Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1167 : Maternal Fetal Solo! Surprise Represents Ms. Liuli! (Seeking Subscription)


What Yun hit was obviously her PG, so what does it have to do with her face?

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "No, we didn't fight, it was just a simple clap and peace."

"Otherwise you will be~ how did I get down.

"Ah... that's true."

Yun Qiao'er recalled about Jiang He's temper, if he made a move, Yun Zhou would not be able to escape unscathed.

And with Master here, I guess Jiangmen Master would not dare.

But she thought so, but she always felt something was wrong.

Isn't everyone in Xianyu paying attention to "shaking hands and making peace"?

What does clapping and saying "papa" mean?

And when Jiangmen Master left, his expression was obviously embarrassing?


Just like the big bear girl who was bitten by Yun Zhou at the beginning!

Thinking of this, she suddenly frowned again.

That barefoot bear girl is Jiang He...

The last time I was frivolous and didn't take revenge, this time I suffered a loss and didn't say anything, just walked away...


"Isn't she really like what those people said, she wants old cows to eat young grass!?"

Looking at Yun Zhou's handsome face, she suddenly had such an idea.

But soon, she shook her head like a rattle:

"No, it's impossible. Master Jiangmen is single, and it's rumored that she's having a spiritual relationship with Master. How could she have any thoughts about Yun Zhou?"

"Well, you can't make your aunt and nephew a rival in love, can you?"

"I must be thinking too much!"

With Jiang He's departure, the atmosphere became even more noisy.

Under Yun Susu's gesture, he opened his mouth.

The Wuling Conference officially came to an end.

Although it is not clear from the second to the fiftieth.

But the leader has already been decided, and the other rankings are useless.

The elders symbolically selected some of the top fifty disciples as the personal heirs of the new generation.

And Yun Qiaoer also replaced Yun Susu to preside over the overall situation.

It is clearly stated that next year, the Wuling Conference will be re-organized this time, so as to give the disciples who were not selected a fair chance.

The disciples naturally had no complaints when they heard about this good thing.

They even felt that being able to see this big show this time was more enjoyable than any other conference.

They all said that even if they can't be selected next time, as long as Yun Zhou can still participate, they will come and watch.

emm...just take Yun Zhou as the god of war.

Off the charts!

And Yun Zhou's own task has also been completed, and by the way, he has obtained enough resources for the rise of Hao Yunzong.

He can be said to be the biggest winner, so naturally there is nothing to say.

Yun Qiaoer must be busy for a while because of the Wuling Conference.

So Yun Zhou didn't call her either.

He greeted Chu Liuli.

Then, under the bright eyes of the other party, while everyone was not paying attention, he dodged directly and left with a smile.

He still remembers the strange look in this woman's eyes just now.

That obviously means "please come to the supermarket".

He, he has never been stingy about this kind of thing~!

That night, the moon and stars were sparse.

It is almost at Xu time.

After several hours of tossing, Yun Zhou went straight to the supermarket and bought a lot of delicious food for Chu Liuli to eat.

To be honest, he and Chu Liuli don't have a deep relationship.

The reason why he is so "generous" is that he is willing to help others!

That's right!

Chu Liuli is so greedy, it's not too much to get her something delicious, right?

After finishing the little greedy cat, Yun Zhou absorbed all the resources obtained in the Wuling Conference, including the pills that can increase Dao power.

While his cultivation had been consolidated, he couldn't help but sigh a little.

[Tsk, as expected of the elixir of the Immortal Realm, the immortal power contained in it is much stronger than that of the Lower Realm. 】

To be honest.

This kind of elixir, even if it is his alchemy MAX, may not be able to refine it.

no way.

The refining methods of common elixir and elixir are completely different.

Not long after he came to Xianyu, he had never practiced at all.

I have never touched fairy materials, so it would be strange to make good medicine!

But he didn't take it seriously.

Sparrow food.

With his status, what kind of elixir he wants, just come directly.

There is no need to work hard to make alchemy by yourself.


He is actually quite lazy.

0 for flowers...

If you can grab something, never do it yourself!

"System, open the personal attribute bar.

As Yun Zhou's voice sounded in his mind, the familiar light curtain came into view:

Host: Yun Zhou

Status: Sect Master of Haoyun Sect, Holy Son of Wuwang Sect, King of Tianyu Dynasty, Sect Master of Yunling Sect, Counselor of Lingduo Sect...

Cultivation: eight levels of certification (consummation)

Physique: Desolate battle body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods) (complete)

Title: Peerless Demon Venerable (Devil's reverence degree: go through fire and water), Lord of the Immortals (intermediate level, immortal cultivator reverence degree: convinced and approved)

Utensils: Wu Tian Hammer (Top Immortal Artifact), Yunling Jade Pendant (Intermediate Immortal Artifact), Duanjiang Lingmai (Lower Immortal Artifact)


Exercises: "Wu Tian Hammer Method", "Swallowing Demon Art", "Tao Principles", "Wu Wang Sheng Lu", "Killing God Code", "Emperor Power"......

Dao rhyme: Buddhism, Dao, Demon, Heaven (semi-perfect), Emperor, Confucianism.

Unintegrated Dao Rhyme: Reincarnation Dao.

Dao shape: Yunpangu (Zhengdi Level 1 Consummation)

Immortal Form: Xianwei True Dragon (Second Floor of Zhengdi) (Awakening Period: Intermediate)

Binding villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling, Gu Xianer, Mingying, Mingwu, Yuting, Lin Feng, Wu Shiyao, Wu Anran, Ling Weiyang, Shangguan Waner, Lin Langzhantai

Destiny Tig: Destiny.

Current luck value: 440

Taking a full view of the attribute bar, Yun Zhou nodded in satisfaction.

The fusion with Jiang He's fairy soul, coupled with the absorption of these elixirs, has already brought him one step closer to the realm of the ninth level of proving the way.

This is a surprise for him who is very fancy about his strength.

Moreover, the promotion of the title of Lord of the Immortals gave him an extra hole card.

You know, in Immortal Territory, what is important is not individual combat.

It is a rare good thing for him to increase the reverence of Xianxiu.

Apart from these, this "Zhejiang Lingmai" is also a rare fairy artifact.

Although it only belongs to the lower level, it is clearly recorded in the original text that this thing has extremely high lethality...

Just when Yun Zhou was analyzing this "big harvest" for the attribute column.

Suddenly, a slightly embarrassing voice came from my mind:

"Zhou, Zhou'er, are you... are you done?".

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