What does it mean for a man to sit at home and a pot from heaven?

Chu Xuan never expected that he would just eat a meal, and he could be wronged.

Murder paranoia is also too serious, right?

Is it true that the protagonist and the villain are always opposites, no matter what can be involved?

According to Ye Fan's brain circuit, as long as something not very good happens, it can be pulled on him.

Just because there is only one Chu Xuan who is currently having a vendetta with him in Jiangcheng.

As for Bai Kai and Liu Yiyi, in fact, the accounts were all counted on Chu Xuan's head.

If it wasn't for him, then how could Ye Fan go against them?

Especially Liu Yiyi, Ye Fan felt that it was not worth it.

Because of Chu Xuan, the hot and beautiful big beauty actually walked on the opposite side of him.

How he wanted to save an ignorant girl, if he had the opportunity, he would be willing to put aside his past grudges and discuss it with her.

The end result is to become one of his women.

Otherwise, save a yarn, let go of a fart grudge, and die!

The protagonists of many urban cool novels basically have such a style of doing things, and beautiful women always have countless privileges in them.

But when it is really irreparable, it must be killed.

Does he really have an irresolvable grudge, a beauty that does not belong to him, and is it necessary to live?

Let others soak it, make yourself unhappy, and send yourself a hat?

[Live like a two-hundred-and-five-stirring stick, what kind of person, what basin is buckled on Ben Shao's head? ] 】

[Is there still a bit of public morality?] Ben Shao is laughing at you for a wave at best, as for? 】

[Ben Shao also helped you become famous, but I don't thank Ben Shao! ] 】

The previous words made the heroines understand that they really had nothing to do with him.

But what does the latter sentence mean?

I always feel that I am not kind~

In a high-end apartment building, the phantom in a black and red gothic loli costume took out the lollipop and muttered: "Famous? Is this what you said? "

At this time, she was brushing the teasing, idling to pass the time.

And soon, she found some strange videos.

In a hotel room, a chaotic battle is raging.

Although she had already typed the code, she still recognized it, wasn't it Ye Fan?

The video is not long, only about a minute.

But when following this account, click on the homepage to take a look.

Many videos of about one minute are listed, with various text descriptions.

It's a blockbuster!

The number of account fans is increasing wildly, and the popularity of videos has exploded.

Although the official comic is constantly deleting videos, after all, it is astringent.

But the heat still exploded, and many videos followed.

"What an excellent way to become famous, directly died in the society, right?"

Phantom bit on the lollipop and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

A little relieved, I was worried that the Dragon King guy had pedophilia before, but now...



Isn't the video in front of me more proof that that guy is a cow and horse, and the one who comes does not refuse? Can you do anything?


It seems to be more dangerous.

"Scare someone, I'll help you."

Turn on the computer, ten fingers fly, lines of code quickly appear on the screen, and one interface after another pops up wildly.

"That's it, the comma server is mine."

It took a few minutes to get it, and the instructions kept being sent.

Here, the technician quickly discovered the problem.

They're deleting those astringent videos that keep popping up, and they're busy.

It didn't take long to find out that they had lost their administrator status and could no longer delete videos.

"Groove! Has the backend been hacked? "

"Hell, is the security department a decoration? Come and help! "

The people of the security department fought hard to save it, but they were not shadow opponents at all, and the video continued to appear.

Even directly out of the comic platform, began to be reprinted by major media, and many news have also reported.

Because the video was popular enough, many people soon received pop-up news.

Li Yan picked it up and glanced at it casually, and threw it away directly, without the slightest interest.

Now she just wants to catch up on her sleep, otherwise dark circles will pop out, won't it affect her perfect image?

Fighting in the US stock market, I finally harvested a wave of leeks as I wished.

In the wailing of retail investors and capital, the name of the goddess of stocks has also been continuously spread.

Although no one knows where she comes from, what kind of capital she represents, or who her last name is, it is known that she is a woman.

There is very little information.

But every time she miraculously predicted, accurately shot, and crazy killing, the capital predators felt trembling and almost collapsed.

No one knows exactly how much money she has, but she can single-handedly force up the price of a stock.

And can single-handedly force the stock price down.

It is under this continuous and reciprocal operation that not only retail investors, but also capital predators have been pitted.

Li Yan's personality is like this, the means in business can be described as ruthless, as long as you focus on it, there is definitely a way to achieve the goal.

In the stock market, she has continued her usual style.

With huge funds, crazy harvesting of US stocks.

It is said that two capital predators have jumped from the roof of the Wall Street Stock Exchange.

After walking around, Li Yan just wanted to rest well, and that kind of lace news was too lazy to pay attention to.

She already knew what the situation was anyway.

Su Yanran directly opened a bottle of champagne, and Meizhi drank it, which shocked the little secretary again.

President Su actually drank in the office!

And very happy!

Hell alive, is there any progress with Chu Shao?

Unlike the happiness here, Ye Fan now has the heart to really kill.

I feel that when I come to Jiangcheng, I am being targeted everywhere, is it that he Dragon King looks like a bully, or is he unable to lift the knife?

Maybe he didn't kill a few people to sacrifice the sky after coming to Jiangcheng, so he was so unlucky?

The mind must find the bastard, must scrape him alive.

At this time, a message came from the mobile phone.

He picked it up and looked at it, and his face suddenly turned black.

'Honey, last night was really happy, I've never been so happy, you're the first person who can make me feel happy, love you~'

'After last night, I'm thinking about you today.' Dear, when do we continue? This time I found a new way to play, is it okay to play together? ’


Ye Fan lay on the side of the bed and vomited, panting and corrupted.

Okay, that's really good, you even dare to give him confidence, right?

His eyes were cold, and he immediately sent a message back.

'-churning stick, don't let Lao Tzu find you! ’

'Huh? Honey, how did you know that my flower name is a-churning stick? Ah~ must love me so much, so happy~'


Is it really a-stirring stick?

No, he is a-stirring stick, what is Lao Tzu?

Ye Fan was messy, and his mentality was completely broken.

The tears of grievance swirled in the eye sockets, and the forty-five-degree angle raised his head, stubbornly not letting the tears fall.

He silently sent a message.

'See you tonight, I'm in the hospital, I hope to surprise you.' ’

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