"This... so many?"

The boss said hesitantly.

"There is also a fourth-level golden-horned pangolin corpse, but there is no crystal core."

Li Hao said.

As soon as the voice fell, the corpse of the golden-horned pangolin also appeared on the ground.

Of course, the boss knew that Li Hao must have spatial abilities, but he was not surprised at this moment.

He stared at the corpse of the golden-horned pangolin in a daze.

Fourth-level beast!

Li Hao was able to hunt a fourth-level beast.

Even though he was doing business in this beast market, and it was a prime shop, he didn't receive fourth-level beasts every day.

Because there is a qualitative leap in strength from third-level beasts to fourth-level beasts.

The same is true for warriors.

In Xingtan City, warriors below the fourth level are everywhere, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like crucian carp crossing the river.

But the number of warriors at the fourth level and above is unknown.

For a third-level warrior, the cell activity must reach 7,500 points, while for a fourth-level warrior, the threshold is 67,500 points.

However, the boss did not ask Li Hao how he got the body of the golden-horned unicorn.

This is the industry rule.

"A first-level beast is 20,000, a second-level beast is 80,000, a third-level beast is 200,000, and a fourth-level beast is 800,000."

The boss took the calculator, muttered, and calculated.

The corpses of the beasts have a market price.

These dealers only make money from the blood essence for refining life potions and the money from the beast meat.

"The total body is 1.94 million."

The boss quickly calculated the result.

Li Hao nodded, "Calculate the crystal core."

Then he took out the remaining six crystal cores in the storage space and placed them on the counter.

The boss looked at him and continued to count, "The crystal core of the fireball rabbit is 2,500, the crystal core of the heart-piercing snake is 14,000, and the crystal core of the tiger-toothed dog is 32,000..."

The price range of the crystal core is very large and not so transparent.

For common beasts such as the fireball rabbit, the heart-piercing snake, and the tiger-toothed dog, the crystal core is far less valuable than the corpse.

But the telekinetic crystal cores like the ghost-faced bat and Qin Yu's teleportation crystal core are sold for tens of millions and there are many people fighting for them.

After the boss calculated, the miscellaneous crystal cores in Li Hao's hand were worth about 300,000.

He just rounded off the decimals and it was 290,000.

Li Hao was too lazy to argue with him, so he took out his bank card and asked the boss to transfer the money directly.

Except for weapons and soft armor, the storage space was empty.

But Li Hao's bank card soon had more than 2 million.

This is already the income of most people in the urban area for two or three years.

Li Hao received the bank information and left the beast processing market immediately.

Then he went to a pharmacy at the entrance of the beast processing market.

He asked the price.

J2 and X2 potions are both 40,000.

Li Hao ordered two X2 potions and twenty J2 potions at once.

Then he bought two S4 potions.

A third-level warrior can also use low-level life potions to heal, but the healing speed is too slow.

The higher the level of life potion, the faster the healing speed.

But you can't use too high-level ones, because... too nourishing!

Then, Li Hao looked at other potions.

There are detoxification potions for various toxins, and sedative potions to repair mental strength, etc., all kinds of things.

The main focus is on home travel, murder and robbery.

The uses are good, but they are expensive.

He didn't buy any.

Once you leave the urban area, no one can predict what beasts they will encounter. Unless someone like Xu Lingdang and the others had already determined what beast they were going to hunt before setting out, they would buy the corresponding potions.

Li Hao did not need to stock up on these potions.

Because these potions were all available in his system mall.

Just search.

Even if he was really poisoned, it would be in time to redeem them.

The reason why he bought the life potion was simply because it was not expensive and was most likely to be used.

In a blink of an eye, 920,000 yuan was spent.

Li Hao secretly sighed in his heart that free warriors made money quickly and spent money quickly.

"Please give me another twelve X3 potions."

Li Hao said to the salesperson.

With two X2 potions, he could be promoted to a third-level warrior.

And at the third level, taking X2 potions would be useless.

Li Hao was not stingy with money, because no matter how you calculate it, money is not as cost-effective as villain points. And villain points are harder to get than money.

X3 potion, 100,000 per potion.

When Li Hao walked out of the pharmacy with the medicine, there was only 120,000 left in his card.

But it wasn't over yet.

He then wandered around the beast processing market for more than an hour.

He bought some instant food, seasonings, lighters, clothes, tents, gasoline... a lot of random things, but they were essential for survival in the wild.things.

He also bought a motorcycle.

The most ordinary one.

Although it can't withstand a blow from a ferocious beast, it's convenient for traveling.

After spending 120,000, less than 40,000 was left.

Li Hao was really envious!

If he also had a chariot like Xiao Manshi, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble.

In the end, Li Hao didn't keep any of the 40,000.

He found a jewelry store and bought two pieces of jewelry.

A jade Buddha pendant, for safety, for Su Liluo, cost more than 10,000.

And a pair of earrings, with purple diamonds.

Although they are small, they cost almost 30,000.

This was intended for Xiao Manshi.

After carefully calculating twice and buying everything, Li Hao rode his motorcycle to Xiao Manshi's house.

When he arrived at Xiao Manshi's house, he knocked on the door, and it was Su Liluo who opened the door.

"Brother Hao!"

Su Liluo was surprised and delighted to see Li Hao come back so soon.

"Open your hands."

Li Hao said with a smile.


Su Liluo blinked and opened her palms.

A mobile phone box appeared in Li Hao's hand. Li Hao put it in her palm and said: "This is a mobile phone. I saved my number on it. You can ask Sister Manshi's servant to teach you how to use it. When you miss me in the future, you can always communicate with me."


Su Liluo's pretty face blushed slightly and nodded obediently.

Although she had never used a mobile phone, she had seen it on TV.

"Here, this is a jade pendant for you."

A dark purple jewelry box appeared in Li Hao's hand again.

Open it, and inside is a crystal-clear and smooth glutinous jade Maitreya Buddha.

Women are naturally not resistant to such things, just like the Western dragon cannot resist gold coins and jewelry.

Su Liluo's eyes suddenly showed a little confusion.

Li Hao put the Buddha pendant on her neck.



The Buddha Pendant sank into the trench and could no longer be seen.

"The rope seems to have grown longer..."

Li Hao said.

Su Liluo: (/ω\) (So shy)

Although he and Li Hao have been together for a while and have tried many tricks, he is still very shy.

Li Hao laughed and took out another jewelry box, "This is for Sister Manshi, give it to her."

Then he put it close to Su Liluo's ear, "Her one is more expensive than yours, but when I come back next time, I will definitely give you something better."

Su Liluo shook her head.

She looked at Li Hao very seriously, "As long as you come back safely."

"That's a must!"

Li Hao said: "I also want you to give birth to a bunch of fat babies for me!"

Su Liluo's pretty face flushed again, but she acquiesced.

"Let's go, wait for me at home!"

Li Hao said again.

At this time, Su Liluo suddenly grabbed him, then tiptoed slightly and gave him a sweet kiss.

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