After hearing Qin Yang's words, Old Qu couldn't help but comfort himself. Indeed, the Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Eyes might not be that scary. Even if they have the ability to control and enslave souls, Chen Yuan's pupil power is not enough to enslave them with his own cultivation.

Thinking of this, Old Qu once again focused on healing Qin Yang's injuries. He forgot about the sudden discomfort just now.

He probably didn't realize at this moment that the strange feeling between the moments just now would cost Qin Yang's life in the end.

On the other side, on the ring, Yin Wuji had already started fighting with Chixue Ji.

"Yin Wuji, please teach me."

"Chihong, I will learn from your high skills."

After the two introduced themselves to each other, they started fighting. For a while, they were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell who was better.

It seems that Chihong is the pseudonym used by Chixue Ji to participate in the Hundred Sects Conference this time.

After just observing the fight between the two for a while, Chen Yuan gave up the idea of ​​killing Chixue Ji and taking her magic bone.

It's not that Chen Yuan is merciful, but he found that the demonic nature of the devil bone in Chixue Ji is too weak and too small.

It needs to be nurtured for a period of time.

When the demonic nature is fully developed, it will be a good time to dig the bones.

The fruit still has to be picked when it is ripe.

Of course, although the goal has been achieved, the plot of Chixue Ji's face-to-face battle with Qin Yang has completely failed, and the plan to attack Chixue Ji has been abandoned, but Chen Yuan can't leave at this moment.

There is also Wei Qi. If I leave, it is hard to guarantee that he will not attack Yin Wuji again.

Moreover, Chen Yuan is also very curious. He wanted to kill Yin Wuji but was stopped by me, and with me present, Wei Qi himself also knows that it is impossible to kill Yin Wuji.

Then why is he still here? What is his purpose of staying here?

Watching this boring Hundred Sects Conference? Chen Yuan himself would not believe this reason.

The reason why Wei Qi is still here must be that there is another secret!

What secret could it be?

Could it be that this Baiyun Sect is really a Jianghu force secretly cultivated by Wei Qi?

Chen Yuan was thoughtful. It was not that he was just imagining things without any purpose, but that the connection between Baiyun Sect and Wei Qi was indeed a little too deep.

In the original work, it was only vaguely mentioned that Wei Qi used the power of the Dragon Gate Guard to secretly cultivate some sects for his own use, but it was not clearly stated which sects they were.

Therefore, Chen Yuan was a little unsure for a while.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan's two purposes for coming here were achieved.

The first was to attack Qin Yang, which naturally goes without saying.

The second was to test the Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils, which Chen Yuan also verified.

As long as Qin Yang is attacked, Chen Yuan's Thousand Illusion Spirit Pupils will be improved!

It seems that even if it is for the improvement of his own pupil power, Qin Yang cannot die too quickly.

Slowly grind. To deal with a protagonist like Qin Yang who has the protagonist's aura and the way of heaven, you have to do it like fighting a BOSS. You can't think of killing with one blow, but slowly grind down the opponent's blood bar.

After the blood bar enters the killing line, a set of gorgeous combos will take it away.

At the same time, the competition on the field gradually came to an end, and finally Chixue Ji lost to Yin Wuji.

And this result was also expected by Chen Yuan. In the original work, Chixue Ji was not even Qin Yang's opponent. Now Yin Wuji can defeat Qin Yang, so how can Chixue Ji compete with Yin Wuji?

The duration of the Madness Pill is half an hour, that is to say, during this period of time, Yin Wuji will always maintain the cultivation of the sub-honor.

It is not a problem to deal with a Chixue Ji with such cultivation.

"I didn't expect that I, Chihong, would lose to you. Yin Wuji, you are very powerful, and I admire you a little."

Yin Wuji ignored her. Her recognition was not enough to cause waves in Yin Wuji's heart.

"But don't be too proud. The next time we meet, I, Chihong, will definitely defeat you!"

Still no response.

"Yin Wuji, don't be so arrogant. I said this but you didn't even respond. Isn't this too rude?"

Hearing this, Yin Wuji said indifferently.

"In that case, I wish Miss Chihong can get what she wants and defeat me, Yin, as soon as possible."

"Yin Wuji, I have another request."

Yin Wuji stopped and turned to her, but did not reply.

"That is, you defeated me, can I see what you look like... Don't... Don't get me wrong, I just want to know what the person who can defeat me looks like."


Hearing this, Yin Wuji fled away directly, and then roared, his voice like thunder.

"The Hundred Sects of Yunzhou are nothing more than this! The Hundred Sects Conference will be won by me, Yin Wuji!

My Yinxu Valley will definitely unify the world!"

Soon, Yin Wuji and the people he brought disappeared completely.

What a joke, you actually want to see what I look like. If my appearance is made public and others know the relationship between me and the master of the family, what kind of situation will the master of the family be in?

That Chi Hong is really like the adjective used by the master of the family before.

Big breasts and no brains.


Seeing Yin Wuji turn into a divine rainbow and escape far away, Chi Hong stomped her feet in anger.

"Isn't it just to see what you look like! You are so stingy, I won't eat you!"

"Yin Wuji, right? You wait for me. When I come to Beiqi next time, I will definitely defeat you. At that time, I will take off your ghost mask with my own hands and see what you look like!"


Chen Yuan naturally didn't know what Chi Hong was thinking at this moment. He saw Yin Wuji walking away, but Wei Qi didn't send anyone to intercept him, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

It seems that Wei Qi really has other plans in Baiyun Sect, and the importance of this matter is even greater than killing Yin Wuji.

What could it be?

Chen Yuan wanted to find out the truth, but he had to face a master of the same level as Wei Qi, so naturally he couldn't find out the truth just by wanting to.

But Wei Qi had other intentions, Chen Yuan was sure.

Forget it, since there was no way to find out anything in Baiyun Sect, he should go and see Youruo's condition first.

Although taking the Mad Qi Pill could raise her to the level of a sub-honor in a short period of time, such excessive overdraft of spiritual power and physical strength would cause her to be very weak for a period of time. She would be so weak that she would become a scum with a combat power of only five.

How long this period of weakness would last also varies from person to person, ranging from two to three days to six or seven days.

And Youruo was not the first time to take the Mad Qi Pill. Generally, she would be weak for about three days.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan also said goodbye to the masters and heads of the sects.

"Since the Hundred Sects Conference is over, I will not stay any longer. Goodbye."

Bai Luochen, the master of Baiyun Sect, was relieved. This big Buddha was finally leaving.

But on the surface, he still had to be polite.

"No, no, it's a great honor for our Baiyun Sect that the Prime Minister can condescend to come today!"

"Really?" Chen Yuan came to him with a cane, and then patted his shoulder, "Then I will come more often in the future."

Instantly, Bai Luochen's face turned pale.

"Haha, I'm just kidding you."

Chen Yuan smiled, and as the sound of the cane hitting the ground gradually became smaller, Chen Yuan completely disappeared from Bai Luochen's sight.

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