The Queen of Yaochi looked in the direction of the voice and saw Chen Yuan limping slowly in a thin white shirt.

His face was pale and gaunt, and he looked sick.

His bloodless, cracked lips were slightly open.

"Your Highness, why should you bother with a few slaves? Besides, they did not commit the crime of deceiving the emperor. I am indeed ill."

"I have been sick in bed and felt bored, so I just took a walk. I have caused your Majesty to worry."

"But first of all, I would like to congratulate your Majesty on breaking through the retreat."

Youruo looked surprised. The master of the family, wasn't he in retreat?

Why did he suddenly appear here?

The Queen narrowed her eyes slightly. Chen Yuan, is he really sick?

"Doctor Yang, since the Prime Minister is ill, why don't you go and diagnose him?"

"As ordered." Immediately, Doctor Yang slowly came to Chen Yuan's side, "Prime Minister, if you don't mind, I will diagnose your pulse."

"Hehe, please."

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and asked Doctor Yang to diagnose without hesitation.

After seeing Chen Yuan, the empress naturally had no excuse to attack Youruo and the other two.

But in her heart, seeing Chen Yuan like this, the idea of ​​getting rid of him became stronger and stronger.

Once Chen Yuan died, the imperial power was stable!

"The Prime Minister's spiritual breath is disordered. I will prescribe a prescription for the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister needs to take the medicine on time every day."

"Then thank you Doctor Yang."

"It's just my duty. The Prime Minister doesn't need to do this."

The empress frowned. What's going on? Is Chen Yuan really sick? It shouldn't be like this. He has the cultivation of a half-step supreme. Ordinary diseases should hardly affect him.

How could he suddenly get sick? And looking at her frail appearance, she is obviously seriously ill.

But at the moment, the empress has no reason to stay here any longer.

"Although your wish has not been fulfilled, you should take care of yourself."

"I am just trying my best to relieve your majesty's worries."

The empress of Yaochi raised her eyebrows.

"In that case, I will return to the palace. You must take the medicine prescribed by Doctor Yang on time."

"I will remember the teachings of the empress. Moreover, your majesty does not need to worry about Princess Qianrou. There is no impact if the treatment is suspended for a few days. I will enter Luoxia Palace tomorrow. I believe that it will not take long for Princess Qianrou to recover completely."

"Then I will trouble you."

After a casual and contemptuous glance at Youruo, the empress turned around and left with the guards.

"Looking at the elders of the Shen family who were surrounding him, Chen Yuan waved his hand, "Elders, go away, there's nothing to see."

"Take care, head of the family, we'll take our leave."

"Youruo, help me back to my room. Chen Jian and Chen Dao, you guys should leave first."

Youruo hurried forward to support Chen Yuan, and only after she helped him into the room and closed the door did she ask with concern.

"Master, aren't you in seclusion? How did you get into this state?"

Chen Yuan sat on the edge of the bed and slowly put on a long and elegant gown.

Youruo skillfully made tea for Chen Yuan.

"I set up a ban before I went into seclusion, so I could sense everything that happened in my mansion. Moreover, after I succeeded in my seclusion and became a saint, I sensed what happened in the mansion through the ban, so I pretended to be like this to confuse Yao Chi."

I'm afraid no one else in the world has the courage to call the empress by her name except the master.

At that moment, Youruo showed a surprised smile: "Master, you succeeded in reaching the Sainthood? Doesn't that mean that your cultivation is equal to that of the Empress?"

Chen Yuan nodded.

"When I was in seclusion, I used the Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Pupils to nourish my soul. When my body and soul are cultivated together, I can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"Practice both the body and soul?!" Youruo raised her eyes, and there seemed to be starlight flashing. Her smile could no longer be concealed. "How many levels have you cultivated your Thousand Illusion Spiritual Pupils? I remember that there was no record of practicing both the body and soul in the ancient books of the Shen family." Chen Yuan just glanced at her casually. "Guess." Youruo lowered her head in frustration. Didn't the master even trust her? "The tenth level." Chen Yuan said lightly. Hearing that Chen Yuan was willing to tell her the true pupil power, Youruo couldn't help but feel a little satisfied in her heart. In fact, Chen Yuan didn't know what was going on. His pupil power was only at the ninth level, but during the retreat, his pupil power suddenly improved, and then he first cultivated his pupil power to the tenth level. Then, the tenth level of the Thousand Illusion Spiritual Pupils can nourish their own souls during cultivation, achieving the effect of dual cultivation of body and soul. Ordinary cultivation can never be done at the same time. Either cultivate the body or temper the soul. Chen Yuan can do both at the same time, which naturally shortens the retreat time. But Chen Yuan was a little curious about why his pupil power would improve while practicing. Did something happen during his retreat?

"Tell me about it." Chen Yuan gestured, "What happened during my retreat?"


Youruo's smile, which was originally happy for Chen Yuan, suddenly froze.

"Go on."

"I... I deserve to die! I deserve to die!"

Youruo quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily.

Chen Yuan casually raised the teacup and blew slightly at the hot tea.

"We'll talk about life or death later. Tell me what happened first."

"Yes... Originally, according to your development, I gave Pei Duan a soul-nourishing jade, and just as you expected, Qin Yang came to take the jade."

"But Pei Jianghai did not lose his mind. He did not use the power of the imperial guards to deal with Qin Yang, but planned to use Yinxu Valley."

"He gave Yinxu Valley a lot of benefits, and I... I was greedy for a while and agreed to Pei Jianghai's cooperation..."

"Stupid." Chen Yuan's tone was very flat, and people could not hear his joy or anger, as if he was commenting on a story that had nothing to do with him.

"Behind Qin Yang is the Baiyun Sect, which is obviously entangled with Wei Qi. It is obviously impossible for you to completely destroy the Baiyun Sect. They will call Wei Qi to support them when they are desperate."

"'m sorry, Master, more than half of the disciples of Yinxu Valley were killed or injured. The Yinxu Valley that you secretly cultivated was made like this by me...I made it like this..."

"Is Qin Yang dead?"

This is what Youruo hated most about herself. She spent so many disciples of Yinxu Valley, but Qin Yang still couldn't be eliminated!

She lowered her head in shame and didn't dare to look at her master's face.


However, she still endured the fear in her heart and reported to Chen Yuan without missing a word about Qin Yang's killing of Pei Duan, and how he was eventually betrayed by everyone, but was still let go by Yun Shuya.

Of course, this naturally included everything that happened with Chixue Ji.

After the report, Youruo was so scared that she closed her eyes.

Such a big failure, the master would never allow it, right?

At this time, Chen Yuan had already put down the teacup, with a thoughtful expression.

"Master... Master..."

You Ruo called out timidly, mustering up the courage to squinted and secretly glanced at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan still looked calm.

But Youruo knew that the master was just like this, and never showed his emotions.

Therefore, even if the master was like this, it did not mean that he was not angry.

At this time, Chen Yuan's index finger began to tap the table in a rhythmic manner. Youruo knew that this was a habit of the master to think about problems.

What is the master thinking about? Is he thinking about how to punish me? After making such a big mistake, will I be buried alive or drowned?

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