Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1472 : Battle With Auntie's Date! Yun's Mysterious Operation! (Seeking Subscriptio

hear this.

Yun Zhou hugged her waist with a half-smile, "Why should I lie to her?"

"I, if I want to cheat, I will cheat my aunt's heart."

I'm not interested in her as an unworldly nun.

"Call~ You're talking nonsense to coax me again."

Yun Susu glared at Yun Zhou coquettishly, but she felt sweet in her heart...

Along the way, Yun Zhou and Yun Susu strolled along.

Although Yun Susu deliberately covered her face with her celestial power, her enchanting figure was still eye-catching.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women makes passers-by turn their heads frequently.

But they don't care.

Maybe he's used to this look.

The two were not disturbed at all, enjoying the date with peace of mind.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the street ahead.

I saw a group of people gathered around a booth, both men and women.

There is also a flag plaque "counting marriage" beside it.

Yunsu Su's beautiful eyes lit up, "It's a person taught by Marriage!"

"Ah? Marriage Teaching?"

15 Yun Zhou was stunned, "Is there such a sect?"

Yun Susu glanced at him with mentally handicapped eyes, "You have been here in Immortal Realm for so long, and you haven't heard of Marriage Sect?"

"No, what is this sect doing?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, I will explain to you later, come with me first."

Without giving Yun Zhou a chance to ask more questions, Yun Susu led him into the crowd.

It may be the effect of the built-in BUFF. With the appearance of Yun Susu, the crowd automatically dispersed to both sides.

Yun Zhou looked along the middle.

I saw an old man sitting behind a small table.

Unshaven, with long hair and shawls, he is wearing a Taoist robe with four large characters embroidered on it:

"Marriage Elder."

At the old man's hand, there are still a few copper coins from the Immortal Domain.

The two characters "upper and lower" are also engraved on the copper coin, and there is a bamboo tube beside it, and there is a bamboo stick in the tube.

At first glance, isn't this a standard fortune-telling liar?

But Yun Zhou thinks so, but others don't.

In their view, the people who taught by marriage are the authority.

There are even many Taoist companions.

Because after the calculation of the marriage teaching, there are many people who parted ways on the spot.

Of course, more is the marriage fit.

Yun Zhou looked at Yun Susu who was full of interest, and said with a smile:

"Auntie, you are also the master of Yunling, you still believe in such things?"

"Oh, you know a fart."

Yun Susu glared at him angrily, "Although Marriage Fate Sect is not a big school.

"But the Taoist priests inside all master the yin and yang Taoism, and they are very accurate in calculating the relationship between men and women!"

"And who can say such mysterious things accurately?"

"Anyway, it's not bad for us to let it go, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Yun Zhou also felt a little reasonable.

He touched his chin, "Okay, then let's forget about it."

After speaking, he came to the table.

He took out ten top-level fairy stones from the storage ring and threw them on the table.

"Ahem, Elder Marriage? Come on, please do the math for me?"

The people on both sides saw Yun Zhou's extraordinary temperament, and he got ten top-level fairy stones in one shot, so how dare they compete with him.

They waited on the side first.

It just surprised Yun Zhou.

Seeing these ten fairy stones, the elder behind the table was not surprised at all.

The cloudy old eyes stared at him for a while, then shook his head:

"With your status, ten fairy stones are not enough."

Yun Zhou: (000)...

Good guy.

This old man still knows my identity?

Is it because I look out of the ordinary, so you want to knock me off?


The corner of his mouth curled up.

Then he took out a dozen more from the storage ring and threw them on the table.

"Is that enough now?"

"Barely force it." The old man coughed lightly, then sat up straight.

In front of Yun Zhou, he fiddled with a few copper coins on one side and threw them upwards.

After falling, the old man's eyes changed.

The wrinkled old face was inexplicably surprised.

Then he threw it in disbelief.

Seven or eight times in a row.

Finally, Yun Zhou couldn't stand it anymore, "I said, have you figured it out?"

Hearing the words, the old man raised his head slowly, his eyes filled with bewilderment:

"Boy, you're so good at riding a horse!"

Yun Zhou: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean you don't understand?" The old man looked at Yun Zhou, his beard trembling, "It's been dozens of times? Are you from Dao Tie?"

"...Take a step to speak!"


After a while.

Behind a big tree.

Yun Zhou grabbed Elder Marriage's neck, and the two stared at each other.

The old man swallowed his saliva, felt the immortal power on Yun Zhou's body, and almost wet his pants pocket.

This damn.

When did the powerful emperors have the leisure to visit the city in the island?

"Tell me." Yun Zhou narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "What have you figured out?"

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, "It's're lucky."

"And the aspect of inheriting the family... is very strong.

"The girl who came with you just now, she has an indissoluble bond with you.

"If I'm not mistaken, the relationship between you and her... is quite taboo for 013, right?"

All right.

If Yun Zhou had thought him a charlatan at first.

But after such a wave, he believed it.

After all, he has never told anyone about his relationship with Yun Susu.

It is quite mysterious that this old man can figure out the "taboo".

Yun Zhou coughed twice and didn't say much.

Then he reached into the storage ring and pulled out dozens of top-level fairy stones in one go.

"Just figure it out, don't let others know."

"Also, don't you count marriage, you are helping me count something

After finishing speaking, he hugged the old man's shoulders and walked directly behind the tree.

With a smirk on his face, he doesn't know what he's talking about...

"Shout, what are you going to hide here and say? Playing tricks.

Yun Susu followed behind the tree, looked at Yun Zhou and snorted coldly.

Yun Zhou smiled and shook his head, "The marriage between my disciple and my aunt is a secret, and the elder said that we can't tell each other.

After speaking, he took a bamboo stick given to him by the old man, smiled and stuffed it into the storage ring.

Yunsusu blushed and glared at him.

"Think you're hiding behind a tree so I can't hear what you're saying?"

"It's a villain who bribed someone to lie to me for that kind of thing.

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