In an instant, Chen Ren's face turned pale. It turned out that from the very beginning, he had fallen into the trap carefully set by Chen Yuan! Moreover, now he didn't even have the means to defend himself, because when Chen Yuan forcibly used the Thousand Illusionary Eyes to invade his soul last night, he was in too much pain and screamed too loudly. Chen Yuan thought it was too noisy, so he asked him to destroy his vocal cords. "Elder of the Law Enforcement Hall."


"I remember that according to the rules of the Shen family, the person should be torn into pieces by five horses for the crime of treason, right?"

"My Lord, yes, you are not mistaken."

"Very good, and through the incident with the Sixth Elder, I also understand a truth, that is, no matter how high the status of some people in the Shen family is, they cannot really be of one mind with the Shen family, and they will still have the intention to betray the Shen family."

He glanced at everyone: "And the higher the status of these people, the greater the impact of betraying the Shen family will be on the Shen family."

"So, starting tomorrow, I plan to create an organization in the Shen family. This organization is called the Supervision Department. As the name suggests, the responsibility of my Supervision Department is to supervise you. Of course, if you don't do bad things, you don't have to worry about ghosts knocking on your door. You elders should not disagree, right?"

The other elders were shocked.

The Supervision Department, isn't it used to investigate them? Wouldn't the elders be restricted in their actions in this way?

"Master, are you kidding?!"

"Yes, you can't doubt all of our elders just because the Sixth Elder betrayed the Shen Family. We are loyal to the Shen Family!"

"Yes, Master, don't forget that our elders still have the power to impeach you. If you push us too far..."

Although the words were not finished, the threat was self-evident.

The law enforcement elders do not have the power to impeach. The nine elders have the power to impeach. The Sixth Elder has been executed, so there are eight other elders.

These eight elders have formed a united front at this time, and they obviously don't want Chen Yuan to succeed.

"It seems that you are not very willing..."

Chen Yuan's eyes became a little dangerous.

But at this moment, the eight elders are not afraid at all. Chen Yuan has Chen Yuan's confidants, don't they have any? If Chen Yuan intends to force it, the Shen family members of their lineage will not agree.

At that time, Chen Yuan will make the Shen family members feel divided and will not be able to lead the Shen family well.

"It's not that we are unwilling, but the head of the family's request is too overbearing. There is a saying that you should repay kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. The Sixth Elder betrayed the family, and he was responsible for it alone. How can we be implicated?"

"Yes, if the Sixth Elder's position is abolished, we agree, but if the Supervisory Department is set up, the head of the family is a bit too overbearing, isn't it?"

This bunch of old foxes... Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are all contributors to my Shen family. I just hope that you can spend your old age in peace and enjoy the family. Why do you have to work hard day and night for the affairs of the family at an old age?"

"We are all members of the Shen family. It is our duty to give advice to my Shen family and look forward to the future."

"In this case, you don't want the situation like the Sixth Elder to happen again, right? I set up the Supervisory Department with good intentions. I don't want your hard work for the family to go to waste. You should understand me."

Immediately, Chen Yuan changed the subject, "Is there anyone like the Sixth Elder among you who I haven't found out? That's why you are trying so hard to stop us?! Hmm?"


"Besides, the eight of you are united against the same enemy now, but what if there is a pretender among you? What if there is someone like the Sixth Elder? I just caught a ghost, but it doesn't mean that there is only one ghost in our Chen family."

"Perhaps, he is hiding deeper than Chen Ren..."

For a moment, the elders were speechless. Now that such a thing happened among the elders, it seems unreasonable not to allow the establishment of this organization.

The elders looked at each other. It seems that Chen Yuan is determined to establish the Supervision Department. If they don't agree, he will be labeled as "a person like the Sixth Elder".

Moreover, the eight elders were not sure whether there were any other elders who betrayed the family like the Sixth Elder!

They also did not want their half-life efforts to end up being used as wedding clothes for others.

At this moment, two elders had already wavered significantly.

They were more afraid of losing everything completely than having their power weakened and restricted.

"That's right, since the Sixth Elder has betrayed the head of the family, it is very likely that other elders will betray as well."

"Yes, I think the head of the family's original intention is correct. We do need such an organization to find out the dangerous factors hidden in our Shen family as soon as possible."

But at the same time, there were still voices of opposition.

"But once this organization appears, it means that our elders will be restricted in their actions!"

Restricted everywhere? Chen Yuan sneered, he wanted to completely abolish these elders!

However, he understood the principle of biting off more than he could chew, so he could not do so now. If he really did so, then these eight elders would really form a united front.

After all, no one wants their own interests to be deprived.

Although it is not a problem to deal with them with Chen Yuan's current strength, Chen Yuan does not want to deal with them, but the entire Shen family.

If they use force, the disciples of the Shen family they manage will cause riots. That is not the result Chen Yuan wants to see.

So, don't rush, take your time, anyway, now I have plenty of time.

And the Supervision Department is a test.

Look at their unwillingness to back down before, but as soon as I said that there might be a traitor among them, they really wavered.

These people are really...

"Right, the original intention of this family head to create the Supervision Department was also for the consideration of the elders. For example, the Sixth Elder may have leaked all your information to Ji Yaochi."

"So, the Supervision Department is still very necessary, in order to prevent the emergence of people like the Sixth Elder!"

"But speaking of this..." The elder worried, "The Sixth Elder may have informed Her Majesty the Empress of the content of our previous gathering. In other words, Her Majesty the Empress knows your next plan, so will she take the initiative?"

Indeed, Chen Yuan's move is not without risk. Although the Sixth Elder fell into the trap, the bait that lured him was his own gathering that was tantamount to rebellion.

And the Sixth Elder must have met the Empress before, otherwise the Empress would not have killed Xiao Dezi. During the time he met the Empress, the gathering was naturally likely to be told to the Empress by him.

In other words, the Empress knew what Chen Yuan, or the Shen family, wanted to do next. But she did not show it openly.

Tacit understanding!

"The Empress's order has arrived!"

At this moment, a sharp eunuch's voice came. It immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. Since it was the Empress's order, the children of the Shen family naturally did not dare to stop it.

"Prime Minister, Her Majesty heard that the Prime Minister had a slight gap with Lord Wei at the Hundred Sects Conference before, and he cured the little princess Qianrou, so Her Majesty held a banquet in Jiahe Palace to entertain the two of you. First, she is grateful for the Prime Minister's help in curing the little princess Qianrou, and second, she also hopes that the Prime Minister can make peace with Lord Wei. Her Majesty is very thoughtful, and she also asks the Prime Minister to arrive on time on the fifteenth day."

Chen Yuan saluted, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Since it is your Majesty's sincere intention, please tell your Majesty that I will arrive on time."

"That's great." The old eunuch smiled, "Then I will take my leave."

"Go, eunuch."


After the eunuch walked away, the elder hurriedly said, "Master, you can't go. This is clearly a Hongmen Banquet. The empress is ready to take action against our Shen family!"

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