen Yuan has no need to be enemies with the elders. Anyway, the elders are not a threat to him now. But Chen Yuan doesn't think so. Power must be 100% in his own hands. And those six elders are all wolves that can't be fed. Don't look at their kindness to him now. If there is a shortage of funds one day and he can't give them the benefits they deserve, let's see if they will still be like this now. Especially the fourth elder, Shen Bin, who was still a traitor in the end.

Therefore, the elders must be removed, and the system of the Shen family also needs to be changed.

Of course, all this cannot be done too hastily, and can only be done slowly.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan only felt a headache. He gently rubbed his temples and closed his eyes to rest.

"Master... Master..."

"What else?" Chen Yuan replied, but his eyes did not open.

"Master, if you gouge out Shen Xiaoer's eyes today, maybe Wei Qi, the eunuch, will make a big fuss about it tomorrow and report you."

Hearing this, Chen Yuan opened his eyes.

"Wei eunuch..."

Wei Qi, the commander-in-chief of the Longmen Guard of the Northern Qi Xian Dynasty, and Longmen Guard, it is not difficult to guess from the name that this is an organization that is only responsible for the Empress.

Therefore, the power held by Longmen Guard is also huge.

As the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Gate Guard, Wei Qi's status is naturally the same as Chen Yuan, second only to one person and above ten thousand people!

The entire court is almost divided into "Shen Party" and "Wei Party".

Now that he has done this, he is destined to be made a fuss by the Wei Party.

"Anyway, this is our Shen family's family affair. Can he, Wei the eunuch, turn the world upside down?"

Having said that, Chen Yuan still secretly complained in his heart. It's hard to be a villain. No matter where you are, you can't let your guard down.

In the family, there are elders who are ready to make a move.

In the court, there are enemies of the empress who are eyeing them covetously!

Why do I want to dress up as a villain instead of a protagonist? Wherever you go, you can slap people in the face and pretend to be cool, and you can also collect a lot of harems!

As for the villain, just to survive, you need to rack your brains.


"Okay, you don't need to say more. You'd better stop being with those guys in the martial arts world for a while. I don't want Yao Chi to know the forces I secretly support in the martial arts world."

"Yes, Master."

"What bothers me most now is that woman Ji Yao Chi. How many hidden cards did she plant for me? One or..."

Chen Yuan frowned. If he didn't find the hidden card, he would be restricted in his actions and couldn't sleep or eat!

You Ruo pursed her lips. The master was so distressed now, but she couldn't help at all.

Thinking of this, she stood up slowly, came to Chen Yuan's back gently, and massaged his body gently.

"Master, let me massage you."

Chen Yuan didn't refuse, but relaxed a little.

You Ruo's technique was so comfortable. Chen Yuan only felt that the circulation of blood vessels and meridians in his whole body was much smoother. Obviously, Youruo's technique was specially practiced.

This comfortable feeling made Chen Yuan enjoy it very much.

No wonder Chen Yuan always asked Youruo to massage in the original book. This technique is really comfortable. I feel that my muscles and bones are much more relaxed...

At the same time, Baiyun Sect.

Qin Yang met his master and told him about Shen Xiaoer.

Qin Yang's master was furious after hearing it.

"This Shen is so vicious. He wants you to breed inner demons!"

"Inner demons?"

"That's right. First, he gouged out Shen Xiaoer's pupils, and then forced you to marry her. You have the world in your heart, so you naturally can't be bound by a blind girl. This time, your Taoism is blocked and you are confused by the obstacles. You will definitely breed inner demons!"

"Fortunately, Pei Duan came out halfway. By mistake, Shen Xiaoer married Pei Duan. These two people can be regarded as a good result. You can also rest assured that the inner demon has not been generated."

Qin Yang obviously didn't expect this time to be so dangerous.

"Since you have no chance with Chen Xiao'er, then you should practice well and don't think too much."

"Master, shouldn't we avenge Xiao'er? She was gouged out by Chen Yuan!" Qin Yang was indignant, "Don't you know Lord Wei? Tomorrow, can you ask Lord Wei to report Chen Yuan?"

Yun Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously thinking about the feasibility of what Qin Yang said.

"Xiao'er was gouged out like this, and was completely expelled by Chen Yuan, and even the surname Shen was taken away. I am unwilling to accept it. I want justice for Xiao'er!"

"How can Chen Yuan, the prime minister of the Immortal Dynasty, be so cruel and gouge out the eyes of his own people? Such evil deeds are too numerous to list!"

"Besides, gouging out eyes is not considered private punishment? Isn't Chen Yuan's behavior an abuse of private punishment?"

"Abuse of private punishment violates the laws of our Northern Qi Immortal Dynasty, right?"

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