Looking around, the road on the bridge goes straight to the depths of Xingtan City.

Along the river, there are steel fences tens of meters high, covered by high-voltage power grids.

Further in, there is a wide area about a thousand meters wide, where even the original houses and buildings have been blown up and flattened, replaced with artillery platforms, bunkers, etc.

Then there are the tall buildings rising from the ground.

Some are dozens of floors, some are towering into the sky, and there are sky gardens, which can be said to be dazzling Ma Pijing and others.

Li Hao and Qin Yu's eyes are fixed on the bridge.

This is one of the only two entrances and exits in Xingtan City.

At both ends of the bridge, there are many sculptures more than ten meters high.

There are women holding long spears.

There are strong men holding two axes.

There are also old men with their hands behind their backs.

These sculptures are all pioneers and extremely powerful people who have influenced the entire Chinese human process after the catastrophe in this era, or in a certain era in the past.

After being inspected by the guards at the bridgehead, the minibus slowly drove to the other side of the bridge.

Li Hao was able to see the words engraved on the stone piers below the sculptures.

The strong man holding two axes, the current city lord of Xingtan City, Yu Xiangyang!

The woman holding a spear is one of the strongest people in China today, a ninth-level superpower + warrior, the god of dawn war - Ling Qiushuang!

The old man with his hands behind his back is even more powerful, he is Ge Ming, who is regarded as the "God of Medicine" by all Chinese people.

It was he who led the team to research the method of extracting blood essence from the body of fierce beasts to make life potions and extracting cell potions from essence, which enabled the strength of the entire human race of warriors and superpowers to advance by leaps and bounds.

And he got through the darkest time of mankind.

Then, there is the old man Yuan Jiping who is regarded as the "Father of Food".

It was him who researched food that can grow on nuclear contaminated land! Only then can the current human race have food to eat.

There are sixteen statues at the end of the bridge.

Each of them is a hero and pioneer admired by the Chinese people.

The worst one is Yu Xiangyang, the lord of Xingtan City.

Although he is an eighth-level warrior, Li Hao feels that he is really trying to gild his own reputation by placing his statue here.

However, this is also reasonable.

The current social system is completely different from the era before the Great Cataclysm, and humans have regressed to the era of city-state alliances.

As the lord of the city, Yu Xiangyang is the local emperor of Xingtan City.

In the entire Xingtan City, no one's status can be compared with him.

Looking at these sculptures, Li Hao couldn't help but have a trace of ambition in his heart.

Who doesn't want to stand tall in the world?

And in the later period of the original novel, Qin Yu became such a character.

He must always step on Qin Yu's head, so that he can ensure a steady stream of villain points to grab.

After reaching the other side of the bridge, the minibus was inspected again before it was able to enter Xingtan City.

Only here did it still maintain the scene before the Great Disaster.

There were many shops on both sides of the street, including clothing stores, jewelry stores, grocery stores, snack shops, pharmacies, etc.

Of course, there were also weapon stores.

On the buildings, there were signs of various companies.

The bus was busy.

Passing by a snack street, you can see young men and women shopping inside.

There was a little girl, led by her mother, holding a candied haws in her hand, eating it with relish.

There was also a child held in her arms, licking the ketchup on the French fries one bite at a time.

This was a scene that could never be seen in the Dog Slave District.

Compared with the poverty and oppression of the Dog Slave District, this place was simply a paradise.


Li Hao heard the sound of Ma Pijing swallowing his saliva in front of him.

He probably didn't even know the candied haws and French fries, but just thought that they must be delicious.

Su Liluo's eyes also became blank.

Even Qin Yu's expression became complicated.

The prosperity and peace in Xingtan City were full of great temptations for them.

No one didn't want to live in such a place.

Li Hao tightened Su Liluo's sweaty little hand, put it close to her ear, and whispered: "Luoluo, I will definitely let you live here in the future."

There was a smile in his voice, but it was very serious.

Su Liluo tilted her head to look at Li Hao, bit her lip, and her eyes became red again.

In just about two minutes, the minibus drove into an alley and then went into the underground garage.

Stopped in the garage.

This is a hotel.

Wu Hun waited for the car to stop, stood up, and said: "Let's go, get off with me!"

Li Hao and the others followed Wu Hun out of the car.

Ma Pijing, Li Ying, Su Liluo, and Qin Yu all looked around, as if the cars in the underground garage made them feelIt was so interesting.

Wu Hun was not surprised by this, and led the way in front, walking towards the elevator.

Two security guards walked behind Li Hao and his team with laser guns.

Enter the elevator and go straight to the 17th floor.

Ma Pijing was obviously very nervous, and he got close to Li Hao without leaving a trace.


Upstairs, Wu Hun took out five room cards from his pocket and handed them to Li Hao and his team, saying: "You go to the room to rest by yourself. I will use the phone in the room to notify you if there is anything. By the way, I warn you again, don't think about escaping, because this hotel is guarded by the guard team. Moreover, even if you can run, you are just white households in Xingtan City. If you are caught, you will die."

After that, he took the two guards back to the elevator and left.

Ma Pijing scratched his head with the room card in his hand, and looked at Li Hao again.

Li Ying was the same.

Because of Li Hao's strength, the two of them naturally regarded Li Hao as the backbone of their team.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "Go back to your rooms, take a shower, and then do whatever you need to do!"

He looked at the number on his room card and walked towards his room with Su Liluo.

He didn't plan to run away.

Su Liluo's pretty face was a little flushed.

"Finally I can take a good shower!"

Inside the room, there was a large white bed, exquisite curtains, a TV, and a telephone.

Li Hao stretched his body and looked relieved.

He finally left the dog slave area, that hellhole!

In the dog slave area, let alone shower gel, there was not even soap.

That is, girls like Su Liluo with natural body fragrance can still smell good after taking a shower.

As for him...after coming down from the mine every day, even he himself despised himself.

I always felt that there was an lingering smell of iron ore on my body.

"Wife, take a shower!"

Li Hao suddenly looked at Su Liluo and bared his teeth.


Su Liluo was stunned.

Then, her pretty face suddenly became rosy, as if it was colored by the sunset.

Li Hao laughed and hugged Su Liluo by the waist, saying: "Finally, I can take a clean shower. You help me rub my back, and I will help you rub your back! Hehe, there should be shower gel in it."

"Shower gel?"

Su Liluo blushed and buried herself in Li Hao's arms.

She wanted to refuse, but she knew she couldn't refuse Li Hao.

This guy always has some strange ideas that make her particularly shy.

But in the end, didn't he succeed?

"You will know when you see it."

Li Hao said with a smile.

Then he opened the door of the bathroom and walked in with Su Liluo in his arms.

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