"Tell me about Qin Yang's whereabouts. Now the Baiyun Sect and the Pei family are both hunting Qin Yang. After you sent him into the secret passage, you must have told him where he should go, right?"

Chen Yuan found a chair and sat in front of Yun Shuya.

However, Yun Shuya was unmoved and just fell to the ground without saying a word.


Chen Yuan's dark eyes gradually turned into crystal blue.

"No... don't..."

Yun Shuya's face showed a look of fear and horror. She heard Qin Yang say that one of the functions of the Thousand Illusionary Spiritual Eyes is to be able to completely see through the soul!

When the entire soul is completely seen through, any lie will be exposed. Everything she knows, whether she wants it or not, will be reflected in those eyes.

"Oh? From your expression, it seems that you know the function of Qianhuan Lingtong. Let me guess, it was Qin Yang who told you? As for Qin Yang, he should have learned it from Shen Xiaoer. Humph, what a traitor."


A shrill scream sounded. Forcibly seeing through the soul body will cause triple damage to its spirit, body, and soul. No one can stand it.

Moreover, with Yun Shuya's dying state now, she can't use any means to resist.

Unable to bear this inhuman pain, she began to foam at the mouth, her eyes rolled back, and her whole body even had spasms and convulsions.

Without any consideration for Yun Shuya's condition, Chen Yuan peeped into her soul unscrupulously.

"Oh? So you let him run outside and then sneak back? Is the most dangerous place the safest place? You want to play with the dark under the lamp, what an interesting idea."

After seeing through Qin Yang's whereabouts, Chen Yuan retracted his pupil power and walked out of the dungeon slowly.

After walking out of the dungeon, Chen Yuan saw Youruo.

"Master, I forgot to tell you last time that the head of the Shen Yi Hall seems to want to increase the share of their hall."

"I know, you go and gather all the elders, I want to call a clan meeting."


Soon, the ten elders and many senior members of the Shen family gathered in the Shen family meeting room, including Shen Yi.

"I am very sorry to ask you to come here during your busy schedule, but there is one thing I still have to tell you."

Everyone looked at Chen Yuan, without saying a word, waiting for his next words.

Then he took the fairy tea brewed by Youruo, and Chen Yuan continued, "You all know that as the prime minister of the current dynasty, I am in a high position and have great power, so it is understandable that I am suspected."

"And our Shen family has a hidden card planted by Her Majesty the Empress!"

In an instant, these words were like a bolt from the blue, and the elders were still in shock. If the Shen family really had a hidden card, it would mean that every move of the Shen family was within the sight of Her Majesty the Empress.

Youruo was so surprised that she knocked over the teacup in her hand!

"How is it possible? Master, do you have any evidence?"

"Master, this matter is very serious, you can't forget to speculate!"

Chen Yuan glanced at Youruo who knocked over the tea, and then turned to everyone again.

"Of course, I have a preliminary judgment on who the hidden player is. And I asked you to come here because you are the current meritorious officials of my Shen family and people I, Chen Yuan, can trust. Therefore, I summoned all the elders to act carefully and not let this person catch any handle."

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely not make any mistakes."

"Hmph, but that woman Yao Chi underestimated me too much. She could place a spy in my Chen Yuan's house. Does she think that there are no people of mine around her?"

Hearing this, the elders even hoped that Chen Yuan would not invite them to this gathering.

If it is discovered that he has placed an insider around Her Majesty the Empress, the entire Shen family will be finished!

And Chen Yuan said it in front of so many people.

"Elders, I really told you this because I trust you. As for the person I placed next to the Empress, I naturally cannot tell you now."

"The Empress has successfully broken through the barrier and is now a supreme saint, but I am only a half-step supreme. Therefore, if our Empress intends to take action against us one day, the elders must also be prepared in advance."

Everyone present said seriously.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for telling us. We understand."

There are also many smart people present, and they naturally know that the Empress has always intended to reduce the power of the Prime Minister, but they just don't know when she will take action.

"However, Yao Chi, that woman, don't be too proud. Isn't she just a saint?" Chen Yuan grinned and took out a bag of powder from his arms.

"Linglong Soul-Destroying Powder. The poison powder refined by the Dongyi Evil Poison Sect is in this white powder state. Once it is activated by spiritual power, it can evaporate into the gas. Once inhaled, it can cause great damage to the soul."

"Yao Chi is unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust. Tomorrow, I will let Youruo meet the hidden man and give this thing to him. Let him find a chance to let Yao Chi inhale it."

Everyone present was already sweating. Attacking the empress was such a shameless act... Isn't the head of the family afraid of being executed?

"This is a serious matter. I hope you elders will keep your mouth shut. Once the truth comes out, none of you can escape."

"Master, this... isn't this a bit too risky?"

Finally, an elder couldn't help it, "This... this is not intended to be a rebellion. If the empress knew..."

"Stupid! That woman Yao Chi has been trying to reduce the power of the prime minister for a long time. If I were not the current prime minister, how could the Shen family still have such a status? In the court, how could my Shen family have a say?"

"The most important thing in this world is power! My father inherited this power to me. How can I give it away now?"

"Even if we don't take action, the empress will take action against us sooner or later!"

"Strictly speaking, all the elders are my predecessors. The principle of striking first and then suffering later is that I, a junior, don't need to remind you."

For a moment, the hall fell into silence.

"I have made up my mind, elders. From the moment I summoned you, there is no turning back."

After saying that, Chen Yuan stood up: "But if this is accomplished, we don't have to fear Yao Chi!"

The sound of the cane hitting the ground rang out, and Chen Yuan had already left the hall.

"Master... where are we going?"

After leaving the hall, Chen Yuan did not rush back to the room, but walked aimlessly with Youruo.

After walking to an extremely hidden corner, Chen Yuan handed the small packet of powder to Youruo.

"Tomorrow you will go to the second floor of the Dongxian Tower in the capital, Chunju Pavilion. My hidden man will be waiting for you there. You give this medicine to him, and he will find a way to put it on Yao Chi."

"Remember, this medicine cannot be exposed to water."

"Master, I know."

"Originally, I wanted to go there in person tomorrow, but I have to go to Luoxia Palace and I can't get away. This matter is of great importance, and you can't make any mistakes. Do you understand?"

Youruo clenched her teeth, her eyes firm.

"Master, I will definitely not let you down this time!"

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