Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1122: Abnormal Behavior! Yun's Reputation Is Top-Notch! (Seeking Subscription)


Jueling hesitated and said, "When will I go there?"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng felt a little relieved.

It's okay, the eldest grandson didn't cause irreparable consequences.

Also fueled the flames.

Looking at her like this, it is estimated that in order to distance herself from her eldest grandson...

Can't wait to be a spy.

The development of the situation...isn't it back to the right path?

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Good guy!

Didn't his eldest grandson think of this result and come out to do such a trick?

Use yourself to scare this female doll, so you won't be afraid that she won't agree!

Thinking about it this way, Lin Sheng's heart that was in a mess just now suddenly became brighter, and secretly said:

"Hiss—as expected of my eldest grandson, he can turn his head so fast!"

In his opinion.

This is the only way to explain Lin Yuan's "abnormal behavior" just now!

I can only say grandson, 28, is a big brain!

He was relieved, but he didn't know it.

His eldest grandson is now doubting life.

"Wait until I talk to the Great Elder and ask him to arrange for you to go to Yunling today." Lin Sheng responded.

Originally, he was still thinking about discussing with Lin Yuan.

But considering the "good intentions" of the eldest grandson.

Presumably also should not wait.

Then hurry up!

"Listen to me, the great elder's grand-niece works as the head chef in Yunling's foreign kitchen.

"After you pass, you should be arranged in the outside kitchen."

"Usually, you should be quicker with your hands and feet, and help others with more work."

"When Yun Zhou appears, the person in your portrait will appear, and you will find the right opportunity to show up in front of him a few times.

"With your looks and crotch...cough cough, it shouldn't be difficult for him to notice you."

"When the time comes to get familiar with him, you will get closer to him, and feed him this elixir when you find a chance.

After talking about the general plan, Jue Ling was a little confused, thought for a while and said:

"Then what if Yun Zhou never comes to Yunling?"

"Can't you put me directly next to him?"

Lin Sheng shook his head, "No, it's too abrupt for you to appear suddenly."

"That boy is not someone who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. He is as smart as a monkey."

"So everything has to be arranged in the most reasonable way, so don't let him doubt it."

"As for him not going to Yunling..."

"You don't have to worry about this, these few days are the Wuling Conference in Yunling."

"With Yun Susu's personality, her nephew will definitely join in midway."

"As long as you grasp this time well, you won't miss him."

"Ah this..."

Jueling thought for a while, then worried: "What about my marriage contract with Lin Yuan?"

Lin Sheng shook his head, "You two didn't have a marriage contract, so I said that to scare you.

"When you finish this matter, I won't bother you with this matter in the future."

After hearing this answer, the big rock that Jueling had been hanging over his heart finally fell down.

Although she is skeptical of Lin Sheng's character.

But the other party is an emperor after all, and he spits a nail.

It's not enough to prevaricate her with such words.

Thinking of this made her feel a lot better.

As long as she gave the pill to that person, she would never have to worry about such things in the future.

And... she could sense it.

Although this elixir is black and smelly, but it contains immortal power, it will definitely not be fatal.

As for the side effects....

If you feel sorry for yourself, you should think of other ways to compensate that person.

"Okay, let's explain the matter to this point, you put away the pill."

Lin Sheng stood up and resumed his normal routine: "It is estimated that someone will call you down the mountain soon after the Great Elder has explained to his grandniece.

"Prepare everything you need to prepare, and go directly to Yunling after you go down the mountain."

"As for how to explain your identity, his grandniece should teach you, so you don't have to be too nervous.

Seeing Jueling chicken pecking rice nodding, Lin Sheng smiled.

Up to now, the idea of ​​destroying Yun Zhou's cultivation was half completed.

Damn, I sent out my eldest grandson's fiancée.

Are you afraid that you won't be able to get a Yun Zhou?

Before leaving, she looked at Jue Ling's appearance again, and gave a "tsk" in her heart.

If it wasn't for Tang Wu, that bastard would have made him incapable.

How could such a troublesome little fairy be arranged by him as Lin Yuan's fiancée?

It is estimated that he has already figured it out by himself.

Even, even if he doesn't care about men and women now.

But after staying with this girl doll for a long time, he still felt hot in his head.

no way.

Such a woman is the kind that lives in the heart of a man.

The appearance is beyond charm!

The weather is sunny and sunny.

Haoyunzong, the main peak mountain.

The breeze blows, and the petals of the mountain are falling, dancing with the wind, which looks beautiful.

In just a few days, the Haoyun sect, founded by a boy from the lower realm, showed its sharpness.

The world was stunned!

The "Three Wolves" led by Li Kunlun are invincible.

With the "Array Breaking Bow" given to them by Yun Zhou, they took down 373 of the 16 surrounding peaks and mountains.

The big and small forces behind these peaks and mountains are determined to take them back.

But consider Yun Zhou's recent spell of fame.

Still cowardly.

no way.

This kid is a player who dares to challenge the two emperor realms at the same time!

And still alive and well!

That's all.

They don't have the strength to dare to offend others!

Then after such a wave, the forces of all parties have suffered unspeakably, so they have to admit defeat.

And Hao Yunzong's momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more than hundreds of disciples who come to join every day.

However, there are really not many that can stay.

Yun Zhou still paid more attention to recruiting disciples.

In his opinion, the most important thing to establish a party is not the territory, but the people!

And the "people" here.

It's not about quantity, it's about quality!

That's right!

The World of Cultivators is different from Blue Star in that the more people there are, the stronger they are.

Here, there are hundreds of people everywhere, and the number of people is really not very important.

If he doesn't look at strength, he will accept all kinds of people.

In the end, it will affect his reputation of "Haoyun Sect"!

Moreover, the foundation of a sect established in this way will never be stable!.

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