"Keep watching Chen Yuan and Wei Qi, and report to me in time if there is any situation."

"We obey your order!"

Then, the two turned into residual images and disappeared directly. This method made the two people's cultivation more extraordinary.

"Without the deterrence of the previous emperor, these important officials in the court actually formed gangs so blatantly. It happened that Yanzhou was suffering from a severe drought, and the two countries of Dongyi and Nanhuang were eyeing it covetously... Beiqi was so troubled by internal and external troubles, and I was exhausted physically and mentally!"

The night sky was as cold as water, but today, Her Majesty the Empress could not sleep well anyway.

No words were spoken that night. The next day, Chen Yuan went to Luoxia Palace to treat Princess Qianrou as usual. During the time of treating Qianrou, Qianrou, an ignorant little girl, liked Chen Yuan more and more.

She was just a carefree child, and had not been polluted by the intrigues in the deep palace. She did not understand so many intrigues. She only knew that the Prime Minister not only treated her personally, but also told her all kinds of stories every time.

So, she enjoyed the time with the Prime Minister, that's all.

After telling the little princess two fairy tales again, Chen Yuan's communication jade received the news.

First, the two brothers Chen Jian and Chen Dao returned, and second, Xiao'er's father Chen Yi also rushed to the Shen family clan overnight to find Chen Yuan to question him.

"Princess Qianrou, there are important matters in my family that need to be dealt with, so I will leave first today."

"Huh? But Prime Minister, you only told me two stories today, usually you tell more than three..."

"Sorry, I will make it up next time." He gently rubbed the princess's little head, then leaned on his crutches and slowly left.

As soon as he returned to the Shen family, Chen Jian and Chen Dao hurried to report.

"Master, we have already investigated clearly that the Queen sent envoys to Dongyi to ask for another broken holy pill from the Wanyao Dan Sect of Dongyi."

"And the Wanyao Dan Sect has agreed."

Chen Yuan was not surprised when he heard the words, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You actually asked for another Saint-breaking Pill. It seems that our Empress is eager to become a Saint."

"Master, today, Master Chen Yi has also come to the clan. It seems that he came for Xiao'er's matter. He is now seeking an audience in the clan hall. He looks like he will not give up easily. Do you want me to kill him?"

"Heh." Chen Yuan gently pressed on Chen Jian's shoulder, "Kill, kill, kill, just know how to kill. We should be principled and elegant in doing things, understand?"

Seeing Chen Jian's blank eyes, Chen Yuan smiled.

Said to Chen Jian that he really wouldn't understand. Chen Jian and Chen Dao, this pair of brothers just acted as executioners.

Killing people, they are good at it.

But if you let them play with their brains, it would be more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Forget it, since he's here, he's the head of our Shen family hall anyway, so I'll go meet him. You two don't have to follow me, secretly inform Pei Duan and let him marry that blind man as soon as possible. What's it like to eat and drink for free in my Shen family all day long?"


After giving the order, the specially made metal cane knocked on the floor tiles and headed towards the clan hall.

When Shen Xiao'er's eyes were gouged out that day, many people from the family were present, including those from the clan and the collateral branches.

And this matter had not yet expanded, and the empress knew it when she met her.

In other words, the hidden player that the empress ambushed in the Shen family must be hidden among those who were present at the time!

Who could it be?

Face after face flashed through Chen Yuan's mind, but Chen Yuan couldn't be sure who it was...

While Chen Yuan was thinking, he also came to the clan master's hall. As for Shen Yi, he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Nephew Chen Yuan, you are really busy after becoming the head of the family. Don't you even have time to see your second uncle? You kept me waiting for a long time."

Is it a show of force? He mentioned the relationship first, trying to suppress himself in terms of seniority.

Chen Yuan smiled: "Second uncle, what are you talking about? Since I have become the head of the Shen family according to my father's will, I naturally have to manage the entire Shen family. This is not only for me, but also for my father, and for the entire Shen family!"

"I worry about it every day and night, and I dare not forget this burden!"

Who can't say nice words? You bring up the identity of your uncle, so can't I bring up my father?

"Okay!" Shen Yi gritted his teeth. After not seeing him for a few years, he didn't expect that his nephew had become so eloquent, so Shen Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly asked.

"For the sake of my family, I worked hard and went to the family's hall far away in Qingzhou to act as the agent for the business of the entire Qingzhou hall. I don't know how much I have contributed to the family over the years!"

"And what did I tell you before I left for Qingzhou? I asked you to take good care of your cousin, Xiao'er, how did you take care of her?"

"You took care of her so much that you gouged out her spiritual pupils?!"

"Moreover, you expelled her from the Shen family and even deprived her of the surname Shen!"

"She is your cousin, who grew up with you, childhood sweethearts, and innocent cousins!"

"How could you bear to dig out her eyes?! Do you have any family affection at all?"

Chen Yi became more and more angry as he spoke, "Aren't you going to give me an explanation for this matter?"

Chen Yuan still looked calm and composed, his face did not change at all, and he even had that faint smile on his face.

And this smile was simply a provocation to Shen Yi!

"Chen Yuan!!"

Chen Yuan knocked the ground with his cane.

"Call me the head of the family."

Then, Chen Yuan turned around: "This is not the place to talk, second uncle, come with me, let's talk somewhere else."

Shen Yi followed behind Chen Yuan. Now he was in charge of the Qingzhou branch of the Shen family. He really didn't believe that Chen Yuan had the courage to attack him.

Chen Yuan limped in front.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Chen Yuan stopped and entered the ancestral hall.

This is the Shen family ancestral hall, where the spirit tablets of the ancestors of the Shen family are enshrined.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Yi still stepped into the ancestral hall.

After entering the ancestral hall, Chen Yuan did not immediately respond to him, but slowly lit a stick of incense and offered it on the incense burner in front of the spirit tablet.

That was the spirit tablet of the previous head of the Shen family and also Chen Yuan's father.

"Many years ago, my father was killed in an accident by a criminal, and I also lost my right leg in that accident. If it weren't for my father's desperate protection and fighting his way out, I would have died long ago, and I would not have just lost a leg."

"My father fought hard to protect me, and in the end, the whole family's strength was used up, but he still couldn't heal his injuries. Because of my father's death, the power of our Shen family was reduced by several percent again."

"Before my father died, he grabbed my hand and passed the position of the head of the family to me."

"He entrusted the entire Shen family to me, and I can't let him down... So, I secretly swore that I must make the Shen family glorious again, even surpassing the Shen family when my father ruled!"

"I want the Shen family to stand at the absolute top!"

Chen Yuan's slightly choked voice disappeared, and then turned into a cold, hoarse, murderous voice.

"Therefore, I will never allow traitors to appear in the Shen family!!"

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