The next morning...

"Are you okay?"

Early the next morning, Chen Xueqi looked at Zhao Jing's dark circles and asked with concern.

After yesterday's communication, although the two were not friends, they no longer had the initial hostility.

"It's okay... I'm just living here for the first time... I'm not used to it."

Faced with Chen Xueqi's inquiry, Zhao Jing was obviously a little guilty and hesitated when she spoke.

She couldn't say that she heard those noises last night and didn't sleep all night, right?

"If you have insomnia, you can actually try..."

Chen Xueqi was just about to recommend an eye patch to Zhao Jing for treating insomnia.

Xiao Fan interrupted her,

"Xueqi, have breakfast first, you have to go to class later."

As an experienced driver, Xiao Fan naturally understood why Zhao Jing had dark circles under her eyes.

Chen Xueqi stuck out her tongue and went back to her room to wash up.

And the responsibility of cooking naturally fell on Xiao Fan again.

There was no way, Xiao Fan was afraid that if he let the little maid cook, she would be poisoned.

After breakfast, Xiao Fan took Chen Xueqi to school.

Before leaving, Xiao Fan did not forget to remind her,

"Go to bed if you are sleepy, and order takeout if you are hungry."

Considering that Zhao Jing was a girl, Xiao Fan did not say it directly.

But he believed that after Zhao Jing tasted her own cooking skills, she would not dare to cook again.


Zhao Jing lowered her head and responded, not daring to look at Xiao Fan's eyes.

She felt that as long as she saw Xiao Fan's eyes, she would recall the voice of last night in her mind.

"Okay, then we'll go first."


"Junhao, I'll give you a task today. After you finish it, I'll ask you to go to the health care center."

At the school gate, Qin Hao pulled Kong Junhao aside and whispered.

"What task? Could it be..."

"Yes, your brother Hao has taken a fancy to a woman and needs you to be his wingman.

Don't worry, I won't treat you badly after the task is completed."

Qin Hao patted his chest, causing the flesh on his chest to tremble.

"Is it true, brother Hao? Congratulations in advance!"

Kong Junhao pretended to be surprised, but he began to make other plans in his heart.

Qin Hao knew nothing about this. When he heard Kong Junhao's words, he laughed immediately.

Then he stretched out his right hand and patted Kong Junhao's shoulder.

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, it's not certain yet."

Qin Hao said this, but the smile on his lips never stopped.

He even thought of the name of the child.

"Then let's make a deal. You go up and pretend to tease her, and then I'll take action."

"Okay, Brother Hao, just watch me. It's time for our Fenglan duo to return to the arena!"

Kong Junhao smiled, and in his heart he had already greeted Qin Hao's ten generations of ancestors.

Every time he was the wingman, and Qin Hao went up to pick up girls.

Afterwards, Qin Hao didn't give him any benefits.

Instead, he said: You are still young, you can't handle these things, let your brother Hao do it.

If conditions permit, he really wants to spit on Qin Hao's face.

But now is not the time, he still needs to complete what Xiao Fan told him.

"Good brother, I know you are my best bond, wait for my message this afternoon."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he turned and walked into the school.

He didn't notice that after he turned around, Kong Junhao showed a meaningful smile.

Seeing that Qin Hao had disappeared in the crowd, Kong Junhao took out his mobile phone.

Just opened it, and a piece of news popped up on it.

"Recently, Fang Feiyu, an entrepreneur in our province, was reported to have cooperated with overseas drug lords and was caught by the police.

He resisted with guns. In order to ensure the safety of citizens, our province's special forces attacked and carried out a ......"

Seeing this news, Kong Junhao felt that Fang Feiyu was crazy.

"He dared to sell drugs. He is simply asking for his life.

I, Huang, swear that I will never reconcile with gambling and drugs."

After complaining, Kong Junhao sent a message to Xiao Fan and then walked into the school.


"You must go to the blind date this afternoon, otherwise come back and see how I will deal with you."

A young woman about 28 years old looked at Tian Xinyu, her words full of threats.

The young woman was wearing a red cheongsam, which outlined her figure like a cartoon.

Her hair was tied up with a phoenix-shaped jade hairpin, showing her dignity, but her eyes were careless.

The hint of charm revealed by Lin Wanqing.

"Okay, I know, mom, I'm going to work first!"

Hearing Lin Wanqing's nagging, Tian Xinyu felt a headache.

She is only 23 this year, and it has only been a year since graduation.

Lin Wanqing often urges her to go on blind dates as if she can't get married.

Tian Xinyu took a box of pure milk and rushed out without looking back.

"When will this girl change her impetuous habits?"

Lin Wanqing shook her head helplessly.

"I hope she will like the other person this time.

Otherwise, with her temper, I don't know when she can get married."


Just after sending Chen Xueqi to the classroom, Xiao Fan's phone rang.

Seeing the contacts on the phone, Xiao Fan was a little surprised.

"Liu Chen, you rarely contact me, is there something wrong?"

"As expected of Brother Fan, you are so good at predicting things."

Liu Chen immediately flattered him.

"Brother Fan, I want to ask you for a small favor, I don't know..."

"Tell me first, I will help if I can."

"That's right, my family arranged a blind date for me, but who am I, I am Liu Chen.

I will not fall until the moon falls, how can I be bound by a woman.

I want Brother Fan to help me deal with it."


What a joke, you want him to help with such a small matter?

Xiao Fan refused without thinking.

"Brother Fan, don't force me to say harsh words!"

Liu Chen's voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited.

Xiao Fan raised his eyebrows, he really wanted to know what harsh words Liu Chen would say.

"Come on, you play one, I'm listening."

"I'll cover your expenses for the next month!"

"That's it? That's it?"

Xiao Fan was a little disappointed.

"Well, since you don't want to go, forget it.

But I heard that the girl is as beautiful as a fairy and has never been in a relationship."

"Xiao Chen, Brother Fan thought about it, since it's my brother's request, I still need to help.

And don't forget the expenses for that month, tell me the time and place, this sea of ​​fire and sword, Brother Fan will go for you."

How could Xiao Fan ignore his brother's affairs.

"Lan Jingyuan, 3 pm, Box 1."

Liu Chen reported the time and place very straightforwardly.

He heard that the person he was going on a blind date with today had a violent tendency.

Every time he caught a criminal, he was either dead or injured.

No matter how beautiful this kind of woman was, he didn't dare to want her.

What if she knew about his romantic past and killed him?

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