The construction work was in progress.

"Hurry up, everyone. The wooden house must be built before tonight."

At this moment, Su Yuan was lying on a master's chair, giving orders to the busy people.

With dozens of people busy, a two-story wooden house in the style of a courtyard has taken shape.

Seeing that everyone was speeding up, Su Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then picked up the broken fan in his arms and fanned the wind, and took out his mobile phone with the other hand and sent a message to Bai Ruoli.

"Ruoli, I can get the antidote tonight. I'll send you a location. Come and get it now."

Bai Ruoli will be happy when she gets the antidote. Maybe...something else will happen.

Soon, Bai Ruoli replied to Su Yuan, but what came was a man's low and hoarse voice.

"Su Yuan, your childhood sweetheart is really beautiful, I can't help it."

! ! !

Su Yuan immediately called Bai Ruoli's phone, and the call was soon connected, and the hoarse and low voice just now sounded again.

"Su Yuan, I need 1 billion now. As long as you give me the money, I promise not to hurt your girlfriend. Otherwise, even if I can bear it, dozens of my brothers are ready to line up. I will give you two hours. If you are late, you will have to wait in line at the end."

"Who are you?"

Su Yuan's eyes were full of coldness. He began to imagine a beautiful life with Bai Ruoli, and now this kind of thing happened again.

'Could it be that Xiao Fan did it? But it shouldn't be. I have done what he said, and if it was him, as long as he didn't give me the antidote, I would still be controlled by him. There is no need for this. Who could it be? ’

Su Yuan thought hard but couldn’t figure out who did it.

At this moment, Bai Ruoli’s slightly sad voice came from the other end of the phone,

“Brother Su Yuan, don’t worry about me, go quickly, many of them have guns. I, Bai Ruoli, can’t be with you in this life, then in the next life!”

At the end, Bai Ruoli’s voice was full of determination.

Su Yuan, who was reluctant to go, cursed himself for being a human being after hearing this, and he wanted to slap himself twice.

"Ruoli, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you. Everyone over there, listen to me, I don't care who you are, as long as you dare to touch Ruoli, I, Su Yuan, will make you die one by one!"

"Oh my, Lord God of War is angry, I'm so scared! Lump, are you afraid?"

"Afraid, how could I not be afraid? Lord God of War stamps his feet, and half of the United States will tremble. I'm so scared now. I must be the first in line later! No one is allowed to compete with me, understand?"

"Wait! Are you from the Temple of God of War?!"

Hearing the two people's address, Su Yuan realized instantly,

"I will bring the money immediately, but you must ensure Ruoli's safety, otherwise you should know my methods!"

Su Yuan still has a lot of money in his overseas accounts. Although most of this money is not clean, Su Yuan knows a money launderer.

After his operation, no matter what kind of money it is, it can withstand inspection.

But his price is also notoriously expensive, and he charges a 20% commission for each order.

"Baihu, since you want to avenge Qinglong, then be prepared to bear my wrath!"

Qinglong and Baihu have always had a good relationship, as close as brothers, at least on the surface.

Su Yuan subconsciously thought that Baihu sent someone to help Qinglong avenge, but he didn't know that Baihu was already dead at this time.

Su Yuan took out his mobile phone and made a call with great pain.

"Laohei, clean up all the money in my account, and it must be done quickly within an hour."

"Okay, of course there is no problem, but this expedited price..."

Laohei pondered, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Price is not a problem, I know your rules, and I will give you another five points, but it must be completed within an hour, otherwise... hum!"

"Don't worry, you know my strength, Laohei, within 30 minutes, I guarantee you will get it all done!"

After saying that, Laohei hung up the phone and began to make calls one by one to give orders.

While Su Yuan was waiting, a Bentley drove slowly over. Seeing this, everyone looked at him in surprise, except Su.

Yuan had some expectations in his heart.

Xiao Fan's arrival meant that Bai Ruoli's poison could be cured.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."


Xiyu looked at Xiao Fan and nodded obediently.

"Where's the antidote?"

Su Yuan stood up and looked straight at Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan immediately took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket and threw it to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan carefully took the porcelain bottle and put it back in his pocket.

"The agreement has been reached, I'll leave first."

Xiao Fan turned around and walked towards the Bentley without any nostalgia. At this moment, a trace of cruelty flashed through Su Yuan's heart.

After struggling for a long time, Su Yuan still didn't make a move. First, he was not sure at all, and second, Bai Ruoli was still waiting for him to save her.

After Xiao Fan left, not long after, Su Yuan received a message from Lao Hei.

"The money has been laundered."


Su Yuan was overjoyed, and soon his account had more than 2 billion Daxia coins.

"Ruoli, wait for me, I will come to save you soon!"

Su Yuan's eyes were firm. Bai Ruoli was such a good girl, worthy of his efforts, but what Su Yuan didn't know was that at this moment...

In an old factory, the dim yellow light stretched the shadows of everyone very long.

"Sister Qingyuan, how was my acting just now? Was it okay?"

Bai Ruoli looked at a woman with a charming figure, as if expecting affirmation.

"It's okay, I'll have to watch your performance later." Qingyuan's mouth drew a smile. To be honest, it would be a pity if Bai Ruoli didn't become an actor with her acting skills. The only pity is...

Qingyuan's scrutiny swept over Bai Ruoli, and finally stopped his gaze at that place... a little flat.

Qing Yuan looked at her so recklessly, Bai Ruoli naturally noticed it, but she did not show any dissatisfaction, instead, she kept calling her sister Qing Yuan, her mouth was as sweet as honey.

"Humph, you are better than me now, but it doesn't mean you will be better than me all your life. Isn't it just a little bigger? What's so great about it! When you get old, it will definitely sag! Then you will envy me to death!" Bai Ruoli said in her heart.

Although she said it sweetly, she felt sour in her heart. Obviously, we are all women, why is God so unfair?

Just as the two were still chatting, a voice came from a distance.

"Ruoli, I'm here to save you!"

Who else could this familiar voice be except Su Yuan?

"I'm leaving first, you guys should be smart and don't mess things up."

"Don't worry, Commander Qing, we are the most sensible in doing things."

The scarred man patted his chest and promised.

After getting the scarred man's promise, Qing Yuan left from the back of the factory.

Just when Qing Yuan had just left, the factory door suddenly fell down. Su Yuan stood at the door with a trace of worry in his eyes.

However, the moment he saw Bai Ruoli, Su Yuan's heart was relieved. Bai Ruoli was tied to a chair at the moment, her clothes were neat, and it was obvious that the kidnappers did not do anything to her.

If these people really did something to Bai Ruoli, Su Yuan promised to make them want to live but not to die, but if that was the case, Bai Ruoli would no longer be his white moonlight in the future.

"Ruoli, I'm here! I've brought the money, you guys hurry up and let her go!"

If he hadn't been worried about Bai Ruoli's safety, Su Yuan would have taken action long ago, but now Bai Ruoli was in their hands, Su Yuan was afraid to act rashly, and at such a close distance, he had no confidence in dealing with several masters.

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