Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1368 : The Competitive Pressure Of The Same Period Is High! Take Care Of My Aunt's Tail


Chu Lingxiao suddenly remembered Yun Zhou's figure like a banished fairy.

Her delicate and plump face blushed instantly.

Hmm... I'll soak in the Dao pool for a while.

It's a bit slick.

Not paying attention to Chu Lingxiao's expression, Liuli sighed faintly.

It's a joy to say, but when he came back today, he was so active, didn't he still get pushed away?

Thinking about it, her beautiful eyes gradually became firm:

"No, I must become stronger, even if I am not the opponent of Big Brother, I must catch up with Qiaoer!"

During the same period, the pressure of competition was very high.

Her best friend also looked at Yun Zhou with hot eyes.

Maybe you want to give it for nothing more than her!

Therefore, her subconscious mind took Yun Qiaoer as an imaginary enemy.

Even if they all become big brothers, they have to be judged!

My pelvis is wide and my hips are big, so I will definitely have a boy in the future.

If the strength surpasses her...

It can definitely be bigger!

I don't know what he was thinking or not, Chu Liuli looked serious.

The big knife was kicked aside, and the long sword in his hand began to dance...

The second day was sunny.

Yun Zhou opened the curtain, and the dazzling light poured down through the window.

He let out a mouthful of turbid air comfortably, smelling the pleasant fragrance of 693, he felt very comfortable.

【The world is so beautiful!】

With a sigh in his heart, he suddenly looked back:

"Auntie, I didn't lie to you, my nephew feels comfortable sleeping in my arms!"

Bah, I don't have such a bastard nephew like you!"

Yun Susu was covered with a quilt, her hair was spread out in a bun, and three thousand black hairs were spread flat on the pillow, her cheeks were flushed, and she turned aside in embarrassment.

Although it is outrageous for aunt and nephew to sleep in the same bed.

But fortunately, the two "have no blood relationship".

Up to now, the title "aunt and nephew" has become a joking nickname instead.

Pretty outrageous.

Yun Susu hid under the blanket with a red face, her toes tightly clasped together.

Well, she didn't know if she was crazy or not.

He actually believed Yun Zhou's nonsense and left him to sleep together for the night.

Although he said he didn't do anything too extreme, this little guy still didn't want to tell the truth.

Yun Susu couldn't bear to hurt him, and was afraid of being found out, so he could only endure it all the time, but ended up being treated lightly by this little bastard.

Fortunately, the other party still took her "out of breath" into consideration, otherwise she might have been confused yesterday...

But even so, he was forced by this little bastard to agree to the Taoist companion.

Only then did Yun Zhou let him go.

"Hey, listen to your voice, Xianggong." Yun Zhou leaned over with a smile on his face.

"Don't come here."

"Call quickly.

"Msg, Mrs...."

Yun Susu made a noise like a mosquito, and then covered her face with her small hands, she was too ashamed to look at anyone.

Until half an hour later.

Yun Zhou pinched her cheek again, and pecked her lightly, before she sat up blushing.

[Phew~ The torture is finally over. 】

【My favorite little Susu is finally mine!】

【Although the last step was unsuccessful, sooner or later it will be mine, this cannot be forced...】

[Thinking that I am so domineering, Xiao Susu must be in trouble. 】

[After all, the identity change is too fast... I have to comfort myself when I find a chance. 】

After thinking about it in his mind, Yun Zhou put on his outer shirt.

Yun Susu, who heard this heartfelt voice, bit her red lips lightly.

All right.

The reason why she went from resisting to accepting.

Mainly because I can hear Yun Zhou's heartfelt voice.

The doting and admiration in the other party's heart is definitely not fake.

Especially when the other party pecked her yesterday, the heartfelt confession made her feel weak.

And, about the matter of "hearing the voice" itself.

She also felt that it was a predestined arrangement.

Originally, she had a different feeling for Yun Zhou yesterday.

In addition to a series of confessions by Yun Zhou, and this touching voice...

How could she resist it under the true love (bfbb) feeling?

This is like the story of Xiaolongnv and her past.

It's okay to not recognize this kind of love between men and women.

Once you get caught in it, you can't get out of it!

Yunsu and Su Tian fought and made up their minds to escape.

But in the end, he stepped into the trap of love.

Of course, it was also thanks to the fact that Yun Zhou didn't use any method in his mind to review the game.

Otherwise, Yunsusu must be impatient.

"What an enemy, I am ashamed to death..."

"And if I am like this, am I too sorry for my adoptive brother and sister-in-law?"

While Yun Susu was arranging her clothes, she inevitably felt a little guilty.

After all, when her adoptive brother asked her to take care of Gu Yunzhou.

It's the kind where the elders take care of the younger.

As a result, the situation has developed to the present, and she has been taken care of by others in a daze and has become a lover...

No matter how you look at it, it is an old cow eating young grass!

She seemed to sense Yun Susu's depression.

Yun Zhou smiled and stroked her cheek: "Are you thinking about my parents?"

Hearing this, Yun Susu pursed her red lips, and Xia Za said to her:

"I always feel that we will be unhappy if we raise a brother and sister-in-law like this...or else..."


Before Yun Susu could finish speaking, Yun Zhou put a finger on her red lips, and said with a light smile:

"They won't be upset, and they'll bless us."


Yun Susu was taken aback, "Why?"

Yun Zhou's rare serious response: "Because they know that their son has found the person he likes the most!"



Yun Susu was caught off guard by this sudden confession.

A small face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

"Actually, to be honest, what I am most satisfied with my parents is that they picked you up for me."

"I have very few memories of my parents, but I'm sure they'll accept it if it's someone I love.

"So, don't blame yourself, let alone think too much."

"If your parents are well-informed, they would definitely be more willing to let you be their daughter-in-law than adopting a younger sister.

"If you are still worried, give me a few more children in the future."

"With a grandson, surely they won't blame you?"

At the same time as he finished speaking, Yun Zhou habitually pecked the other party.

At this moment, Yun Susu was in a daze.

She didn't expect that Yun Zhou would suddenly confess to her.

Moreover, every word she said was heart-warming, and the knot in her heart that was formed together was untied just like this.

For a moment, her heartbeat speeded up again.

Unlike yesterday, this time the woodpeckers were switched. .

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