"When we get to the island, I will take care of the killings. You protect Luo Luo and the others. If I can't do it, you will do it."

Li Hao said.


Qin Yu opened his mouth, feeling a little depressed, but he didn't know what to say.

In fact, the job that Li Hao arranged for him was quite easy, but he was not used to the change of identity between him and Li Hao.

Before, Li Hao was his younger brother.

Besides, he also wanted to be in the limelight!

Being in the limelight at the hunting competition can be seen by countless people in the urban area. Perhaps, after passing the hunting competition, he can be recruited by various forces, even the city lord's mansion.

But he doesn't have the strength of Li Hao.

With his cell activity, and the two superpowers of teleportation and cock crowing, he is still somewhat confident when facing a contestant from the first or ninth district. But if there are more than one, it will be a bit difficult.

After all, the number of times the superpower can be used is limited.

And others will not wait for him to kill them foolishly.

As the sun sets, the house becomes even darker.

In the end, there is hardly any light.

That night, several people rested in the bungalow.

In the early morning, there was a sound of unlocking outside.

Qin Yu and others, who had not slept well, opened their eyes and sat up suddenly from the bed.

The door opened.

There were several guards outside, holding flashlights.

They walked directly into the house.

"This is the sponsorship from your 14th district."

These guards were wearing full-body helmets, and their faces could not be seen, but the guard walking at the back was holding a metal box in his hand.

"We have sponsorship! Brother Hao! We really got the sponsorship!"

Ma Pijing was so excited.

The guard put the box on the ground and opened it.

Then he took out two S2 potions from it, "Su Liluo, this is your sponsorship."

"I... I'm here."

Su Liluo pursed her lips and walked to the front nervously.

The guard was probably surprised by Su Liluo's beauty. He looked at her a few more times under the protective goggles, and then handed the potion to Su Liluo.

Two S2 potions, this girl is really lucky.

Although the market price of S2 potions is very cheap, in the hunting competition, sponsors have to pay a staggering sponsorship fee for such "cheating" things.

Not to mention S2 potions, even S1 potions and a little food are extremely rare.

As for weapons and armor, let alone, they are things that only people in the first and ninth districts can get.

"Li Hao, yours!"

The guard shouted again.

"I have it too?"

Li Hao grinned and said in a daze.

He could still understand that Su Liluo had a sponsor, but he was really surprised that he had one.

It seems that he is still very likable!

But when the guard took out the things, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Damn it!

A hat!

And it's green!

Qin Yu, Ma Pijing, Li Ying and Su Liluo were also stunned.

Even the guards were.

"Who sponsored this?"

Li Hao took the alloy hat painted green, his face full of depression.

"Yours is anonymously sponsored."

The guard said.


From inside the helmet, the guard couldn't help laughing.

"This is the nameplate of the company that sponsored your S2 potion. You have to stick it on your clothes."

The guard who was squatting on the ground took out two nameplate stickers from the box and handed them to Su Liluo.

Eternal Jewelry, Beauty Underwear.

Su Liluo took the nameplate and stuck it on her chest.

"Let's go, I'll send you to the island!"

The guard closed the metal box and stood up and said.

Then several guards walked out.

"Do you want it?"

Li Hao asked Qin Yu, holding a green hat in his hand.

He would never wear this thing on his head, absolutely not!

Qin Yu: (꒪⌓꒪)

"What about you?"

Li Hao asked Ma Pijing again.

Ma Pijing shook his head, "I don't want it either."

Even Li Ying was disgusted, and she shook her head as soon as Li Hao looked at her.

Li Hao was quite helpless.

"Can I throw this thing away?"

He asked the guard in front.

The guard turned around, "No, any items sponsored by the sponsor cannot be thrown away at will unless you die."

Li Hao also rolled his eyes.

But then he thought again, this thing is still somewhat useful.

Although it is not a weapon, it is definitely better than a stone as a weapon.

Go outside.

It was still dark outside.

The other contestants in the bungalows were also brought out by the guards.

"Damn! This is too unfair!draw! "

Li Hao and his team were able to see the appearance of the contestants around them with the help of the flashlights in the guards' hands. Ma Pijing couldn't help cursing.

He saw a guy in the Ninth District who was fully armed.

He was holding an alloy sword, wearing alloy armor, and an alloy helmet on his head!

Although there would be no sponsorship of alloys higher than F1 level in the hunting competition, this undoubtedly widened the gap.

Strong teams become stronger, and weak teams become weaker.

Moreover, it was not only this guy named Zhai Shi who received sponsorship in the Ninth District.

Others also received sponsorship to varying degrees, some with weapons, some with armor.

Others were carrying bags, probably either potions or food.

Li Hao looked towards the First District.

The sponsorship received was even more amazing than that of the Ninth District.

In addition to the child, there was also their captain Han Ji, who was also fully armed.

Han Ji noticed Li Hao's gaze and grinned at Li Hao with a cruel smile.

"After tonight, everything will be ours! "

Li Hao was also a little unhappy, and said through gritted teeth.

Ma Pijing and the others all looked at him.

"Put on the hoods! Get ready to go!"

The leader of the guards shouted.

The guards walked to Li Hao and the others, took out black hoods, and wrapped their heads.

The location of landing on the island is random, and before that, the organizers of the competition will not let the contestants know where other teams are.

Wearing the hood is to prevent them from observing other people's landing locations.

This hood looks simple, but it has the effect of isolating mental power.

In front of them, it suddenly became dark.

The contestants of each participating team let the guards escort them to the river.

Seventeen helicopters were already parked by the river.


As Li Hao and others were taken on the helicopter, the helicopter quickly flew towards the hunting island with a rumbling sound.

"We're here. "

When the helicopter landed, the guards took off the hoods on Li Hao and his team.

Around them was a cleared area for helicopters to take off and land.

Then there was the wet primitive jungle.

At this time, the red sun just quietly emerged from the horizon.

It was about to rise.

The hunting competition was about to begin.

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