Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1170: Little White Flower! Charm And Innocent Girl! (Seeking Subscription)

On the mountainside of the main peak.

Yun Zhou stepped forward.

Until now, the distress on his face has disappeared.

That's right, he thought of a way to coax his aunt well!

It was his fault to release my aunt's pigeons.

Just make up for the mistake.

As for how to make up for it...


He also cooks himself and cooks a meal!

emm... just make a hearty breakfast for my aunt.

Be sweeter to yourself, admit your mistake.

Auntie's anger must have dissipated by most of it!

When the time comes, I still hug and coax, and my aunt will coax me well.

Thinking of this, he directly spoke to Xiangru in front:

"Feifei, I'm going to the kitchen, show me the way."

In the front, Feifei was taken aback for a moment, but then she didn't dare to ask why, and responded with her head.

at this time.

Inside the kitchen.

Jue Ling was dressed in a maid's uniform and stood in front of Lin Shan, the cook.

She twiddled her fingers, lowered her head, and looked a little nervous.

The delicate face was full of hesitation.

And the dodge in her eyes did not escape Lin Shan's eyes.

Lin Shan sighed, and then handed over the clothes beside 593:

"That is to say, if you want to work in the back kitchen, don't wear the maid's clothes, but put on the clothes of the cook.

Jueling struggled for a while, but did not refuse.

He took the clothes and went to the corner to change silently.

Seeing her slightly helpless appearance, Lin Shan felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Although this girl was placed by her grandfather.

But she was sure that her grandfather must be the same as the head of Linmen, he didn't hold his fart well!

Yes, this one looks like a small flower, what the hell is going on in Yunling?

And it was also clearly stated that this girl should be allowed to contact that Sect Master Yun.

Then what does it mean here, isn't she a fool if she can't guess?

It must be that grandpa and Master Lin are colluding, planning to use this girl to deal with Master Yun!

As for how to deal with it...

Her grandfather was probably afraid that she would leak the secret, so he didn't tell her.

But if you think about it with your feet, it must be a fatal target for Sect Master Yun!

For a while, Lin Shan was a little bit slandered, and wanted to talk to the owner of the mountain.

That's right.

During this period of time, she has seen the concern of the mountain master for Yun Zhou.

If something happened to Yun Zhou, even if this girl could hide, she would definitely be implicated.

But if it is ventilated, how should the girl deal with herself?

Will he be killed in advance by the lord of the mountain?

Looking at Jue Ling's harmless little face, Lin Shan hesitated.

She could tell that this girl probably didn't want to attack Yun Zhou.

Being sent here to deal with Yun must be something that someone caught and had to come here.

With this in mind, she decided to try again.

Just as Lin Shan thought.

Today's Jueling is much more tormented than her.

Although she has a good-looking face, she is a great beauty that is hard to find in thousands of miles.

But in the final analysis, she is just an empty vase with appearance.

Ordinary people at her age still behave as disciples.

But she was forced to come and drug the "No. 1 Arrogant"!

How can it be a "good fortune tricks people"!

Speaking of which, since she was brought back to Linmen by Lin Sheng.

Her life changed drastically.

The ups and downs are gone, but it makes her more painful.

Over the years, she has been raised by Lin Sheng as his grandson-in-law.

For this reason, she resisted and refused, all of which were useless.

Capital Genichi shrunk, fellow disciples deliberately alienated, and best friends divorced under the instigation of the peak master... 010703201 Feilu 001020530]

She has become an outlier in the entire Linmen!

The only thing about calculating Yun Zhou gave her hope.

Lin Sheng said that as long as she can finish this matter, she will not be forced to marry that person.

He also said that resources would multiply for her.

The future Linmen will become her biggest support...

However, with Linmen like this, would she still be willing to go back?

"Jueling, right?"

Lin Shan blinked her beautiful eyes and asked tentatively, "Can you tell me why my ancestors sent you to Yunling?"

"Is it related to Hefeng Head Zhengsheng Yun Sect Master?"

"It's not my ancestor's idea that you come it?"

"My ancestor told me that Master Lin told you something and told you to come and deal with Master Yun...Is that so?"

The last sentence was not told by her ancestors.

Rather, she was certain of this point, and deliberately used these words to deceive Jue Ling.


Just after she finished speaking, Yue Ling's expression changed significantly.

She changed into the cook's clothes, and her white face was set off to make her more beautiful.

However, on this face, there is somewhat of a "guilty" sense of sight.

"Yes, that's right."

Jue Ling lowered his head and said, "Since the Great Elder has told you, I won't hide it from you..."

"It was the sect master's confession...that I tricked Yun Zhou into taking this Tao Mie Dan.

"However, I have asked clearly, this Mie Dao Pill will not harm his life.

"Only, it will only destroy his cultivation base, making him unable to cultivate in his life..."

Speaking of this, she lowered her head guiltily, pursed her red lips, and looked helpless.

And Lin Shan, who had heard all this, was completely enlightened.

She didn't expect that the little girl in front of her would be so kind.

But this also proves in a disguised form that this girl is not so thoughtful...

Moreover, judging from the guilty look on the other side, the essence is not bad.

These were observed.

She couldn't bear to let the inexperienced Jue Ling do such a thing.

That's right!

Once this kind of thing is done and the Ling Lord is angered, can this girl survive?

At that time, no matter what Lin Sheng promised to the other party, it will be useless!

This girl was obviously used as a swordsman!

Lin Sheng this dog shoot thing...

After thinking for a while, Lin Shan pointed out directly: "Jueling, I advise you, don't give Yunzong the Dao Mie Pill."

"Not to mention that this thing won't kill people, just because it can destroy people's cultivation base, you should stop.

"It's hurtful, you know?"

"If someone loses his cultivation, his lifespan of tens of thousands of years will be shortened to only a hundred years. What's the difference between this and killing someone's life?"

"And taking a step back, do you think you've succeeded?"

"You should have heard about Yun Zhou, those female cultivators who follow him, one cold and one beautiful!"

"Although you look refined, but using a beauty trick to deceive... don't you think it's embarrassing?".

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