Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1349 : Yun Susu, The Confident Generation! The Holy Son Is A Small Master! (Seeking Subscrip

Yun Zhou felt that this idea was very good, but it was not feasible.

[My current combat power can't suppress my aunt. 】

【If it is forced... What if my aunt gets angry and cuts me off with a sword?】

[No, life is in danger, let's wait until the cultivation base is more refined.....】

Thinking about it in his head, Yun Zhou sighed and walked slowly to the Lingzhu Mountain Palace.

Outside the main hall, a deaconess in white stopped him:

"Holy Son, please stop."


Yun Zhou stood still, "I'm here to find my aunt, why are you stopping me?"

The deaconess looked serious, "Master Ling said, I won't see you today!"

Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the terrifying fairy rhyme that he had just found out.

His brows were instantly frowned: "Aunt just met Chen Fusheng? Did you get hurt?"

Judging from the vigorous breath just now, it can possess that kind of power.

In the entire fairyland, there is only Chen Fusheng!

And when he appeared in the Yunling forces, he must have met his aunt.

Maybe my aunt couldn't see me, because she was hurt by Chen Fusheng, and I was afraid that I would be worried if I saw it.

The corner of the deaconess's mouth twitched and she shook her head: "Holy Son, you are thinking too much."

"Lord Ling has seen Patriarch Chen, but he was not injured."

"I'm just consolidating my cultivation, I don't want to see people."

"Consolidate your cultivation?"

Yun Zhou glanced at the Lingzhu Hall with the door tightly closed [Nod suddenly: "During the sound transmission, my aunt said that it is possible to enter the Emperor Realm (intermediate) earthen house... to consolidate the cultivation base."

Seeing that he was fooled, the deaconess hurriedly nodded.

Yun Zhou didn't make things difficult for her, and was about to leave immediately.

However, at this moment, a surprise cry suddenly came from not far away:


Yun Zhou looked back, embarrassed.

Isn't this Chu Lingxiao who was left in the inheritance place by himself?

"Ahem, that Chu Jianshou, you are back`||. 11

"Exhaust!" Chu Lingxiao trotted over and patted him angrily:

"Will I die waiting for you if I don't come back? Tell me, where have you been these few days?"

"Just send me a sound transmission to tell me I'm safe, and then ignore me?"

"Do you know how much I worry about you these days?"

Deaconess: (⊙_⊙)!

Good guy, something is up with these two!

The fire of gossip ignited in her eyes, and she stared straight at the two of them.

Sensing the scorching gaze behind him, the corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched:

"What, I went looking for a place to restore my cultivation these two days, and I didn't pay attention to the sound transmission token..."

Chu Lingxiao glared at him: "Every day I know how to make excuses."

"Forget it, as long as you are fine, otherwise I may not know how much crime I will suffer."

"I'll go to the Ridge Lord to report safety, and you go in with me.

After finishing speaking, she took Yun Zhou's arm without any reason, and dragged him towards the gate.

Seeing this, the deaconess hurriedly stopped her.

Before Chu Lingxiao could ask, Yun Zhou spoke first:

"Forget it, aunt is consolidating her cultivation now, you can come back tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, the deaconess interrupted hesitantly:

"That...Chu Jianshou can go in, please come back, Holy Son?"

Yun Zhou:???

I'm Nima's!

How do you say that?

The deaconess turned her head with a slightly red face.

That's right, Lord Ling said that the Holy Son was not allowed to see her, and he didn't say that other people were not allowed to see her... …

She is a small deacon, and she dare not stop someone who the Lord of the Mountains does not speak.

Chu Lingxiao was confused for a while, then patted Yun Zhou on the shoulder with a big grin:

"Holy Son, fell out of favor, hahaha~"

After finishing speaking, she let go of Yun Zhou's arm, pushed open the door and walked in.

Don't forget to turn around and close the door.

Yun Zhou:

He straightened his neck and looked at the deaconess: "Didn't you say that Master has consolidated his cultivation and doesn't want to see people? Why did you let her in?"

The deaconess dodged her eyes: "Ah, this..."

If Yun Zhou doesn't understand this, then he's a pure resentment!

"I understand, aunt doesn't want to see me."

He glanced at the gate of the main hall, feeling agitated for no reason, and said in a bad mood:

"Okay, you go and tell the Lingzhu that Yun Zhou is safe and sound, please pay her respects."

"In addition, you also give this to her, and tell her that I honor her."

As he spoke, he took out a simple wooden box from the storage ring and handed it to the deacon.

Then he left without looking back.

"Tell my aunt, I don't want to stay in Yunling anymore, I'll go back to Haoyunzong tomorrow."

Seeing Yun Zhou descending the mountain, the deacon was dumbfounded.

It's over, is the Holy Son losing his temper?

Oops, she just said that Lingzhu is a bit pretentious.

Holy Son, this little workman...

The Lord of the Mountains is hard to deal with!

Inside the hall.

Chu Lingxiao, who reported to Yun Susu, lowered his head.

It seems to be holding back a laugh, but it's not a good thing anyway.

Yun Susu glanced at her indifferently: "." That means the Holy Son is fine, so I won't pursue your fault, go on down. "

Hearing this, Chu Lingxiao nodded and said "Yes", and then prepared to retreat.

At this time, she suddenly thought of something again, grinning and added:

"Lord Ling, the Holy Son is still outside, should I call him in?"

"No need!" Yun Susu snorted arrogantly: "I don't want to see him!"

This little bastard, he forgot about his aunt when he had a woman.

How many days have passed since I came out of the inheritance place, and I don't know how to come back to find myself first.

"Ah this... okay."

Chu Lingxiao had nothing to say, scratched his head and left the hall (good promise).

Yun Susu's little face instantly became unhappy, and she said angrily:

"There can be a lot of women, but there is only one aunt, don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"Hmph, if you don't come back to find me immediately, you must have been flirting with some woman again..."

"This time I have to cool you down and let you know the importance of aunt!"

At this time, the deaconess walked in and out holding the wooden box:

He bowed respectfully and said, "See Lord Ling."

Yun Susu didn't raise her eyelids, "Where is the Holy Son, is he still waiting outside?"

She knew that if she didn't see him, he must be flustered!

Now let's see how he apologizes.

However, the deacon's next sentence directly confused her.

The deacon lowered his head and said in embarrassment: "The Holy Son has already left, and he said... Yunling won't wait."

Yun Susu: (⊙_⊙)?.

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