The Devil Eye of Silence can see all the faces of the demon race. In front of the Devil Eye of Silence, Youruo herself didn't know that the ghost mask she was wearing was useless.

At first, Qin Yang didn't know this. He just asked the woman about Yin Wuji's identity, and the woman told him Yin Wuji's face in detail.

At this time, Qin Yang realized that the face she was talking about was the woman next to Chen Yuan - Youruo?

Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, you hid it so well!

You actually raised demons for twelve years!

Qin Yang raised a sinister sneer on his lips. As long as the court of Northern Qi knew the secret of Chen Yuan raising demons, not only Chen Yuan, but the entire Shen family would be finished!

Therefore, Qin Yang disguised himself to enter the capital, intending to go to the imperial city to meet the emperor, and in the court, make this biggest secret of Chen Yuan public.

By then, Chen Yuan will be doomed!

Thinking of this, Qin Yang's tiredness seemed to disappear suddenly, and he set off again immediately.

Yinxu Valley.

Tong Ji and his group hurriedly found Qian Linglong.

Originally, after the destruction of Baiyun Sect, Youruo planned to return to the Shen family, but who would have thought that Qian Linglong would suddenly go missing!

Although there was a message from Xuanying before, it could only be summarized in general. The details still need to be reported in person.

Qian Linglong was lost, dead or alive, Youruo naturally didn't care, but this is Northern Qi, and Qian Linglong is a demon.

The most important thing is that she was lost in the territory of Yinxu Valley.

If her identity is exposed, it will inevitably drag down Yinxu Valley, and Yinxu Valley is the master's hard work, and the previous failure must not be repeated.

So Youruo patiently followed them to find Qian Linglong. Fortunately, judging from the situation, Qian Linglong's identity was not exposed.

"Didn't I warn you not to run around? This is Northern Qi, not the Kingdom of Monsters!"

"I'm just going out for a walk! What's the big deal? Why are you so fierce?"

Perhaps thinking of leaking Yin Wuji's information to Qin Yang, Qian Linglong's tone seemed a little guilty at this time.

"In short, I have other important things to do. Don't make trouble in Northern Qi. If you are hunted down by the people of the Demon Suppression Bureau, don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless."

Finally, this troublesome woman was found back. Youruo also planned to rush to the Shen family immediately.

This mission was very smooth. Not only did they destroy the Baiyun Sect, but they also took in several monsters, and got some plans from their mouths that the Kingdom of Monsters would attack Northern Qi.

I don't know what kind of reward the master will give me.

At the same time, the Wei family.

Wei Yan returned home with a happy face. Today, he discussed the marriage with the prime minister, and the prime minister's reply was to consider it.

Consider it, that means there is a good chance!

Wei Yan even felt several years younger when he thought about relying on Chen Yuan.

Seeing his grandfather so happy, Wei Qingqing stepped forward and asked softly.

"Why is grandpa so happy today?"

"How can I not be happy?" Wei Yan stroked his white beard, "I met the prime minister today and plan to marry you to him."

"Prime Minister? Is it Chen Yuan?" Wei Qingqing was frightened.

"Yes, it is Chen Yuan." Wei Yan said, "What's that expression on your face? Chen Yuan is now powerful and all civil and military officials dare not disobey him. The foundation of the Shen family is far more powerful than ours!"

"Besides, Chen Yuan is young and promising, with superb cultivation and elegant manners. Can you still be wronged by marrying him?"

Wei Qingqing gritted her teeth.

"But I don't like him! Moreover, he is now using the empress to control the disobedient, and under the banner of the empress, he constantly targets bureaucrats who disagree with him. If this continues, Northern Qi will be in chaos!"

"And Chen Yuan is ambitious, ruthless, and will do anything to achieve his goals! Such a person is called the prime minister of Qi, but he is actually a thief of Qi! Grandpa, how can you collude with such a person and do evil together?!"

"Aren't you pushing your granddaughter into the fire pit?"

"How dare you!" Wei Yan was furious, "Do you know what you are saying? If the Prime Minister hears these words, you will be doomed!" Wei Qingqing was in tears, pitifully and stubbornly speaking word by word. "How can I bow my head and serve the rich and powerful, so that I can't be happy?" Wei Yan was furious and shouted, "You have to marry whether you want to or not! If I find out that you secretly read these Dongyi poems in the future, you will be punished by the Wei family's family rules!" After Wei Yan finished speaking, he left. Only Wei Qingqing was left alone, with misty tears in her eyes, looking pitiful. Wei Qingqing liked poetry and songs, and from the first time she read Ye Fei's poems, she had a strange longing for Ye Fei. The clouds think of clothes and the flowers think of beauty, the spring breeze blows on the threshold and the dew is thick. What kind of elegant and graceful person can write such a famous sentence that will be famous for thousands of years. Afterwards, Wei Qingqing received Ye Fei's poems from Dongyi. I send my sorrow to the bright moon, and follow the wind to the west of Yelang.

She was impressed by Ye Fei's deep affection.

The floating clouds are the thoughts of the wanderers, and the setting sun is the feelings of the old friends.

She appreciated Ye Fei's thoughts.

Raise the cup to invite the bright moon, and drink together to become three people.

She sympathized with Ye Fei's loneliness.

Since then, she has been obsessed with Ye Fei and has secretly promised him.

Although she has never met Ye Fei, and although Ye Fei is far away in Dongyi, Wei Qingqing has long been in love with Ye Fei.

Of course, Chen Yuan naturally didn't know Wei Qingqing's friendship with Ye Fei, otherwise he would have laughed.

Qin Yang, who was originally a son of destiny, Wei Qingqing, one of the harem, actually fell in love with another son of destiny?

Later, Wei Qingqing and Ye Fei had correspondence, and the two explored poems and articles in the letters. Ye Fei was quite insightful, and he always benefited Wei Qingqing a lot.

As time went by, Wei Qingqing's feelings for Ye Fei became more and more deeply rooted. She even made a promise in a letter that she would never marry anyone but Ye Fei.

Now her grandfather wanted to force her to marry Chen Yuan, a cold and cruel man. How could she not feel heartbroken?

"Ye Lang, what should I do now? If you were by my side, could you save me from the water and fire?"

"Ye Lang..."

Just as Wei Qingqing was sobbing softly, Qin Yang secretly bypassed the Wei family guards, asked Old Qu to hide his breath, and then sneaked into Wei Qingqing's mansion.


Wei Qingqing saw someone suddenly climbed through the window and screamed, and Qin Yang quickly covered her mouth.

"Qingqing, don't shout, it's me, Qin Yang."

Seeing that it was Qin Yang, Wei Qingqing let down her guard and signaled Qin Yang to withdraw his hand. She would not make too much noise.

Wei Qingqing and Shen Xiaoer were close friends, and after Shen Xiaoer met Qin Yang, she often boasted about Qin Yang in front of Wei Qingqing.

Perhaps because of the preconceived notion, Wei Qingqing had a good impression of Qin Yang. At the same time, she also hated Chen Yuan, the demon who gouged out her best friend's pupils.

"Why are you here?"

"Let's not talk about this for now, Qingqing, why are you crying?"

Wei Qingqing is the most beautiful woman in the capital of Northern Qi. Seeing her tearful appearance now, Qin Yang couldn't help but feel distressed.

After all, Wei Qingqing is also Chen Xiaoer's best friend, and Qin Yang intends to take them both into the harem to enjoy the happiness of having two wives.

Especially now that Yun Shuya's whereabouts are unknown and Chen Xiaoer is blind, Qin Yang has more unreasonable thoughts about Wei Qingqing.

And Wei Qingqing, hearing Qin Yang's question, cried again in grievance.

"My grandfather... my grandfather wants to marry me to Chen Yuan!"

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