"As expected of Qin Yang from Baiyun Sect, he can evenly compete with Yin Wuji."

"Yes, although the two have fought for three hundred rounds, Brother Qin Yang has no signs of fatigue."

"It seems that Yin Wuji is not as terrible as the rumors say, and he is not the kind of invincible existence!"

Seeing the battle between Yin Wuji and Qin Yang, Chixue Ji on the side couldn't help but secretly complain.

If it is only this level, then I can barely fight, or do they both have a back-up plan?

On the ring, Yin Wuji and Qin Yang once again slammed their palms against each other, causing gusts of strong wind, and both of them were knocked back more than a hundred steps.

Boundless murderous intent permeated from the air, Yin Wuji gritted his teeth secretly, the master is indeed a master, this Qin Yang is indeed not a fuel-saving lamp.

After several rounds, he couldn't force Qin Yang into a desperate situation.

It's all my fault, my cultivation is too low, if the master's cultivation is half a step to the supreme...

Fortunately, the master had already anticipated the current situation!

At this moment, Qin Yang was a little confused, so he communicated with Qu Lao.

"I heard that Yin Wuji has the cultivation of a sub-honor, but now I fight with him, why do I feel that he only has the strength of Rong Ling Realm?"

"Qin boy, I also noticed that Yin Wuji's palm power just now is indeed only at the Rong Ling Realm. Could it be that he made a mistake in practicing some technique, which caused him to be injured and his cultivation lags behind?"

"But no matter what, this is good news for us."

But before Qin Yang could be happy for too long, Yin Wuji's strength suddenly increased.

While Qin Yang was communicating with Qu Lao, Yin Wuji had already sacrificed the Mad Qi Pill and took it. With the blessing of the Mad Qi Pill, the area around Yin Wuji faintly exuded an unprecedented destructiveness.

Then, the violent spiritual energy swept around Yin Wuji, and at this time, Yin Wuji's cultivation immediately soared to the level of a sub-honor!


Qin Yang complained bitterly. The techniques he had used before were nothing but trifles in front of a sub-honor.


Chixue Ji in the audience couldn't help but frown. If he had the power of a sub-Zun, would she still be his opponent? I didn't expect that there were so many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the North Qi Jianghu, and there were actually sub-Zun strongmen.

"Take it!"

Yin Wuji didn't give Qin Yang time to react. He showed his strength and used a monstrous killing array. His spiritual power turned into lightning and thunder, and went straight to Qin Yang.

"What a terrifying thunder pressure! I didn't expect Yin Wuji to have such a means to turn his spiritual power into thunder! Old Qu, it seems that I am not his opponent alone, so I'll trouble you to take action."

"If you control my body, you can still fight him!"

Although Yin Wuji has the power of a sub-Zun, Qin Yang is still full of confidence at this moment. With Old Qu here, the final winner will only be himself.

"No!" Old Qu's voice was a little hurried, "Since the beginning of the battle just now, I noticed that a strange pupil power has been locked around the ring. If I use my soul power, I will definitely be captured by this pupil power!"

Pupil power?

Qin Yang turned to the stands.

On the stands, Chen Yuan was still sipping the fairy tea calmly, but his eyes had already emitted a faint blue light.

Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Pupils!

Under the Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Pupils, no soul can escape! Although Old Qu was hiding in his ring, once he used his soul power, he would definitely be captured by the Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Pupils!

"Qin Yang! Be careful ahead!"

Just as Qin Yang was thinking wildly, the lightning led by Yin Wuji rushed towards Qin Yang.

Without the help of Qu Lao, how could Qin Yang, who was in the Rong Ling realm, take on a sub-honor-level attack?

He turned all his spiritual power into a barrier, and originally wanted to hold on for a while, but he didn't expect that the barrier would crack and shatter in an instant just after it came into contact with the terrifying lightning!


The sharp lightning hit Qin Yang, and Qin Yang immediately spat out a mouthful of thick blood, and then fell heavily to the ground.

At the moment Qin Yang fell to the ground, Chen Yuan, who was operating the Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils, immediately noticed that Qin Yang's golden light dimmed again.

At the same time, Chen Yuan felt that a force was increasing his pupil power.

What happened?

Qin Yang was suppressed, and not only did his Heavenly Dao luck decrease, but my pupil power was also enhanced?

Could it be that as long as the Heavenly Dao luck is suppressed, my pupil power will be improved?

If so, then these so-called Heavenly Dao protagonists should be suppressed even more. Maybe, my Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils can break through to the twelfth level!

The twelfth level is also the pinnacle of the power of the Thousand Illusionary Pupils. At that time, the Thousand Illusionary Pupils will evolve, but Chen Yuan does not know what kind of evolution will happen.

After all, in the original work, Chen Yuan was unable to cultivate the Thousand Illusionary Pupils to the highest level of the twelfth level until his death.

And there is no record of ancestors who can cultivate the Thousand Illusionary Pupils to the full level in the ancient books of the Shen family. The highest level of those ancestors of the Shen family is only the eighth level.

In other words, although Chen Yuan's current Thousand Illusionary Pupils of the ninth level are not the last, they are already unprecedented.


Qin Yang coughed up a mouthful of blood with difficulty and slowly supported his body.

"Junior Brother Qin Yang!"

Seeing Qin Yang injured, Yun Shuya frowned and was full of worry.

Yin Wuji sneered.

"Thank you for letting me win. It seems that the pride of your Baiyun Sect, who is known as a rare cultivation genius in a century, is just like this. He is not my opponent at all!"

"I think the title of the first major sect in Yunzhou, Beiqi, is more suitable for my Yinxu Valley than your Baiyun Sect."

"How dare you!"

The many Baiyun Sect disciples in the audience clenched their fists in anger, as if they wanted to rush up and teach this arrogant Yin Wuji a lesson.

But they didn't have the courage.

The rising star of the sect, Qin Yang, was injured like this by Yin Wuji. If they went up, wouldn't it be a pure gift of death?

"Humph, it's just a sect exchange, but you are so vicious! You are so vicious, keeping you will only harm my Beiqi martial arts world! Today, I will share the worries of the empress and get rid of you, the scum of the world!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blatant spiritual power burst out, Wei Qi rushed straight into the sky, and then turned into a strange purple light, pressing Yin Wuji.

The Dragon Gate Guards were a knife that the Northern Qi royal family had hanging over the Jianghu.

Generally speaking, Northern Qi was a place where Jianghu affairs were left to the Jianghu, but if these Jianghu people went too far, the Dragon Gate Guards would take action to wipe out these Jianghu people.

But obviously, this Hundred Sects Conference was not "too far" yet, it was just a competition, and Yin Wuji did not harm Qin Yang's life.

But Wei Qi still took action.

Before, Wei Qi had reported Qin Yang and Shen Xiao'er's affairs to himself, and now that Qin Yang was defeated by Yin Wuji, Wei Qi could not sit still and was ready to kill Yin Wuji.

What was the relationship between Qin Yang and Wei Qi? No, or what was the relationship between the Baiyun Sect and Wei Qi?

Or, like himself, Wei Qi secretly planted a lot of forces in the Jianghu, and the Baiyun Sect was originally his Wei Qi's people?

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