Of course, the sturdy instructor couldn't know the change in Li Hao's strength.

He walked out of the assessment room and quickly brought two long swords.

He threw one to Li Hao and said, "Come on!"

In fact, when taking the assessment with weapons, you should wear protective gear.

But he was obviously full of confidence in his own strength, or he didn't believe in Li Hao's strength, so he still wore the cool black suit.

Those who can fight in hand-to-hand combat may not be good at swordsmanship.

And those who are proficient in swordsmanship are often not too bad in hand-to-hand combat.

At least, they won't perform as badly as Li Hao just now.

Li Hao weighed the long sword in his hand.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind.

Of course, he knew how capable he was. If he wanted to compete with this instructor in swordsmanship, it would definitely be a humiliation.

Only by bursting out his own strength instantly, it would be possible for this instructor to give him a high score.

"Instructor, be careful."

Li Hao said again.

The sturdy instructor just nodded disapprovingly.

Then, his eyes suddenly widened.

Li Hao swung his knife and chopped at him.

Although the angle of the knife and the way of exerting force were enough to show that Li Hao was a rookie with no fighting experience, the power of Li Hao's knife made him feel frightened.

With a long knife in hand, Li Hao's strength was at least 50% stronger than before!

Martial arts!

This must be martial arts!


The sturdy instructor swung his knife hastily to block.

Of course, Li Hao's knife did not chop him.

But the F9-level long knives in the hands of the two men were cracked.

"Have you practiced martial arts?"

The sturdy instructor took two steps back and asked.

Li Hao nodded.

The sturdy instructor frowned again, "Your basic strength is really good. You can have such cell activity at such an age and have such achievements in martial arts."

He naturally thought that Li Hao should be from a wealthy family.

Only those wealthy families can cultivate such a genius.

"But your actual combat ability is really too poor. In the past, you should not have hunted beasts much, right?"

The sturdy instructor said again.

"That's not the case."

Li Hao said: "I used to hunt beasts mainly with my superpowers, and I didn't use a knife much."

The sturdy instructor was slightly stunned, and then he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Yes, with your telekinetic superpowers, you don't need to use a knife to deal with ordinary beasts. But your cell activity is so high, you still need to do more actual combat in the future."

He obviously thought that Li Hao should focus on martial arts and melee.

After all, Li Hao's mental power is still far from his cell activity.

I just don't know what he would think if he knew that Li Hao's cell activity had increased sharply in the past few days.

"Instructor, then my score..."

Li Hao nodded lightly and just asked.

Of course, he also knew his shortcomings, but practical ability would take time to hone.

Even if he used a brain computer, there was no shortcut.

What he could do was to use less supernatural powers and more melee when he went out to hunt beasts in the future.

"With your martial arts increase, it's no problem to be rated as good."

The sturdy instructor said.

He was a little regretful, "If you had more practical experience, you would definitely be able to get an excellent."

"Thank you, instructor."

Li Hao was already satisfied.

He didn't care whether he could get an excellent or not, as long as he could pass the threshold to join the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School.

The sturdy instructor walked to the side of the tall and thin instructor, took the score sheet from the tall and thin instructor, and wrote the word "good" on the score item of the degree of strength explosion.

"Then wait here, we will upload your score. The headquarters will give the review results in half an hour at most."

Then he said something to Li Hao and walked out with the tall and thin instructor.

In addition to the score sheet, they also had to upload the assessment video.

Whether Li Hao could pass the assessment was not determined by the two of them.

Li Hao sat down in the assessment hall and waited quietly.

Three scores.

Basic value, excellent.

Ability combination, super excellent.

Strength burst, good.

Slightly above the most basic threshold.

As long as there is no problem with the video review at the headquarters of Zhuiguang Martial Arts School, he felt that it would be natural for him to be accepted by Zhuiguang Martial Arts School.

Time passed bit by bit.

Li Hao was really getting a little nervous.

In order to join Zhuiguang Martial Arts School, he added almost all of his accumulated villain points to Meteorite Sword Technique.

This was what he originally planned to use to break through to the fourth-level superpower.If he is rejected by the Zhuiguang Martial Arts School, it will be a big loss.

Finally, the sturdy instructor and the tall and thin instructor came in again.

Both of them had smiles on their faces.

The sturdy instructor said: "Li Hao, congratulations, you are a new member of our Zhuiguang Martial Arts School."

Li Hao finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

He stood up.

"You can now test your cell activity and mental strength."

The sturdy instructor said again.

Li Hao nodded, thanked the two assessment instructors again, and walked out of the assessment hall.

There was already a girl waiting outside the hall.

Seeing Li Hao, she bowed slightly to Li Hao, "Hello, Mr. Li Hao, please follow me."

She led Li Hao down to the fourth floor.

This place is like a medical research laboratory, with many instruments and researchers in white coats.

However, Li Hao only needs to test mental strength and cell activity, which is naturally simple.

In a few minutes, he followed the girl out.

Then the girl led him to input fingerprints and pupil information.

"Mr. Li Hao, please follow me to the rest area to rest."

After finishing these, the girl said to Li Hao again.

Li Hao followed the girl to the second floor again.

After resting on the second floor for about half an hour, the girl received a message and said to Li Hao: "Mr. Li Hao, the manager is now available, and you are asked to meet him on the sixteenth floor."


Li Hao agreed.

It was just a little strange in his heart. He was just a new member who had just joined the Zhuiguang Martial Arts Hall. Why would the manager of Fenglin City want to see him?

He originally thought that he only needed to wait here to make the hall emblem.

To the sixteenth floor.

This is already the top floor.

It is a round dome.

The dome is like a starry sky, which makes Li Hao lose his mind for a moment.

Outside the round building, there is a circle of corridors.

No other figures can be seen in the corridor at this time, and it is quite quiet.

There is a door.

There are intricate patterns of gold and silver on the door.

The girl rang the doorbell.

"Come in."

A faint voice came from the intercom.

Then the door was opened.

"Mr. Li Hao, please go in."

The girl said to Li Hao.

She was waiting in the corridor.

Li Hao walked into the house alone.

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