Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1152 : Spine Girl! Take It All King Yun Shengzi! (Seeking Subscription)

The scene was silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at the smiling Yun Susu in the main seat.

Then he glanced at Yun Zhou who was still alive.

In an instant, the faces of the core staff headed by the elders became miserable.

To be honest, the choice of people is only second.

Mainly because of their current one or two personal transmissions, can't resist Yun Zhou Huo Huo!

The disciples who are able to enter the ring now are all counted together.

There are only a few people who have reached the fifth level of Nirvana Realm and above.

Among them, the strongest is the current Yunling Saintess.

It is also just entering the first floor of Proving Dao, and the foundation is not yet stable.

Judging from Yun Zhou's casual wave of power just now.

These people, bundled together, may not be Yun Zhou's opponent.

Still playing a fart wheel battle!

"Lord Ling, I think Yun Zhou can participate in this Wuling Conference, he deserves to be number one!"

"Yes, all the disciples of Yun Zhou's strength have seen it. If he participates, he must be the first."

"Then just let these disciples compete for second place."

"Ah, yes, yes, Lord Ling, what do you think?"

These elders are not stupid, they have already seen 01 Yun Susu's intentions.

Undoubtedly, it is "helping Yun Zhou in Yunling" to stand up.

OK, we'll give you steps.

After Wei is done with you, there is no need to embarrass our beloved son, right?

However, how could they grasp Yun Susu's thoughts?

The corners of her lips curled up, "How can this be done? The Wuling Conference emphasizes fairness and justice. If you want to win the championship, fighting is inevitable."

"However, Yun Zhou's strength is really not at the same level as theirs..."

"In this way, according to what Yun Zhou said, we will fight with wheels."

"As long as Yun Zhou wins all of them, he will be the third."

"As for the future rankings... it depends on who sticks with him for a long time."

Everyone: "...

Isn’t this shit too casual?

Seeing Yun Susu's signal eyes, the deacon nodded and said loudly:

"The competition continues. After the top 50 people are selected, Yun Zhou will compete with the 49 people. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone present was silent.

The disciples who were so elated after winning just now all drooped their heads, the corners of their mouths twitching non-stop.

Is there any objection?

They disagree!

However, this is something Yun Susu has decided on, what can they not say?

At this moment, the group of people looked at the smiling Yun Zhou on the ring, and felt their calves tremble.

What the hell, he is a demon, if that disciple didn't kneel earlier, he probably would have died.

Who dares to compete with a person who is deadly black like this?

Seeing that no one spoke, the deacon immediately said:

"Okay, now the race


Before he finished speaking, Li Yan suddenly said cautiously:

"I think the wheel battle is not very good, after all, our strengths are too about, let's go together?"

The deacon was taken aback.

Good fellow, as expected of Li Yan, you are really shameless!

But if someone has a point of view, he should ask.

The deacon looked back at Yun Susu, "Lord Ling, do you agree to let them go together?"

Yun Susu shook her head, "No, it's unfair, or..."


Yun Zhou cleared his throat.

Yun Susu changed the subject abruptly, "Let's go together, fairness can be adjusted, after all, the difference in strength is too great."

Everyone: "...

What's up with this horse?

Why do you think Yun Susu is just a puppet and Yun Tuan is Lingsheng?

Seeing that Yun Susu agreed to come down, Li Yan wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

He didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't beat this kid in a wheel battle, and he couldn't beat him together!

Thinking about it, he has already decided that when there are many people, he will secretly attack!

It's too high to hurt this arrogant bastard!

Thinking of this, he glanced vaguely at Yun Zhou.


The other party seemed to have discovered something, showing his white teeth, looking at him and smiling.

Just looking at each other like this, in an instant, he felt a little cramp in his calf!

Good guy, he is smiling like a devil!

Could it be that he has read my mind and is waiting to fuck me?

No, I can't give him this chance, I'll have to lean back later.

To sneak attack him, we still have to observe the situation.

Seeing that he was silent, the deacon didn't say much, and announced directly:

"The top fifty contest, continue."

When the rest of the people on the ring heard this, they raised their hands one after another.

Not to mention what to do with Yun Zhou later.

Anyway, the top 50 must be squeezed in first!

After all, the reward resources for the top 100 are different from those for the top 50.

And Yun Zhou glanced at these people, and there was a touch of relief on his face.

"Well, this way the progress of the task is faster."

"This Li Yan, who did good things with bad intentions, unexpectedly became my assist king."

"It is estimated that I will act quickly, and the martial arts conference will end today."

He didn't care what the reason for the temporary mission was.

The main reason is that after ten years of cultivation, he is still full of greed.

With his talent, a thousand years of cultivation is enough for him to enter the eighth level of enlightenment.

At a time when 710 needs strength the most, this small level of improvement can help him a lot.

Well, the progress of the entire Immortal Territory has to be taken a small step forward!

Soon, the top fifty race came out.

With a wave of Yun Susu's hand, the disciples retreated, and the Tiantian Arena gathered together.

The fringe formations of each arena all disappeared.

An imperial formation enveloped the entire arena.

Turning ten into one belongs to yes!

At this time, above the arena.

Yun Zhou stood here, the celestial awns all over his body fully bloomed, and the six laws of heaven complemented each other.

Above his head, Yun Chi and Yun Pangu stood in the void, and the supreme power enveloped the whole world!

Well, he's ready for a quick fight!

The deacon swallowed, and began to read the list of forty-nine people:

"Zhao Fulu, go to the ring."

"Sorry, I surrender!"

"...Li Tu, go to the ring.

"Sorry, I surrender!"

"Sun Miaomiao, go to the ring."

"Sorry, my legs are weak and I can't go up, I surrender!"

Looking at a group of disciples retreating unconsciously, Jiang He touched his chin and looked at Yun Susu:

"You Yunling disciples are quite spineless."

Yun Susu shook her head: "Wait and see, the one with backbone will come out soon...".

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