Just when Youruo was about to make a move, the servant suddenly came to report.

"Master, Master Pei wants to see you!"

"Since Master Pei is here to visit, why don't you invite him quickly?"

Here it comes, this plot is finally here. According to the original novel, the two wanted to leave the Shen family but were stopped by the head of the family, Chen Yuan, and then Pei Duan came to visit, and finally Pei Duan and Qin Yang had a fight.

If Qin Yang lost, Shen Xiaoer would marry Pei Duan immediately.

And if Qin Yang won, Chen Yuan would have to let them go.

And the current paper strength is still slightly better, Pei Duan is the seventh stage of Rong Ling Realm, while Qin Yang is only the fifth stage of Rong Ling Realm.

But the routine of the novel, everyone knows it, and it is common for the protagonist to challenge the level above. Even if Pei Duan is two small stages stronger than Qin Yang, he still can't beat Qin Yang, so he can only keep his promise and let Qin Yang and Shen Xiaoer leave.

Chen Yuan couldn't help but complain in his heart, Pei Duan, Pei Duan, you and I are both villains, why do villains play deep feelings? If you want Chen Xiaoer, then just use your power to pressure her. Why make a bet? Isn't this giving the hero experience?

Your father is the commander of the Imperial Guard. If I were you, I would have used the power of the Imperial Guard to tear Qin Yang into pieces. There is no need for fair competition. I even tried to kill myself for Chen Xiaoer. No, you can have any woman in your position.

The ministers in the Immortal Dynasty want to marry their well-educated, beautiful and intelligent daughters to you, hoping to get close to the big tree of the Imperial Guard.

You gave up the whole forest for Chen Xiaoer.

"Meet the head of the Shen family."

"Since you are Brother Pei, there is no need to be polite. Please sit down."

Yes, Pei Duan and Chen Yuan are of the same generation. Chen Yuan is only two years older than Pei Duan. The reason why Chen Yuan became the head of the family at such a young age is because Chen Yuan's father was assassinated. It was also that assassination that made Chen Yuan's leg lame. The last words of Chen's father were to make Chen Yuan the new head of the Shen family and inherit the position of prime minister.

As for the truth of the assassination, the original book did not explain it. Anyway, it was to weaken the combat power of Chen Yuan, the final boss, so that the protagonist could defeat him more reasonably.

"This is..."

Pei Duan saw Shen Xiao'er kneeling below, and his face showed a look of heartache.

Seeing Pei Duan like this, Chen Yuan had to tell him the general story.

After all, as a member of the Imperial Guard, Pei Duan was still a target that Chen Yuan needed to win over.

After listening to Chen Yuan's story, Pei Duan quickly leaned over to Shen Xiao'er.

"Xiao'er, why are you doing this? This young master... What is this young master not as good as Qin Yang?"

And Shen Xiao'er seemed to be still immersed in the self-touching that Qin Yang was willing to gouge out her eyes for her.

"Mr. Pei, love can't be forced. Xiao'er only has Mr. Qin in her heart now. I hope Mr. Pei can help her."

"Brother Pei, forgive me for being blunt." Chen Yuan said lightly, "This woman is not worthy of you at all. If you really want her, just take her by force. Why do you need to marry her to your Commander's Mansion?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao'er was dumbfounded. Obviously, she didn't expect Chen Yuan to say this.

"Brother Pei, you must know that beautiful red makeup is a weapon for killing people. Lotus white face is just a skeleton with flesh. As a cultivator, we should strive to be the best. How can we waste our energy for a mere woman?"

"Brother Shen, everyone has his own ambitions. There are three thousand rivers, and I only drink from one."

The corners of Chen Yuan's mouth couldn't help twitching. Otherwise, how can you say that he is still a licker?

"Pei Duan! Since you also have feelings for Xiao'er, if you are a man, you can have a contest with me. If you win, I will let Xiao'er marry you, but if I win, you have to respect Xiao'er's wishes and stop pestering her. How about that?"

Seeing the "pig-headed" man in front of him speaking, Pei Duan was a little confused.

"Brother Chen, this is..."

"Qin Yang." Chen Yuan said lightly.

Seeing Qin Yang being beaten like this, Pei Duan forced himself to suppress the urge to raise his mouth.

He wanted to laugh, but in order to maintain his demeanor, he forced himself to hold back.

"What? You don't dare?"

Qin Yang saw Pei Duan's expression and couldn't help but get even more angry.

"How could that be? Since you don't know your own strength, I will accompany you."

Naturally, Pei Duan would not be afraid. He is a seventh-level Rong Ling. Would he be afraid of Qin Yang, a fifth-level Rong Ling guy?

But Chen Yuan, who is familiar with the plot, knows that they must not be allowed to compete, because once they compete, there is no doubt that Qin Yang will win.

In this day and age, if you can't fight across levels, you're embarrassed to say you're the protagonist.

"Brother Pei, you're a bit too far-fetched." Chen Yuan said with his hands behind his back, "I've already said that as long as Chen Xiao'er returns the Thousand Illusionary Spirit Eyes to my Shen family, she can go with whoever she wants. Do you really think that my Shen family can't do without her?"

"Brother Chen, this..."

Hearing that he was going to gouge out his eyes, Pei Duan, the licking dog, began to beg for mercy.

And Chen Yuan immediately waved his hand to stop.

"Brother Pei, no need to say more, I've made up my mind. After all, now Chen Xiao'er is still a member of my Shen family. How I deal with it, I hope Brother Pei won't say too much."

Pei Duan is definitely a licking dog with a low intelligence villain, a pure protagonist experience baby, Chen Yuan naturally doesn't bother to waste words with him, what is really valuable to Chen Yuan is Pei Duan's father, Pei Jianghai.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard, General Pei, who is known to everyone in the entire Northern Qi Xian Dynasty.

Marrying Chen Xiao'er to Pei Duan was just Chen Yuan's way of improving Pei Jianghai's favorability.

But now, Chen Yuan has figured it out. There are many ways to improve favorability, and this one is not missing.

Knowing the plot, he has too many ways to pull Pei Jianghai into his camp.

As for today's matter, Chen Yuan has already decided that if Chen Xiao'er doesn't leave, then it's fine. If she wants to leave, then she must leave Qianhuan Lingtong behind. He will not allow Qianhuan Lingtong, a divine pupil, to become the protagonist's helper.

"What? Still don't have the courage to raise the knife? The so-called love is nothing more than an excuse for selfishness and not wanting to contribute to the family. While you are enjoying the family's resources with peace of mind, you don't want to fulfill your obligations to the family. There are not so many reasons, nor so many excuses."

"You are nothing more than a selfish guy with double standards, Brother Pei, I don't understand why you would take a fancy to such a woman, your vision doesn't seem to be very good? How can a selfish guy like her compare to the daughter of Lord Wang before? Lord Wang asked you to discuss marriage, but you were not happy..."

"As for you..." Chen Yuan smiled playfully, "I'm curious if you will marry a blind man in the future?"

Qin Yang swallowed his saliva. He still has his mission and he still has a long way to go. He will definitely stand at the top of the world in the future. How can he waste his energy to take care of a blind man?

Besides, he is on good terms with Shen Xiaoer. Isn't it because he knows her from the Shen family and has the blood inheritance of the Shen family-Qianhuan Lingtong?

If the Thousand Illusions Spiritual Pupils are gone, is it still necessary to be with Chen Xiaoer?

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