Razor fish!

A first-level beast.

Evolved from white stripes, its thin body is like a blade, with extremely strong cutting power.

Of course, this is not a threat.

No matter how powerful the razor fish is, it is only a first-level beast, and it is impossible to cut through the C-level alloy armor on his body.

However, behind this group of razor fish, there is an underwater hunter chasing them.

Aquatic hunter.

A fifth-level beast!

Evolved from the freshwater fish.

This thing was originally a carnivorous fish, and after evolution, it is countless times more powerful.

Not only does it have a mouth full of fine teeth and extremely strong bite force, its body shape has also become like a shark.

It can also discharge electricity!

This is the most difficult one.

If you are electrocuted by this thing and then bitten... you can imagine that the taste is definitely very sour.

Li Hao turned back without hesitation and swam towards the downstream of the Xiang River.

In fact, he was only about ten meters away from the shore. With his speed, just a few seconds would be enough.

But he didn't dare to take the risk.

In this world, being bold and being a saint will inevitably lead to "death".

But the group of blade fish swam towards him at a fast speed.

Moreover, Li Hao's radar detected another fierce beast.

Sword dolphin!

Fourth-level fierce beast.

A very rare fourth-level fierce beast.

And it is unique to the Xiang River.

Sword dolphin evolved from the Yangtze River dolphin and was on the verge of extinction before the catastrophe.

The crystal core ability of the sword dolphin "sound wave impact" is even more rare.

Just like a sonic cannon, it has extremely strong destructive power.

In the fourth-level ability sequence, it ranks as high as fourth.

The attack power is almost unmatched.

Even Li Hao was jealous.

But at this time, it is obviously more important to save his life.

And he didn't dare to attack the sword dolphin!

This thing, like the lightning of the underwater hunter, was not restrained by his telekinesis.

What bad luck!

Li Hao didn't dare to swim down any further.

He endured the heartache and took the body of the black star eel out of the storage space.

Then he used telekinesis to control the body of the black star eel and "swim" towards the group of knife fish.

This was quite effective.

The group of knife fish that were attacked from front and back were frightened and scattered.

The underwater hunter also targeted the black star eel.

Li Hao took this opportunity to swim to the shore.

In a few seconds, he rushed to the shallows of the river bank, but did not dare to surface.

He was afraid that the guards would chase him.

Because if there were any of those guys with flying abilities or super long-range abilities, it would be very troublesome.


The radar ability was still on.

Li Hao saw with his own eyes that the hunter in the water ate most of the black star eel in a few bites.

The half-body of the black star eel floated downstream with the water.

The hunter in the water swallowed the meat in its mouth whole and chased after it.

This thing has few natural enemies in the Xianghe River Basin and is almost at the top of this small food chain.

After a few more bites, the black star eel was completely swallowed by the hunter in the water.

And this thing discovered the sword dolphin floating in the water not far away.

It opened its mouth and a purple lightning shot out.

The sword dolphin was hit by the lightning and froze instantly.

Then its round belly turned up.

Killed instantly with one strike!

Li Hao was hundreds of meters away from the hunter in the water at this time, and the only electric current that escaped made his body slightly numb.

What if he was hit directly?

Then, Li Hao "saw" the hunter in the water rushing towards the swordfish.

He suddenly had an idea and quickly released his telekinesis.

This swordfish was within his scanning range!

How could he not snatch food from the tiger's mouth?

In an instant, the dead swordfish moved again and "swam" to the shallows very quickly.


The hunter in the water swung its tail and rushed over.

It took a bite, but it bit nothing.

Hunter in the water:⊙0⊙

Is there a swordfish that can die and come back to life under its lightning?

It has never seen such a thing!

It chased after it.

But the swordfish was too close to the shore.

In the end, it could only watch the swordfish go to the shallows.

With its huge body, it dared not chase it.

This is its nature to avoid being stranded.

Li Hao dived towards the swordfish in the shallows, which was only half a meter deep.

There were scattered knife fish scratching across his armor, making a stinging sound.

Finally, he reached the swordfish.

Li Hao quickly put the swordfish into the storage space.

This wave was a big profit.

A fourth-order sound wave impact, wouldn’t it be worth several million?


Li Hao didn’t get out of the water until he was a mile or two away from the bridge.

He scanned the surrounding area with radar power, and there was noPeople.

It's safe for now.

He walked to the shore and walked through the dense riverside grass.

One foot deep, one foot shallow, his boots were covered with mud.

Li Hao's face was ugly, and his heart was full of worry.

"Before, this guy sent assassins to kill me, probably wanting to kill me before attacking Luo Luo. Now I should be considered dead or alive, will that guy..."

The incident happened too hastily.

He didn't have time to build a good relationship with Xiao Manshi.

Xiao Manshi probably wouldn't take Su Li Luo seriously.

I just don't know if that guy will find Xiao Manshi's home.

"I must find a way to save Luo Luo!"

Many thoughts flashed through Li Hao's mind.

Sneak into Xingtan City and take Su Li Luo away?

This is unrealistic.

He is now on the other side of Xingtan City, and the Xiang River alone is like a natural moat.

If you want to sneak across safely, you must be blessed by God.

Even if they could reach the other side, how to pass through the power grid, how to avoid the dense cameras on the high walls, and how to deal with the defense guards, these are all the problems in front of them.

As for rushing into Xingtan City from the bridgehead...

Li Hao was shocked by his own thoughts.

This is no different from suicide.

But can we just let Luo Luo be abused by that guy?


Li Hao took out his mobile phone from the storage space and called Su Li Luo.

"Brother Hao!"

Su Li Luo answered the call quickly.

Li Hao was relieved to see Su Liluo staying at Xiao Manshi's house, and said, "No one came to see you today, right?"

"Looking for me?"

Su Liluo was slightly stunned, "Who came to see me?"

"It's okay..."

Li Haoqiang smiled and said, "You stay at Sister Manshi's house obediently. If anything happens, don't be afraid, and ask Sister Manshi to protect you. Also, tell her that I owe her a life, and I will give her three J7 potions as a reward."

Su Liluo's pretty face suddenly tightened, "Brother Hao, did something happen?"

"It's okay, I'm just preparing for a rainy day, wait for me to come back."

Li Hao said.

He was afraid that if he told Su Liluo what happened just now, he would scare her.

The guards in the urban area alone were already big figures in Su Liluo's eyes. And the people who can instruct the guards to do things obviously have a more terrifying background.

"Brother Hao..."

Su Liluo curled her lips, her face full of worry, "You must come back safely!"


Li Hao nodded vigorously and hung up the phone.

He turned his head and looked across the river.

It was rainy and foggy.

The high-rise buildings in Xingtan City were submerged in layers of white fog, with neon lights emitting hazy colors.


Li Hao stared at the neon lights and muttered in his heart, "When I come back, I will kill you sooner or later!"

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