Li Hao's heart moved slightly.

In the original novel, he and Qin Yu were both unable to get sponsorship.

There are insider information about sponsorship. Those businessmen and entrepreneurs are all very cunning. Even if they invest in personal sponsorship, they usually choose the players in the two special dog slave areas.

In the ordinary dog ​​slave area, only a few lucky people can be favored.

But with Su Liluo's beauty, it is possible that someone will really sponsor her.

After all, as long as she appears on TV, she will be very conspicuous, a natural advertising model.

This is the advantage of beautiful women.

Although Li Hao doesn't care about sponsorship, if he can get food, medicine and other things, it will really save a lot of trouble.

At least he doesn't have to bother looking for food.

In the original plot, "Li Hao" stayed in the hunting competition area with Qin Yu for nine days, but he was starving for six days and didn't have a full meal. When he was extremely hungry, he gnawed tree bark to survive.

Follow Wu Hui to a room.

This room has been converted into a studio.

There are many such studios in this hotel.

However, the players in each dog slave area do not live on the same floor.

Before the hunting competition ceremony begins, the organizer will not allow the players to meet.

In the studio, there is already a pretty female reporter or host waiting inside.

Dressed coolly and sexy.

There are two camera positions in the corner, and a cameraman is behind.

This interview is actually used for publicity.

It also allows the audience to have a preliminary impression of the players in each dog slave area before the hunting competition begins.

With Su Liluo's appearance, the gorgeous and sexy host was stunned.

"Sit down!"

Wu Hui walked in with Li Hao and the others and said.

Li Hao and the others sat opposite the host.

There are exactly five single sofas.


Ma Pijing had never sat on such a sofa before. He sat on it and sank into it. He was so scared that he almost jumped up, which made the host and the two photographers laugh secretly.

I'm afraid he was thinking, he is really a dog slave who has never seen the world.

Wu Hun stood at the blind spot of the wall.

The female host looked at him and said: "Then let's start!"

Then a professional smile instantly appeared on her face.

The originally sexy and charming temperament suddenly changed, and suddenly she looked serious and friendly.

Li Hao secretly sighed in his heart, he really deserves to be a host.

He glanced at Qin Yu, Ma Pijing and others with the corner of his eye and found that they were all sitting upright and a little nervous.

"Please introduce yourselves first!"

The female host said.

Wu Hui added: "Just say hello, which mining area you are from, what is your name, and nickname, and express your determination."

This kind of interview is more casual, because it is not a live broadcast, and it will be edited later.

Ma Pijing, Li Ying and Su Liluo all looked at Li Hao naturally.

This made Qin Yu's eyes suddenly a little complicated.

He is actually a person who wants to be the backbone wherever he is, but now, the backbone of this team is obviously not him.

[Ding! ]

[Villain system: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality and gaining villain points +20! ]

Li Hao looked directly at the host, expressionless, "District 14, Li Hao!"

Sometimes, being aloof can also leave a deep impression on people.

Of course, more importantly, because he didn't have any hope for sponsorship, he was too lazy to waste his saliva.

"No more?"

The host was stunned, waited for a few seconds, and asked.

"No more."

Li Hao said.

The host was a little speechless.

But she also knew that there were many eccentric and lonely people among these dog slaves, so she was too lazy to say anything and looked at Ma Pijing on the right of Li Hao.

Ma Pijing's beard had grown back completely, and his appearance was still a bit distinctive.

Anyway, people of the same age generally don't have so many beards.

Ma Pijing was obviously a little nervous and stammered: "Hello everyone, my name is Ma Pijing, from District 14, my nickname is... Thunderbolt with lightning, cool and awesome little prince."

Others in the room: ((´-_-)-_-)-_-)

"Hello everyone, my name is Qin Yu, nicknamed Black Knight, from District 14, this time, we District 14 will win, please believe and support us!"

"District 14, Li Ying, nicknamed Spirit Cat."

Finally, it was Su Liluo.

She was also a little nervous, and her eyes seemed to be full of panic, but it made people feel even more pitiful.

"My name is Su Liluo, I come from District 14."

After saying just one sentence, she looked at Li Hao helplessly, as ifI almost didn't know what to say.

Li Hao smiled, held her hand, and said: "It's okay, don't be nervous, just say these two sentences."

His calmness surprised Wu Hui and the female host.

The interview ended just like that.

After leaving the studio, Wu Hui led Li Hao and the others back to the room.

"If you want to get sponsorship, you'd better think of something that will impress the sponsors for tomorrow's ceremony."

Walking to the door of the room, Wu Hui suddenly curled his lips, "Although I don't think you have much chance of passing the hunting competition, if you can get sponsorship, you can at least have more hope, what do you think?"

Qin Yu, Ma Pijing and Li Ying were all eager to move.

Qin Yu said, "Then what should we say?"

Wu Hui obviously had an idea in mind. He looked at Su Liluo and said, "I think you can start with her, especially the three of you men. Three flower protectors protecting an extremely beautiful girl is still a gimmick. Who knows, there may be sponsors who would not mind providing you with some help in order to let her live longer."

Qin Yu and others couldn't help but look at Su Liluo.

Li Hao grinned and chuckled, "No problem, we promise that no one will hurt Luoluo before we die."

"Brother Hao..."

This scared Su Liluo.

Li Hao just gave her a reassuring look.

Can anyone kill him?

It shouldn't be possible!


Another day.

The day of the hunting competition ceremony has arrived.

Early in the morning, Li Hao and his door was knocked again.

That sissy appeared again and put makeup on Li Hao.

He also brought Li Hao a new set of clothes.

This set of clothes is much more formal than the one in the interview yesterday, and can be classified as a formal dress.

These are provided by clothing companies in the urban area, and they are also advertising opportunities in exchange for sponsorship.

The original novel mentioned this. The clothes of Li Hao and his team in District 14 were designed and provided by a clothing brand called "Lion and Dragon", and they were all tailor-made.

However, the original novel did not mention the supporting character "Li Hao", but only Qin Yu's clothes, "It is a midnight charm black velvet suit dress, which seems to have the power to embrace everything. The two fangs and claws of the oriental dragons thickened with gold silk on the collar further highlight Qin Yu's charm, making him have a domineering and profoundness that surpasses other dog slave zone players."

Li Hao also changed into his evening dress at the urging of the sissy.

He didn't know if it was the same style as Qin Yu's.

Anyway, his dress was peacock blue.

Noble and elegant, mysterious and profound.

Li Hao looked in the mirror and evaluated himself like this.

Clothes make the man, gold makes the Buddha, this saying is true.

Even he had never thought that he was so handsome.

After a while, Wu Hui came, called Li Hao and the others out, and took them to the underground garage.

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