After walking out of the shantytown, we got on the "sightseeing car" of the security team members.

After driving on the dirt road in the mountains for ten minutes, we arrived at the management area.

This is definitely a luxurious area in the dog slave area, like a small community.

It is surrounded by high-voltage power grids.

Then there is a very high wall inside the high-voltage power grid.

There are office buildings, several small Western-style buildings and high-rise residential buildings.

The entire dog slave area, including the security team, supervision team, patrol team, and various management and logistics department personnel, there are at least hundreds of people living in this management area.

Speaking of which, this is Li Hao's first time to the management area.

At the door, there are security team members holding laser guns standing guard.

After entering the door, the scenery inside surprised Li Hao.

This is simply a high-end community!

Just after entering the door, you can actually see a huge square with flower beds and even many fountains.

The roads in the management area are all asphalt roads.

The square is covered with white marble tiles.

The greenery everywhere is trimmed exquisitely and neatly.

At this moment, there are a dozen old men and women in the fitness area of ​​the square, some are skipping ropes, some are spinning hula hoops, and some are practicing Tai Chi and spinning tops.

Li Hao has no doubt that in the evening, there will be a group of aunts dancing in the square.

The clothes and mental outlook of these old men and women are much better than those of the same age in the mining area.

Some old ladies are dressed in colorful clothes, which is gorgeous.

Su Liluo also opened her eyes wide.

Perhaps she has never thought that there is such a paradise in the world. Moreover, it is so close to the shantytown where they live.

It is only a distance of two or three miles, but on one side is hell, and on the other side... it is heaven.

Li Hao and Qin Yu exchanged glances, and both saw determination in each other's eyes.

The sightseeing bus followed the asphalt road next to the community, bypassed the square, and went deep into the community.

An open-air stadium appeared in front of them.

In the center was a football field with a runway next to it.

Further to the side, there was a row of small houses and a trapezoidal stand built on the small houses that could accommodate about a thousand people.

At this moment, there were already several members of the security team standing on the football field, as well as sloppy young people wearing dog slave clothes.

The security team members parked the sightseeing bus outside the stadium, and then led Li Hao, Su Liluo and Qin Yu inside.

"Brother Yu! Brother Yu!"

Just after entering the door, a voice was heard from the stands.

Qin Yu's face was full of depression.

Li Hao looked over and grinned at Meng Meng.

Hundreds of people have gathered in the stands, all of them are from the management area, men and women, young and old, all kinds of people.

However, with Mengmeng's size, she is still quite "dazzling" among them.

"Look how good Mengmeng is to you, and she even came over to cheer you up, otherwise you should just give in to her."

Li Hao retracted his gaze and said to Qin Yu with a smile.

Qin Yu: (;¬_¬)

[Ding! ]

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality, and get villain points +10! ]

He really wanted to say to Li Hao, why don't you just die.

Su Liluo blinked her eyes beside her and asked in a low voice: "Brother Yu, who is this?"

She didn't know what happened between Qin Yu and Mengmeng yet.

Qin Yu remained silent.

Li Hao laughed and said, "Meng Meng, the daughter of Captain Zhang of our mining security team, hehe, she likes your brother Yu very much."

"Can you shut up!"

Qin Yu couldn't help it.

[Ding! ]

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality, and gaining villain points +20! ]

In this entire dog slave area, he least wanted Li Hao and Su Liluo to know about what happened between him and Meng Meng.

It would have been fine if Li Hao had bumped into her himself, but now, he actually told Su Liluo.

Doesn't he have any face?

Although it should be a proud thing to be liked by someone, he doesn't want to be liked by a fat girl like Meng Meng!

Su Liluo looked at Meng Meng's body shape and the cute princess dress, and her face couldn't help but look a little weird.

Even the security team member who led the way in front, although he didn't laugh out loud, his shoulders were shaking.

Qin Yu: (;¬_¬)

[Ding! 】

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality, and gaining +10 villain points! 】

It's all Li Hao's fault!

"Just wait here!"

Walking to the middle of the football field, the security team member who led the way turned around and said to Li Hao and the others.

Li Hao and Qin Yu both looked at the other applicants for the mine nearby.Four men and one woman.

All the men had short hair and were just passers-by in the original novel.

The woman, on the other hand, had short hair and a dirty face, so her appearance could not be seen, but Li Hao remembered that she was one of the five people who successfully participated in the hunting competition.

Because of this dog slave area, there were originally only eleven people who signed up for the hunting competition, three of whom were women, and she was the only one with short hair.

A warrior close to the second level.

But he died in the hunting competition later.

He was beheaded by another psychic from the dog slave area with his supernatural power.

As time passed, there were more and more spectators in the stands.

The annual hunting competition is a fun for people in the urban area.

And the competition for quotas in the dog slave area is also a fun for people in the management area.

It's like the slave arena in ancient Rome.

Every year, people even set up a bet on which few people will successfully compete for the quota.

Less than ten minutes later, all the "dog slaves" who had won the competition were brought over.

Ma Pijing also came and winked at Li Hao secretly.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows in response.

Thirteen competitors!

Except for Su Liluo and Ma Pijing, there was no difference from the original novel.

In the stands, the one-eyed man, the captain of the security team, stood up, walked to the upright microphone, and said concisely: "Five places for the competition belong to the last five people who can still stand. Dog slaves, it's up to you next."

"Come on, Brother Yu! Come on, Brother Yu!"

Only Mengmeng was cheering for Qin Yu over there, acting as a cheerleader.

The rest of the people were silent or whispering.

They didn't care which five people won the competition in the end. They came to watch the game just to see the bloody scene of the dog slaves fighting.

The security team members around Li Hao all retreated to the side, vaguely surrounding the entire football field.

"Now... the game begins!"

In the stands, the voice of the one-eyed dragon suddenly became much louder.


"Fight! Dog slaves!"


Finally, there were shouts one after another.

These people in the stands were like cold-blooded and ruthless lunatics.

But as the voice of the one-eyed dragon fell, the dog slaves around him had already moved.

Some ran to the edge of the court.

Others even attacked the dog slaves next to them directly.

Everyone wanted to be one of the last five standing.

Just because this was their only chance to change their fate!

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