There are so many superpowers in the superpower sequence.

No one can be sure what the second superpower Li Hao has.

Even if someone thinks of "radar mouse", they will quickly deny this idea.

Although Li Hao is a dog slave, he is so powerful and has telekinetic superpowers. Can he destroy his own future and comprehend the rubbish radar superpower?

On the screen, Qin Yu suddenly moved when Li Hao called him.

The figure suddenly disappeared from the original place.

This made the girl who shot the arrow change her expression slightly.

She just shot another arrow at Li Hao, but Li Hao dodged it lightly.

She felt a little powerless as never before.

And Qin Yu's sudden disappearance made her realize the threat.

Her superpowers, Eagle Eye and Flying, follow the long-range kite flow route.

In addition, as a second-level warrior, as long as she has a bow and arrow in her hand, the lethality she can cause is not much weaker than Han Ji. And it is much harder to catch than Han Ji and the long-haired man.

But Qin Yu's teleportation ability can be said to be her nemesis.

The girl's reaction was very fast. The moment Qin Yu disappeared, she suddenly turned in the air and swung her longbow to hit behind her.

Qin Yu really appeared behind her.

However, just when the longbow in the girl's hand was about to hit Qin Yu, her longbow was suddenly "pulled" by someone.

It was Li Hao again.

Qin Yu was shocked for a moment, and then punched the girl in the chest.


The girl spit out blood and flew backwards.

Qin Yu fell to the ground.


The green helmet inserted in Han Ji's forehead suddenly shot behind the girl, and then directly passed through the girl's neck.

A head, a headless corpse, split into two and fell to the ground.

"Can you do it!"

Li Hao shouted at Qin Yu unhappily.

He really didn't expect this guy to miss.

He wasted a lot of mental power.

His mental power is not infinite. Every time he uses his mental power, he will consume the corresponding mental power according to the kinetic energy of his mental power.

He can only use his mental power at most a dozen times.

And just now, in the blink of an eye, he has used it several times.

Qin Yu: (; ≧д≦)

He didn't expect the girl to react so quickly!

[Ding! ]

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for successfully influencing the protagonist's mentality and gaining villain points +30! ]

He really didn't expect that he would be disliked by Li Hao one day.

This blow was too great.

Li Hao had no time to care about him at this time.

Although it took only about three seconds to kill the long-haired man and the archery girl, the tank had already run in front of him.

This guy's eyes were filled with hatred and madness.

He knew that there was no chance of survival.

He couldn't possibly be Li Hao's opponent.

But before he died, he wanted to drag Li Hao down with him.

Even if Li Hao was seriously injured!

In this way, at least Li Hao couldn't break out in the end!

He had to stay on this hunting island to accompany them in their burial.

However, he overestimated himself a little.

Li Hao fought him directly.

Facing the tank man who had dual defensive abilities including ironization, Li Hao, whose cell activity was close to the third level, although his ability to withstand blows should not be as strong as the tank man, his physical conditions such as strength and reaction were much stronger than the tank man.


With a muffled sound, the tank man was quickly blown away by Li Hao.

This guy was indeed resistant to blows, and he immediately got up, looking like nothing happened.

However, his pupils quickly condensed.

Because Li Hao waved his hand and called Han Ji's alloy long sword into his hand.


Li Hao raised his eyebrows at the tank man and smiled.

Tank Man: (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

But he knew that he had no choice.

He couldn't even run away.

He could only fight desperately.


With a heart full of anger and unwillingness, he roared and rushed towards Li Hao again.


And the result was that Li Hao chopped him down vertically with a knife.

The tank man was split in half from head to chest.

Li Hao's strength was too great.

"F1 alloy, it just doesn't work..."

Li Hao looked at the knife in his hand and curled his lips.

Although he chopped the tank man to death, the knife was actually rolled.

However, it is much better to have it than not to have it.

"Take that green helmet and use it, so as not to lose it again."

Li Hao pointed to the green helmet on the ground and said to Qin Yu.

Then he tried to pull the armor off Han Ji.

Qin Yu:ヾ(-_-;)

He doesn't want to be cuckolded,However, it seemed that there was no reason to refuse.

Ma Pijing, Li Ying and Su Liluo all walked to the side of Li Hao.

"Brother Hao, what should we do with this child?"

Ma Pijing asked Li Hao.

Li Hao turned around, "What do you want to do?"

"Kill... kill?"

Ma Pijing felt a little reluctant, but if he said to let the child go, he was afraid of being scolded by Li Hao.

Li Hao had taught him before that on the Hunting Island, he could not be merciful to anyone!

"How can you kill such a young child?"

Li Hao glanced at the child who had been frightened and pale, but said.

He actually knew that this child was probably not a good person.

Otherwise, he would not be sent to the dog slave area at this age.

But he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

This child's background is not small!

At this moment, Qin Yu's figure suddenly appeared behind the child.

A green helmet passed by.

The child's head with a helmet rolled to the ground.

Li Hao: ゛(‘◇’)?

Qin Yu said coldly: "On this island, anyone is our competitor. Only by killing them all can we leave alive. So let alone children, even babies... we have to kill them!"

He finally regained some of the feeling of being the backbone.

I feel that what he said is very awesome.

Li Hao:ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

He really didn't expect that he couldn't escape in the end.

But fortunately, Qin Yu killed the person.

According to the original plot of the novel, after the hunting competition is over, Qin Yu will be protected by a strong man.

I just don't know if the strong man can protect him this time.

After all, in the original plot, he didn't kill the child, and the child's family didn't have sufficient reasons to trouble him.

And now, this reason is too sufficient.

Li Hao pouted, too lazy to say anything, and continued to pull the armor on Han Ji's body.

People have been killed, and there is no point in nagging.

Soon, Li Hao put on Han Ji's armor.

He felt safe instantly.

Su Liluo, Li Ying and Ma Pijing also collected other sponsorships from the first district.

Including the child's armor and helmet.

And the archer's bow and quiver.

Then there were the supplies.

Three S2 potions and twenty kilograms of dried meat!

These guys were so rich.

And now, of course, all of them were given to Li Hao and his team.

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